Meet and Greet

Re: An excellant disertation on what a M&G should be.............
anon44557788 See my TER Reviews 7554 reads

I am planning on using your description and another one Bobb gave awhile back for ours.

Thanks tons. Your wording was perfect.

AtlMeetingOrg10604 reads

Please read carefully the following:

In order to insure an adequate level of privacy & security and to make things more comfortable for all concerned, recipients are blind copied with the location. This means that you will need to make sure that mail from this sender is not filtered out because your address is not the primary "To" address. (This has been a problem for hotmail users).

A few words concerning invitations and "passing the word along"...

The Meet and Greet will be a "by invitation only" gathering. If you would like someone to be invited to the meeting, suspect that someone is inadvertently being left out, or are planning to bring someone with you, please let me know within an adequate amount of time and an invitation will be sent after a reasonable screening. Yes, everyone is "screened" . if a person does not receive an invitation, it is either because they did not clear the screening, or they did not send in proper information.

Spreading the word, or telling a friend or business associate to just show up is not appreciated by many of us and ...well, frankly, rude. Please do not bring someone who has not been invited. They will not be admitted.

Furthermore, the locations are private for your infomation only. Do not under any circustnces disclose the location. NEVER, even if you know or think the person already knows or should know! Any violation will cause you to be removed from the invite list. This has happened in the past and I will remove you from the list. It is for your and our safety.

I feel a responsibility to my friends to maintain the security and comfort level of the group. Being aware of who is attending, making sure that they are aware of how we get together & under what conditions, and ensuring that we get along as a group.

This is a social, no grab a**, no uninvited contact, PERIOD. No business, funny or otherwise, is conducted during our socials. What you do before or after the gathering is none of mine, or anyone else's concern. We are simply a bunch of friends, getting together, sharing some libations, lies and if you wish, dancing.

Also, you will have to commit the social's highlights to memory, since photography is also not allowed. No cameras or cell phones with camera capability allowed.

This should go without mentioning, but just to be crystal clear… There are many people involved and in no way will they be jeopardized by someone bringing,distributing or selling illegal items at the social. So please do not even think of bringing with you any drugs and NO DRAMA. We have been very successful in having get-togethers where everyone leaves their problems behind and enjoy themselves and the company of friends,that's what this is all about.

We are all adults , so we will conduct ourselves in that manner.

Gentlemen: The guys have been graced with the ladies presence, and are expected to show their appreciation by sharing in the tab. In the spirit of fairness we are requesting that each gentleman start off the night with a deposit. When the tab is settled, the remaining funds will be used for past and future events. The plan is for the deposits NOT to fall short of the tab.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me. [email protected]

Just Ol Jimmy

CyberSatyr8095 reads

I'll echo the other comment, Jimmy. It was great meeting some folks and I've no problem at all with the process.

But I did check, and I actually did receive the first email the day I mentioned to you at the M&G, on the Friday previous. I also seemed to receive more than one copy. I'm not sure why the delay. None were filtered to my spam folder or anything (I check it at least daily anyway.)

In any case, thanks again for organizing this!

I had a good time. I know I echo everyone else when I give kudos to you for organizing these m&g's. I look forward to attending the next one. Thanks again for your hard work.

as one who has organized M&G's, this is exactly what we want them to be.
Unfortunately, there are some who just think a M&G is a "grab a**" sex party. And they need to be educated from time to time.

Thanks for reminding everyone what it is really all about.

Just my opinion...

I am planning on using your description and another one Bobb gave awhile back for ours.

Thanks tons. Your wording was perfect.

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