Meet and Greet

Just over 4 weeks away and our numbers
SunSensualMnG 431 reads

are increasing!!

Currently we have 25 ladies who are planning on attending!

Check out the list on our blog and RSVP now to be part of this great Red Hot Party

Sarah and Makenzie

It’s winter time, but we’re in Florida, and we like it hot! Join us for A Red Hot Winter!  
Come and share an evening soiree that’s sure to singe your senses and heat your heart.  
When: Wednesday, January 11th from 6:00pm to 10pm.
Where:  Tampa, Florida

Attire: As dressy as you like: Red Hot!  

Ladies: Please don your hottest or sexiest red dress, keeping in mind the theme is Red Hot. Let your imagination run wild! (Just remember to wear something over any revealing outfits as you’ll be walking through public space to get to our private party location.)  

Gents: Dress to impress, and perhaps get into the spirit by wearing something red.
The location will not be publicized until the day of the party in order to preserve the highest level of discretion and safety. It will only be announced on the invitation the day of the party. However, we can tell you that it will be in a very secluded private room, well away from public eyes.  

Gents:  an entrance fee of $100 will be collected at the door upon your arrival.
Ladies: your gracious and gorgeous presence is payment enough.

There will be an open bar and hors d'oeuvres during the party.

If you’ve received invitations from us before, you’re already on our screened list and will automatically receive an invitation to this special event.  

**Please do not make hotel or airfare accommodations until after you receive the invitation. If you need suggestions, send us an email and we will gladly send them along**

As security and discretion are our top priorities (next to sexy fun), all attendees will be screened without exception. To be added to the list of invitees, please send the following information to
[email protected]

~Stage name & Ter ID#
~Website address, email address & phone (this # will not be called-it’s only
  for reference the day of the get together)
~Link to at least 2 good reviews from gents with at least 5 or more reviews.
~Twitter Handle if you care to share (not required for entry to the party but we do use to promote the parties & the ladies)

~Real first name
~Email address
~Cell number (this # will not be called-it’s only for reference the day of the get together)
~Twitter Handle if you care to share (not required for entry to the party)
~2 references within the last 6 months from well known/reputable ladies who have at least 5 good reviews. Please include a link to each lady’s working website, her email address, and/or a telephone number. You are advised to contact the ladies and inform them that we will be in touch with them as this will expedite the screening process.

Once we’ve received your information, we will verify you and add you to our Invitation List. Once you’re verified, you will continue to receive invitations to all our future parties.

PLEASE! Do NOT PM us here as we cannot read it. Please email us at [email protected]

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us and we will be happy to address them.
Your hostesses for the evening,
Softly Sarah (ter # 198060) and Makenzie Rae (ter #143954

Another fun night to be had!

Make sure to check your spam for your invite if you are on the list already!

If you want to get on the list, send us what we require so you can get in
on all the fun.

It will be a Red Hot Time!!

Please check out the blog post about Aldo Antonio who is coming to  
see us and is available for photos!

Aldo is also one of our Vendors....

are increasing!!

Currently we have 25 ladies who are planning on attending!

Check out the list on our blog and RSVP now to be part of this great Red Hot Party

Sarah and Makenzie

Due to the numbers we are receiving we have to do some advance planning, and as such there are some deadlines of which we'd like to make you aware:

1/8/2017 (Sunday) by midnight we would appreciate your RSVP so we can plan for food for the venue & to get a good idea as to the number of attendees.

1/10/2017 (Tuesday) by midnight, we must have final RSVPs. Please note: if you cancel after this, or are a NCNS, and you are a gent, you will be required to pay the entrance fee for our next party in advance. Last minute cancellations for our parties fall into same category as last minute cancellations on a lady... it's just not a good idea, so please take this seriously. Thank you! We really appreciate it. If you are a NCNS, and any gender, you will be removed from the party invitation list and you'll have to write to us to get included on future invitations.

We are at over 30 ladies from all over right now!!! You will be sorry if you miss this Red Hot party!!

Sarah and Makenzi

Register Now!