Los Angeles

The reality is that you can't have your cake and eat it too.
lopaw 29 Reviews 1092 reads

If you insist on BB activities, then there are never any guarantees. You have to be willing to take your chances. You are not likely to encounter any providers willing to prove they are STD free, especially on paper, and @ $350 or less. Sorry but I think you are going to strike out on all counts.

I know this isn't the best thing to bring up to get the motor running, but I am looking for a provider that offers bbfsm, bbbj, riming & newbie friendly (no FS desired). Now here's the thing, I am EXTREMELY worried about catching HSV/Herpes. I've done my own homework on transmission and prevalence, but I still want to be extremely cautious - while at the same time fulfilling my carnal desires. My fear is that some of the good providers I want have high mileage, so greater risk they have it. I would love to see a provider that gets tested regularly and is up front (though I may question where their heart is when answering)- hence it would be nice to show me some type of documentation. And if they do have it at least be upfront and be regular on taking suppressant meds. I am probably asking for too much here as it looks many hobbyists go with its just a risk factor (or they already have it so they don't give a hoot). One more thing, I don't want to break the bank, so an hour session at $350 or less would be nice. Thanks for reading my rambling!

If you insist on BB activities, then there are never any guarantees. You have to be willing to take your chances. You are not likely to encounter any providers willing to prove they are STD free, especially on paper, and @ $350 or less. Sorry but I think you are going to strike out on all counts.

I truly appreciate the response. I am a newbie, so wasn't sure if there is a happy medium in terms of hobbyists minimizing risk factors. And damn I am like a fat kid that can have enough cake! :-)

I agree with lopaw!!!
The reality is that you can't have your cake and eat it too.
If you insist on BB activities, then there are never any guarantees. You have to be willing to take your chances. You are not likely to encounter any providers willing to prove they are STD free, especially on paper, and @ $350 or less. Sorry but I think you are going to strike out on all counts.

If you are super careful and germ-aphobic, you should get tested every month.  
That, in and of itself, costs more than $350!

...cheap, std-free, open to BB services?

Have you ever heard the phrase: "good, fast or cheap, you can only pick two"? Same thing applies to Hobbyland.  

1) cheap & std-free = less services offered
2) cheap & more services = risk of stds
3) more services & std-free = $$$$

Those rules apply to most providers 99.9% of the time, especially around TER. Maybe try backpage if you're looking to score that trifecta lottery ticket.

Current porn stars have to get med checked.  Otherwise fly to nevada and hit a brothel where testing is also required.  350 is tight though

BBFSM... but no FS....  was that a typo? and you mean essentially no full service but FBSM only?  

Regardless this is a tall order for your price point. Like has been previously stated you either need to be ready to pony up more $$$ to ask such a thing and get it. Or accept that at this price point for lowered risk and peace of mind to just go with more covered/safer activities.  

This might be outside your price point but you may just want to consider looking into a Sugar Baby arrangement where this would be more the norm and you could agree to be exclusive for set period of time. Just a thought.

the fact of the matter that most labs do NOT even check for herpes.  Many times a provider will tell you she is STD free when all her tests come back that way but I am almost certain it doesn't include herpes testing.  Porn stars do not get tested for it.  About one in four women have hsv2 and I think that about 75% of the women in the business do.  Condoms can reduce the risk but not completely since it is acquired by skin to skin contact.  Most people who have hsv2 do not know they have it and have no symptoms.  The virus shed sporadically so even if there are no signs it can still be contagious.  Frankly what you are looking for is probably not available for even $5000 an hour

LOL. Gee Harpman... I've done my research too and I play as safely as one can without resorting to FBSM services only or just not playing at all... I know the risks are low if you're careful but I read stuff like that and it just makes me want to pack up my ball/glove and leave the field for good!

Harpman60704 reads

you ought to be  responding to hardman , whoever that is , and not yours truly who up to now has not posted a comment in this discussion .    

Posted By: greenwood95
LOL. Gee Harpman... I've done my research too and I play as safely as one can without resorting to FBSM services only or just not playing at all... I know the risks are low if you're careful but I read stuff like that and it just makes me want to pack up my ball/glove and leave the field for good!

LOL. Sorry Harpman. My Mistake.  

Posted By: Harpman60
you ought to be  responding to hardman , whoever that is , and not yours truly who up to now has not posted a comment in this discussion .    
Posted By: greenwood95
LOL. Gee Harpman... I've done my research too and I play as safely as one can without resorting to FBSM services only or just not playing at all... I know the risks are low if you're careful but I read stuff like that and it just makes me want to pack up my ball/glove and leave the field for good!

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