Meet and Greet

I sent in an alert report so they edited .... EOM
jackmacguyver 3267 reads
1 / 15

Meet and Greet  Burbank CA USA 1st Tues. of the month.  I am working on a Meet and Greet for providers that will be at [MODERATED].   6:30pm to 7:30pm first Tuesday of the month.  More to follow . . . .


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 953 reads
2 / 15

...and now you're organizing an M&G?  And apparently it's for providers and YOU ALONE!  

Seriously dude...

ßëå±põë± 857 reads
3 / 15

Now we're gonna have a bunch of weirdos lurking around the parking lot of Ramsey's on the first Tuesday of the month...

On a side note, I will be selling lotion and baby wipes next to the valet service!


bond007 31 Reviews 995 reads
4 / 15

Posted By: jackmacguyver
Meet and Greet  Burbank CA USA 1st Tues. of the month.  I am working on a Meet and Greet for providers that will be at [MODERATED]   6:30pm to 7:30pm first Tuesday of the month.  More to follow . . . .  
So this is what happens when I retire?

Angela_Petite2 See my TER Reviews 820 reads
6 / 15
Blofinger 12 Reviews 670 reads
7 / 15
mingdoy 34 Reviews 738 reads
9 / 15

At Disneyland "Happiest Place on Earth"

greatsex4u 81 Reviews 677 reads
10 / 15

Yes - sorry Bond - your WERE the party. The party has left the building.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 706 reads
11 / 15

Posted By: greatsex4u
Yes - sorry Bond - your WERE the party. The party has left the building.
In fact, the party went below the radar;P

loves2hobby 770 reads
12 / 15

Once again his inner Sybil has escaped.

dontknowanymore 4 Reviews 592 reads
13 / 15

they didn't get all the references....

Reported this one to be moderated as well...

-- Modified on 8/26/2013 6:13:19 AM

bond007 31 Reviews 660 reads
14 / 15

Posted By: SecretMe11
they didn't get all the references....  
 Reported this one to be moderated as well...

-- Modified on 8/26/2013 6:13:19 AM
They only edited the content of the post, they didn't kill it.  Nothing beneath it.   If u don't remove the post, nothing beneath it gets removed either.

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