
Re: She prolly does anal BB as well as part of her "VIP services"...
sweetbonnie See my TER Reviews 609 reads

honey i have so many rates cause  i get tires of questions so it gives  you options.. and like i said before i provide my results and do request them . but again you and or no one in this forum knows me .. and just making so many judgements ..  

have a great day no

This provider appears to offer BBFS.... openly offered on her rates page if you scroll down.

Been doing this a long time... and know that providers will do this on occasion but this is the first time I believe it has been openly advertised! That is pretty bold...  


it seems that she only offers BBFS during the time of month when she has her period. It is listed as no condom under "period play"

That really seems safe --- NOT!!

wrps071440 reads

I have heard report after report that in some places 50% of the bp providers offer bbfs.  This is what a few bp providers told me. The ones that don't want the calls put in nothing bare or no bbfs.  

She has had bbfs ads for at least a year.

-- Modified on 8/5/2014 4:36:06 PM

Hi this is about me me see and for one if you would've called me, you would know I ask for test result and for the deposit or to make sure no one's time is wasted now I think it is absolutely rude that you guys would say things like this about me you don't know me and must not be knowledgeable at all cause you would see that many girls ask for deposit and many girls offer buffs so thanks for being rude have a great day

this is about me and you shoulde of called me cause now you post this thing all over the forum where now evryone can see and fuck up my business cause you have no clue about the thanks for making me ound likei fuckeveryone bare that im nasty.. and now i lose business all becuase of this post.. you should of called me ...

NewEnglandGangsta757 reads

You were the one advertising those services.  People here can discuss about you or any other prostitute that TER allows. It's what this board is for: to talk about prostitutes.  

You're real smart implying that us guys here are losers for paying for pussy. That is by far the dumbest, rudest,  and most ignorant thing a prostitute can say about her clients.  

Did it ever occur to you that many of us have a woman already and whores like you are nothing more than our sexual play toy for hire? Thats right,  a sex toy with no strings attached.  What did you think this really is,  a Romeo and Juliet love story?  

However, I wouldn't sleep with you even if you paid me. I like them leaner,  cleaner,  and younger.

honey for one yes you can say what you like about us and so can us  about you its a forum and i know exactly what this is honey ..  

and two my clients would never say that about me cause they know me you guys think you can say what you want and talk about us how you want like your any better than us .. its a business you pay for services and we provide  

and yes i will stand up for myself  

thanks for your 10 cents have a great day now rude .

AliasThatIsntTaken602 reads  you're welcome and good luck

CubaGooding_Sr702 reads

Just an speculation of course. She has so many rates it makes my head spin!

honey i have so many rates cause  i get tires of questions so it gives  you options.. and like i said before i provide my results and do request them . but again you and or no one in this forum knows me .. and just making so many judgements ..  

have a great day no

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