Los Angeles

Re: Here we go again
GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 516 reads

Exactly. Excellent point. This post just boldly stated "I am a time waster" when you are complaining about the rate and saying you contacted someone at a rate you have never been comfortable with.

ok, i am a big proponent of folks getting as much $$ as they can for their services, whatever their work.

and i know that the hambuger lunch at my local diner costs about twice what it did 20 years ago, i am very accepting of inflation as a fact.

yes, the median rate for this endeavor has gone up steadily over the last 10 years i have been involved.

but i have recently seen more than one instance of a price range that just blows me away (and not in a good sense of the word either).

i've seen ads for young women with no reviews, asking $1k an hour.  one lady even admitted to me in her email that she's new to this!

i am perplexed to think that somebody who is brand new can see that level of price as a beginning level of income.  wow!  and tbh, the pictures of some of these girls didn't seem outstanding to me.

i know prices are going up, and i know los angeles is a prime market. but it seem a little amazing to me that a newbie can attempt to charge elite prices more in line with a seasoned professional.

ShillBill630 reads

Another post complaining about rates. So you contacted one of these $1,000 providers, why? Based on your post it seems like you had no intention of seeing her. Next time, do what most of us usually do when we see a provider at a donation we object to, we move on.  

Btw, nice comparison, hamburgers and escorts.  

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
ok, i am a big proponent of folks getting as much $$ as they can for their services, whatever their work.  
 and i know that the hambuger lunch at my local diner costs about twice what it did 20 years ago, i am very accepting of inflation as a fact.  
 yes, the median rate for this endeavor has gone up steadily over the last 10 years i have been involved.  
 but i have recently seen more than one instance of a price range that just blows me away (and not in a good sense of the word either).  
 i've seen ads for young women with no reviews, asking $1k an hour.  one lady even admitted to me in her email that she's new to this!  
 i am perplexed to think that somebody who is brand new can see that level of price as a beginning level of income.  wow!  and tbh, the pictures of some of these girls didn't seem outstanding to me.  
 i know prices are going up, and i know los angeles is a prime market. but it seem a little amazing to me that a newbie can attempt to charge elite prices more in line with a seasoned professional.

CaptainRenault488 reads

If I don't, I wouldn't.  That simple.  I think a Ferrari is a beautiful auto, but not only is it beyond my price point, I don't think it is worth it -- or is that two ways of saying the same thing.  But I would not go to the dealer and test drive it (assuming they let you, which I doubt), and would not complain on an auto blog about the price....

i don't know about a brand new car never heard of before asking ferrari prices... that's what i was talking about.

Exactly. Excellent point. This post just boldly stated "I am a time waster" when you are complaining about the rate and saying you contacted someone at a rate you have never been comfortable with.

rollaxroll423 reads

Totally agree!

Posted By: GoldieKnox
Exactly. Excellent point. This post just boldly stated "I am a time waster" when you are complaining about the rate and saying you contacted someone at a rate you have never been comfortable with.

not that i have to justify, but some reading comprehension skills here are pretty damn bad these days.

my post didn't say i contacted somebody at a rate i was uncomfortable with;  it said (in one sentence) i've seen ads for women with no reviews asking $1k an hour.  in a new sentence (for those of you who missed third grade reading, a new sentence means a new thought) i said,  one lady i contacted admitted she was new at this.  

nowhere in that second sentence did i say the ad of the new lady stated her rates.  in fact what happened was her rates weren't posted, i contacted her asking about it, she came back with the answer of $1k/hour, and that she was new at it.

to be honest i have no problem paying a higher rate for women who are established and have a good reputation, or for women i have seen before and i deem to be worth the higher rate, if they happen to raise their rates.  

of course there are those here who misread (some purposely) what i was talking about in the op; my question isn't about  higher rates, my question is about higher rates asked for by women who haven't proven themselves in the marketplace to be objectively worth it

ShillBill394 reads

Since you felt the need to explain yourself again and no one seemed to understand what you said in your first post.  

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
not that i have to justify, but some reading comprehension skills here are pretty damn bad these days.  
 my post didn't say i contacted somebody at a rate i was uncomfortable with;  it said (in one sentence) i've seen ads for women with no reviews asking $1k an hour.  in a new sentence (for those of you who missed third grade reading, a new sentence means a new thought) i said,  one lady i contacted admitted she was new at this.    
 nowhere in that second sentence did i say the ad of the new lady stated her rates.  in fact what happened was her rates weren't posted, i contacted her asking about it, she came back with the answer of $1k/hour, and that she was new at it.  
 to be honest i have no problem paying a higher rate for women who are established and have a good reputation, or for women i have seen before and i deem to be worth the higher rate, if they happen to raise their rates.    
 of course there are those here who misread (some purposely) what i was talking about in the op; my question isn't about  higher rates, my question is about higher rates asked for by women who haven't proven themselves in the marketplace to be objectively worth it.  

where i get paid handsomely, thanks.

but you're right, i don't know why i feel the need to explain myself to this bunch, who obviously don't understand nuance of either the english language or marketing skills.

also, the use of an alias automatically undercuts any authority your argument might have had in an adult conversation.

