Massage Parlors

Discrete versus Discreet
123456a 7 Reviews 5392 reads
1 / 7

I'm in NYC.  I have only gone to MPs that are in office buildings.  The last year I have noticed quite a few store fronts opening up.  Is there any difference in the level of service provided?

Do you feel uncomfortable walking in and out a spa where others see you?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 688 reads
2 / 7
lopaw 29 Reviews 678 reads
3 / 7

...but an office or medical building gives the illusion of "therapeutic services" if you are concerned about what others think about you entering the facility. Personally I couldn't care less what someone else thinks about me entering either an AMP or a somewhat shady medical building. Life's too short to worry about things like that.

Max101 8 Reviews 629 reads
4 / 7

My go-to places these days in the DC area are mostly all street entrances in medical facilities.  The advantage to this is that I can go to the closest Metro, grab a taxi and tell him I want to go to "the medical building" at 1234 Main Street.  I always ask to be dropped off at the main entrance to the open-air facility.  I walk through the complex because the AMP entrance is on the back side.  I approach from the longest side of the building so I can get a good look at the parking lot and check out if there are any people around the entrance.  If there's nobody else around, I just walk into the AMP.  If I'm spooked for some reason, I just walk past it to the elevator bank around the corner.  There are a couple of others in the area that have inside entrances in two-story buildings housing 4-8 businesses.  That is a lot more discrete except if the AMP is the only business on a particular floor or in a particular building.  The risk of being seen is greater because there's no escape once you're inside the building.  Also, you're much more likely to be recorded on surveillance video inside a building.  This may sound like tinfoil-hat stuff, but I figure it's worth it to play things as safe as possible.

ShorelineAmpVIP 554 reads
5 / 7

As in low-key. "Discrete" is actually a mathematical term meaning "differentiable" or able to be told apart from another, which is sort of  the opposite of what you intend to say here.

BenneeProfane 98 Reviews 578 reads
6 / 7

Things tend to be a little different in NYC than elsewhere. The NYC spas that offer extra services in storefronts have been in Chinatown for one thing.  It’s been my experience that storefront spas in NYC are therapeutic only  but maybe you are uncovering a new trend.  

In the suburbs of NYC, spas in storefronts may offer HE but in my experience nothing more. GFE places keep a lower profile

impposter 49 Reviews 551 reads
7 / 7

Posted By: ShorelineAmpVIP
Re: methinks you mean "discreet"
As in low-key. "Discrete" is actually a mathematical term meaning "differentiable" or able to be told apart from another, which is sort of  the opposite of what you intend to say here.
See this older thread, too.

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