Los Angeles

Yes, in L.A, a john taking a bus is a red flag. Ever heard of Uber? (E)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 142 reads


Let the buyer beware, this flaky bitch is out to play mind games and waste your time. I Called her around 5:45, and after she texted me her general vicinity, I found the fastest route on Google Maps, then told her that I'll be there at 6:30. I told her I wasn't too far away, but that it'll take a while because I'll be traveling by bus. When I got there, that's when she hit me with, "I don't know many people who take the bus, so I won't accept you if I'm not comfortable, just so you know. So you still wanna go through with it?" Now she tells me, but I was already there, so I was like what the heck. Long and short of it is that it took her 30 mins to text me her exact address, then when I got there, she was like give me 10 mins. Just so I wouldn't seem clingy, or desperate, I gave her an extra 5 mins to make it 15, then I texted her to remind her I'm still waiting, and that's when she went dark on me, but it's funny how while I was waiting, I saw her come outside to act like she was moving her vehicle (when what she was really doing was watching me) then I watched to see what room she re-entered. She had me wait for almost an hour (until it was dark outside), on foot, in a bad neighborhood, with a dying cell phone, and the worst part was that she could've told me right from the get go that she wasn't interested (or she could've ignored my calls), and I would've gone somewhere else, but no, she actually made me get as close as the front of the motel just so she could waste my time, energy and money. I have other things to do with my time, my whole life doesn't revolve around this hobby. If nothing else, I learned that this hobby just isn't for you unless you drive, but yet I was successfully doing this hobby while riding the NYC subway, so that's complete, utter bullshit. How the fuck is it a red flag if someone takes the bus when you have criminals who drive cars? While screening me, she asked me if I'm drama free, and I said yes, yet I think it's pretty obvious who caused all the drama tonight even though she advertises herself as being drama free. I think she focuses more on promoting her brand than she does on providing an actual service, and in how she treats her clients. I guess it's my fault because many of her previous reviews said she and her pimps are real shady, and I kind of just ignored that thinking YMMV, but it could've been worse, at least I walked away with my life, my freedom, and my money, I could've walked right into an ambush. All this concern for her personal safety, and it's funny how the stupid bitch gave away her exact address not knowing who I was, I could've turned out to be anybody.

ShillBill120 reads

Why in the world would you want to see a provider who has an average review score of 5.94/5.47 after 17 reviews.

the question of the day.  I hope Newbies are paying attention.  

Punctuation is your friend.  As to why he selected this beauty of questionable merit, perhaps the low rate and she’s on the bus route?    I wonder if she figured that he may be trying to pay her with food stamps?

At least we know he’s not just anybody like he could have been.  But thanks for the warning though, just in case somebody actually needed it after reading her reviews.

I don't have time to be polite when I'm on a rant, goddammit!

It's not like I'd attempt to shortchange her, or anything like that. So why does the mode of transportation matter? And why does one tend to assume that if you take the bus, it must mean that you're broke?

...has always had the connotation of being for "poor people". Not always true and not a fair assumption to always make, but it is there and it's hard to break that stereotype for many people.

Because people in La do not ride the bus unless they're broke if anything they'll take Uber or Lyft

I've always known that, but this hobby is supposed to be the great "Equalizer."

remember ...   Nobody walks in LA ..   Only a Nobody walks in LA ..  or takes the bus   LOL

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