Meet and Greet

lets get a M&G going in Boston anyone else up for it?
mwelch 10237 reads
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m4u38 11434 reads
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slyderluvs 33 Reviews 10789 reads
4 / 16

I don't wish to be cryptic but this should help....

The moral of the story... make friends.. and ask around. It doesn't always drop ever so nicely in your lap.

bobenglish 11737 reads
5 / 16
bobenglish 10648 reads
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really don't this a chat room ?

anon556644 9671 reads
7 / 16

It's not a chat room. This board is for the dissemination of information for M & G's only. Chat, ads by providers and commercial ads are strictly prohibited.
The Mod

-- Modified on 8/1/2007 12:10:56 PM

bobenglish 14588 reads
8 / 16

sorry!  but im new to this and still don't get it

anon556644 11403 reads
9 / 16

Just post your question here. Usually the Newbie board handles this type of stuff, but I will be glad to help you.

AngieRenee Love See my TER Reviews 12295 reads
10 / 16

The thread slyder provided is helpful as well as this one I posted as a history lesson.
It might give you an idea how things have been done and how to get involved.
Make friends is a huge part of the community.

KateSpinner 10903 reads
11 / 16

Anyone can start a MnG can they not?  If noone attends or anyone attends, it is a function of the organizers themselves.  There is no trademark is there?

bobenglish 9913 reads
12 / 16

thanks polecat' I'm still trying to figure out how to pm you, and thanks Angi that was a great read.  Ok then so when and where do we meet in Bostn?

AngieRenee Love See my TER Reviews 9163 reads
13 / 16

People don't want to attend something a person, male or female and without reviews or ever posting. It is just how Boston is when it comes to being private.

anon556644 12180 reads
14 / 16

No trademark. It may as well be called Kate's Happy Hour.

slyderluvs 33 Reviews 12739 reads
15 / 16
KateSpinner 9856 reads
16 / 16

Personally I like to meet new people, that's why its called a meet and greet.  Meet new people.  Sorry if this is a chatty post

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