Los Angeles

Re: I'm fascinated by how you & Harp turn every thread...
Beemer310 35 Reviews 463 reads

I wonder if the same people who opposed the term k-doll will respond to you using the term k-hoes? Probably not because they are hypocrites.

Same case applies but the silence is deafining.

Bookers and kgirls laughing at us? Hahaha. Its ok. At least I can go laugh with them. I don't need my "friends" to pass on stories about seeing kgirls.

Beemer still loves you.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...to the K-world.  The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two.  Get a life.

When writing a statement such as:

a woman has "pouty" lips..make sure it doesn't read "poultry"........I just had a totally embarrassing moment at the local Pinkberry......

Anyone have any other funny ones??


Harpman60646 reads

owned business you patronize. Share your embarrassment.

Posted By: Beemer310
When writing a statement such as:

a woman has "pouty" lips..make sure it doesn't read "poultry"........I just had a totally embarrassing moment at the local Pinkberry......

Anyone have any other funny ones??


...Young Lee was arrested at LAX while attempting to flee the country after beating up a transient.  The former kickboxer turned architect severed his relationship to Pinkberry a few years ago.  The business may have been founded by Harpy's precious little K-world but it was devoured by American capitalists.  

And yes, I was there in the beginning on Huntley Drive too.  It was insane; friends were driving from the West Valley just to get a Pinkberry.

Talk about blinders......someones got a bad case of it as well it seems...

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Young Lee was arrested at LAX while attempting to flee the country after beating up a transient.  The former kickboxer turned architect severed his relationship to Pinkberry a few years ago.  The business may have been founded by Harpy's precious little K-world but it was devoured by American capitalists.  

And yes, I was there in the beginning on Huntley Drive too.  It was insane; friends were driving from the West Valley just to get a Pinkberry.
-- Modified on 7/7/2012 12:30:55 PM

...Auto correct and asked for other examples but one-note Harpy once again turned it into a K-thread for no apparent reason even though he has many Auto Correct malaprops of his own he can cite.

I merely corrected Harpy's factual errors.  As John Adams said: "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

And why do you feel the need to come to Harpy's defense (with a post that makes no sense to boot)?  He can put on his big boy pants and defend himself - unless you're both the same person as some people are saying.

Why don't you apply your observations to yourself as well? You seem to have a fascination with him that goes well beyond this board in my opinon.

If he wants to talk about Kgirls or what ever floats his boat, that's his business. If you disagree fine but you seem to be taking things waaaaay to personal..( I would cite another example but "Yugo" what it is.)

As far as Harpman being big enough to defend himself, I am sure he is and I am not defending him..I am calling you out on your obvious fascination with him. You made a statement about someone wearing blinders but then you aptly forgot to add yourself to that list.

You can spout all your latin lingo but ultimately you always end up with egg on your face..


...to the K-world.  The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two.  Get a life.

Why do you care if he made the comment? All you had to do was move on. You make this effort along with other hypocrites that we talk too much about the kgirls but yet YOU always want to interject yourself into the topic. Noone else responded but you.

Bookers and kgirls lauging at us? How would you know? Oh I get it, youu just made another assumption on soimething you know nothing about again.

Bigpapasan, keep doing what you are doing because the only one laughing is me at how sad you have become. I guess you are in tight with the kgirls and bookers to have such meaningful conversations with them about me. It is nice to know that I can affect you this way. Hahahah. Wow. What issues you must have when harpman or myself bring up such topics hih? We are that influential on you? Oh I forgot! You were the one who dedicated a whole post to me. How sad of you..

Hahahaha. Trust me you looked foolish for posting it and I am know you felt foolish when they took it down. Probably laughing at you as we speak. So get a grip of yourself buddy. Don't let me and harpman control you. You might end up freakingdelusional...you know? And now you think that harpman and myself are one and the same? Seriously? You are freaking delusional.

Beemer loves you bigpapasan and your alias.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...to the K-world.  The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two.  Get a life.
-- Modified on 7/8/2012 4:23:33 PM

I wouldn't know. You seem to be the biggest [moderated] on the boards any way..

See how you act all high and mighty and then you fall off your high horse by yourself...Too funny...(and predictable)

Whats the matter? couldn't hang so you had to revert to cock jokes...probably yours being the biggest joke?

