
Re: You know, I get that a lot ;) EOM
flotilla 177 Reviews 300 reads

Gee, I thought I was the only one who felt that way about you.  I thought I was special.  Poor, misunderstood me. I'll just go on watching this football game all by myself.

A good whine. Everyone loves a good whine. I loveeee to see people whining about how dead the board is. What's your fave thing to whine about?!!

I'll start. My fave thing to whine about is people whining! And dumb ISOs!

Your turn!

So well said, succinct, to the point and in my opinion, right on target !!!

I just love intelligence, articulation and directness in a woman.

Gee, I thought I was the only one who felt that way about you.  I thought I was special.  Poor, misunderstood me. I'll just go on watching this football game all by myself.

that you decide to stop emailing, commenting, and PMing me. I would not have guessed I'd still be waiting for it 3 years later, but here I am. Surprised you haven't joined twitter

Hey, I meant the wiine and cheese. What are you bringing?

My most recent and recurrent pet peeve is ISO replies......"I'm not a spinner but"....for Christ's sake a spinner is not tall nor chunky/obese. Every ISO is answered by the same providers and I'd think that the op knows who's around or they wouldn't have asked for help. I guess most guys aren't committed to their original searches??? Me, I've got options and I'm very visual so why waste my cash when there's always something else I need to spend on. Also I hate the fact that you just can't ask without someone else hating the fact that you asked!!! I'm sure someone knows a girl that would help me out with my blow and go desires, but why ask because no one wants to share. Then there's the whole gfe thing....the fact that there's donations involved says to me that I don't need to whine and dine you or bring you gifts or sit around talking about ourselves....shut up and blow is business.....right???

-- Modified on 2/7/2016 11:35:05 AM

-- Modified on 2/7/2016 11:40:45 AM

Considering I may have drawn just a teeny bit of inspiration from you...

For every provider who answers every ISO regardless of the criteria, there's 10 guys who put one up that says "looking for any female". You know, pretty specific.

Also your lack of reading comprehension is shining yet again. I actually said that I was indeed whining about whining. RIF.

Since you are apt to find whatever meaning you personally want out of words that are clearly written, it makes total sense that you'd think just because it's GFE and you're paying, it should be "shut up and blow me". How dare anyone take any time to get to know any they're about to be intimate with!!!

You are proving yourself to be a total gentleman...good fucking luck.  

And yes business is business. My business is my business and your is yours and never the twain shall meet.

Hon, u r so easily baited. Reading is fundamental. What's a word worth anyway??? I really have no interest in donating to ur personal charity. Yes, even though I come from a good family, breeding, and social position I still believe that services I am paying for should be exactly what I've paid for....lip service without u r saying u get paid to talk??? And yes, girls provide services without the faux intimacy u need....because they need donations or they just understand and respect why the guy is there and are true to their profession??? Nothing faux about a wad of Benjamin's. There's also a question of intrusiveness when u r asking personal questions....I know u think it eases tension but can make some folks uncomfortable talking about their life outside the incall because they only came for the expected service. Oh....obligatory self defense....I can be a total gentleman when it's not.....uh and if the occasional occasion presents itself. Good day Madame

-- Modified on 2/7/2016 3:07:26 PM

-- Modified on 2/7/2016 3:16:41 PM

ONLY whining on this thread! Get with it folks!

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