Media & Erotic Literature

I miss the Godzilla v. Mothra movies
OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 413 reads

Far more entertaining (esp. the subtitles/dubbing out of sequence with the actors' lips) even though the special effects were rudimentary :-)

And I agree with Mr Fisher, too gritty & war-like.

grippen691924 reads

wow look at those pics. anyone else excited about batman v. superman??

This looks awsum!!!1! Bet Battman slams all the gurlz in their 24/7!! LOL!!!

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 6:29:46 PM

grippen69473 reads

idk about that but sure looks amazin

Posted By: Luv2SlamBitchez
This looks awsum!!!1! Bet Battman slams all the gurlz in their 24/7!! LOL!!!

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 6:29:46 PM

Looks like surplus left over from Iraq.

I know the tendency now is to be all dark and edgy, but does that have to include being ugly?

Far more entertaining (esp. the subtitles/dubbing out of sequence with the actors' lips) even though the special effects were rudimentary :-)

And I agree with Mr Fisher, too gritty & war-like.

macanudo427 reads

My wife named our child Gotham
Now when he is crying in the night
She says: honey, Gotham needs you
And I cannot resist and I have to go...

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