C'mon man...get a hold of yourself (probably doing a lot of that huh?) Do you let yourself get flustered so easily???

Bigpapasan....how lame....

Beemer still loves you Bigpapasan....stop being sooooo delusional ok? It's not healthy...

ad astra per alas porci

(yeah..it's nice to know you can use wikipedia for latin lessons huh?)

-- Modified on 7/9/2012 10:12:50 PM

-- Modified on 7/9/2012 10:14:23 PM

I wonder if the same people who opposed the term k-doll will respond to you using the term k-hoes? Probably not because they are hypocrites.

Same case applies but the silence is deafining.

Bookers and kgirls laughing at us? Hahaha. Its ok. At least I can go laugh with them. I don't need my "friends" to pass on stories about seeing kgirls.

Beemer still loves you.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...to the K-world.  The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two.  Get a life.

LE_phobic350 reads

Hey, Bigpapa, we all know by now that you detest Kgirls, but I thought the word hoes is reserved for use by mysoginst. Recall that talk show host Imus was ousted becuz of use of such degrading term. Plz learn from Imus to issue apology!!

Posted By: BigPapasan
...to the K-world.  The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two.  Get a life.
I typically ignore the back and forth between you guys, but thought you might be interested in knowing some of the kgirls and bookers read the boards too.  I dont see any reason to reference them in a demeaning manner as insult to beems or harps.  Why not keep the flames torching each other and not use the kgirls as a method to insult, nor insite stereotypes.

Harpman60336 reads

Posted By: Rodgerdaily
Posted By: BigPapasan
...to the K-world.  The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two.  Get a life.
I typically ignore the back and forth between you guys, but thought you might be interested in knowing some of the kgirls and bookers read the boards too.  I dont see any reason to reference them in a demeaning manner as insult to beems or harps.  Why not keep the flames torching each other and not use the kgirls as a method to insult, nor insite stereotypes.

Harpman60427 reads

to describe the K-dolls we would go after, however, as i stated more than once he is not worth the time or effort. His remarks are a reflection on him and not the K-dolls .

Bubba is obsessed with but can't get an appointment within K-dolls so he takes out his frustration by  calling then names he would not dare call women of  any other ethnicity , stalking me or trying to psyche out B310 without any success and only succeeding in  exposing his ugly and dark side.

The K-dolls pay no attention or even notice him. Irrespective of what he calls then they still dominate the LA hobby scene and their phones are ringing off the hook. Ain't life sweet for some.  

Posted By: Rodgerdaily
Posted By: BigPapasan
...to the K-world.  The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two.  Get a life.
I typically ignore the back and forth between you guys, but thought you might be interested in knowing some of the kgirls and bookers read the boards too.  I dont see any reason to reference them in a demeaning manner as insult to beems or harps.  Why not keep the flames torching each other and not use the kgirls as a method to insult, nor insite stereotypes.

Harpman60477 reads

not worth the time or effort to waste time on. I leave him to hippo cheap thrills. My response to your post served it's intended purpose be like clock work bubba responded. No need to dignify his remarks with a response because the mission was accomplished .Bubba   yourfreakindelusional  ......ooops where is the auto correct.

Posted By: Beemer310
Talk about blinders......someones got a bad case of it as well it seems...
Posted By: BigPapasan
...Young Lee was arrested at LAX while attempting to flee the country after beating up a transient.  The former kickboxer turned architect severed his relationship to Pinkberry a few years ago.  The business may have been founded by Harpy's precious little K-world but it was devoured by American capitalists.  

And yes, I was there in the beginning on Huntley Drive too.  It was insane; friends were driving from the West Valley just to get a Pinkberry.
-- Modified on 7/7/2012 12:30:55 PM
-- Modified on 7/8/2012 7:12:06 AM

for me it's ok bcause it is so funny how he easily gags on his own words and has no leg to stand on other than his one liners and useless information....

Seems like he is stalking you....

Shooo BPS...shooo....

Beemer rolling up his newspaper..

I waste more friggin time correcting for that digital nanny's intrussive and often wrong conjecture. I gotta find a way to 'defeat' that feature on my mobile.

Posted By: Beemer310
When writing a statement such as:

a woman has "pouty" lips..make sure it doesn't read "poultry"........I just had a totally embarrassing moment at the local Pinkberry......

Anyone have any other funny ones??


I don't have any good one but this link does.

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