Los Angeles

Nightfalle 14 Reviews 433 reads

Just when I thought I heard it all.  Sad to hear you had to deal with this kind of odd behavior.

-When you book with us, we assume we're seeing YOU and only you. Don't try to 'gift' us to your buddy who's also staying at the same hotel for your conference, even if you are tired. And if we agree because we're gracious and paranoid about bad reviews from new clients with whom we're not feeling a connection, don't then try to play with us for an hour and a half and then expect us to have sex with your buddy afterwards when you assume you can book extra time (at midnight). Uh, and especially don't try to do this without offering an extra donation, because now you and your buddy constitute a couple.
-Don't tell us about your BBFS exploits unless you want us to whip out a microscope and a home STD kit. Ugh.
-Don't state that our reviews are accurate and then score us lower than those self-same reviews, especially after a barrage of continuous compliments.  
-If we're clearly low volume and mention another career taking off, please ask us before you post a review, especially if it's not stating anything new (and fails to mention the fact that you tried to 'give away' your second hour).  

I'm just kinda floored. I've been so extremely lucky in my wonderful, thoughtful clientele that I forgot what a gamble this can be, even with screening. :/

I should be, but I'm not. While my business is obviously not the same as yours, it is a service business, and I find people trying to take advantage on a regular basis - whether by overstaying their welcome ("just one more question"), attempting to negotiate the rate, or "quick" phone calls that wind up being a half hour or more of time.

For me, at least, the tough part comes in deciding where the leeway ends. How many calls are OK, and how many are too many? Even if you present a purely logical and valid reason, someone will still give you blowback for it. It's pretty annoying. It's more annoying when that same person acts completely differently when they are on the other side. At least I can respect consistent behavior...

All I can say is that you have to manage expectations. It certainly seems like you do, which is good, and push back when someone tries to take advantage. Good for you. Keep it up. And if we ever meet, hopefully I won't be 'that guy.

matuschek373 reads

Did the gentleman also suggest the frugal tactic of his friend reusing the same rubber after a quick rinse?


Just when I thought I heard it all.  Sad to hear you had to deal with this kind of odd behavior.

Rooney525 reads

Please Blacklist this direstrait idiot, Harlowe, and  see that others do too. There's no need to suffer fools as awful as this guy. I think you should try to get his shittily written review removed, too since he left out a MAJOR component of it--trying to share you, of all things. Unreal. What a POS.

-- Modified on 11/13/2014 2:54:32 PM

That's just a laundry list of what NOT to do to your provider all in one session... if it weren't so awful it would almost be comical, just for being so extremely "out there".


Like you said at the end there, whenever I hear of a story like this one or have a bad experience of my own it always makes me so much more grateful for the guys out there who really make me genuinely enjoy & love what I do. It is a good reminder that we do always have to be careful & that not everyone is a gentleman.... but I'm so happy that most of them are!

Wow i'd never do such thing but have thought about setting up a friend with a lady i know for a B-day present with her permission of course .Also one mans 10 can be another mans 7 ,i see so many reviews where a guy rates a girl 10 in looks & i look at her pic & just shake my head.

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