Meet and Greet

Re: Meet and Greet - My thoughtsteeth_smile
JimmyPW 58 Reviews 734 reads

Well,  you would have liked it then..  41 ladies were in attendance at one time on another that night.  And I only took two home with me.  LOL LOL

Send me a e-mail to [email protected]

Any new ideas, for future events.

How often do you want me to do the JPW Atlanta M&G's

Do you want a different venue?? Something other that a cocktail party?

How far would you go for a different type of venue?

How about a cruise?

I used a new place last time, do you want the location to not be the same every time?

To you that do not attend M&G's.  Why?  Would a much smaller discreet event be what you are looking for? 10-15 men and ladies?  Less?

I may not be able or want to do what you ask, but I will "take it under advisement".  LOL

THANKS AGAIN TO YOU WHO HAVE AND WILL SUPPORT the meet and greets, mine and the others in Atlanta also.

I have never attended one (only because I was unaware of them till this one and had a conflict).  I do think the current format works well.  A centrally located bar/restaurant.  Something like a Cruise would be harder to attend because of the extended time required.  As far as using the same or different location, I would say do what's easiest for you.  For us the main draw is to meet the ladies and fellow hobbyists, so venue is not a focus, other than it being conveniently located.

Again a big thank you for pulling these events together.

Well,  you would have liked it then..  41 ladies were in attendance at one time on another that night.  And I only took two home with me.  LOL LOL

Is maybe do one 2nd week of November when I'm in town lol!!!

nghoyang647 reads

I have a problem talking to the girls as they just stayed together talking to themselves or all the nice looking one always have a guy hanging on their shoulders all night. I think we should set a time say 8pm when all the ladies would introduce themselves and which is their agency. We should encourage the ladies to spend more time socializing with everybody. We should also suggest to the guys that if they are so interested, let the girls circulate in the meeting and they can meet in a separate arrangement. They should not monopolize the girls. If you worry about announcing their agency, you can ask them to put a code on their name tags and the guys can look up the codes. The party environment was better in Roswell. The food was better. I just stayed 30 minutes and I had enough. The main goal for the meeting is to meet and greet. Just my two cents worth.

I do not know who you are. I do not have a nghoyang in my data base.  Just go up to a lady if you want to meet her, we all understand we all want to meet ladies and it is expected to interrupt.  LOL

Just wonder if you have another M&G in cool weather when I'm not so

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