Or does your birth certificate say "BigPeterJohnson" ?  

With this logic nobody here is credible which includes you:
"also, the use of an alias automatically undercuts any authority your argument might have had in an adult conversation."

Just sayin...

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
where i get paid handsomely, thanks.  
 but you're right, i don't know why i feel the need to explain myself to this bunch, who obviously don't understand nuance of either the english language or marketing skills.  
 also, the use of an alias automatically undercuts any authority your argument might have had in an adult conversation.

rollaxroll364 reads

cant agree more.  people who use alias have their own reason, it's none of others business.  whatever you use, real name, alias, who cares? I am always amused to see someone who think he is superior because he doesnt use alias.

Posted By: GoldieKnox
Or does your birth certificate say "BigPeterJohnson" ?  
 With this logic nobody here is credible which includes you:  
 "also, the use of an alias automatically undercuts any authority your argument might have had in an adult conversation."  
 Just sayin...  
Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
where i get paid handsomely, thanks.  
  but you're right, i don't know why i feel the need to explain myself to this bunch, who obviously don't understand nuance of either the english language or marketing skills.  
  also, the use of an alias automatically undercuts any authority your argument might have had in an adult conversation.

If she is hot, somebody is going to pay it.  Because when it comes right now to it, a lot of gents think with their small head and have a lot of disposable cash.  And quite frankly, if she can get it, more power to her.

Its one reason I am on the downside of my "hobby career".  I rarely see a new lady these days.   I pretty much see 1 lady only.  While I can afford the higher prices, I have never been able to justify it.  Believe me, there are many many ladies in LA I would love to see.  But, I have my limit on what I will spend and I pretty much stick to that.

My two centavos.


as the market loses 900 points i have a funny feeling that escort prices will be going down now  ..or at least they will be open to negotiating.  

hey a girl can ask anything she wants ...  its up to the gentleman to decides what sometimes companionship is worth.     for some guys a new girl is very desired and can carry a premium. .

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
ok, i am a big proponent of folks getting as much $$ as they can for their services, whatever their work.  
 and i know that the hambuger lunch at my local diner costs about twice what it did 20 years ago, i am very accepting of inflation as a fact.  
 yes, the median rate for this endeavor has gone up steadily over the last 10 years i have been involved.  
 but i have recently seen more than one instance of a price range that just blows me away (and not in a good sense of the word either).  
 i've seen ads for young women with no reviews, asking $1k an hour.  one lady even admitted to me in her email that she's new to this!  
 i am perplexed to think that somebody who is brand new can see that level of price as a beginning level of income.  wow!  and tbh, the pictures of some of these girls didn't seem outstanding to me.  
 i know prices are going up, and i know los angeles is a prime market. but it seem a little amazing to me that a newbie can attempt to charge elite prices more in line with a seasoned professional.

...so she throws out a nice round number like 1K.  Let's see what happens in a month or twp when her phone isn't ringing or her inbox is empty.  Unless she's a part-timer with another source of income, she'll be dropping her rate to a realistic level soon.  Give us an update, BPJ.

1.  Prices are determined by what the market will bear.  

If the young lady has overestimated her pricing, she will quickly realize her error.  On the other hand, if she priced her services correctly, then she should have sufficient clientele to support her. There is nothing wrong with that!

2 It is my educated guess that most Hobbyist here earn significantly more than most Providers.  

I know I can afford to pay an hour for most ladies here.  If that is the case, then it is senseless to haggle.  I won't see a lady I can't afford, and I don't whine if a lady is out of my price range. No one wants to feel cheated; both men and women want the most from their time together.  

Now, I'm off to watch this Game of Thrones (Season 1- Episode 1) that everyone is talking about..  



-- Modified on 6/27/2016 8:19:49 PM

well i respectfully suggest you are missing my point.

i'm well aware that the market will bear what the market will bear.  i just am amazed at the idea that someone with no experience will ask for elite prices of those who are proven entities.

sure, there are guys that will shell out $1k just to be with a hot 21 year old.  personally i'd rather shell out $1k to be with a hot 21 year old that knows what she's doing in terms of servicing clients.

it's rather like a kid who's cooked dinner for himself through out his teenage years deciding to open a 5 star restaurant and being the star chef at four seasons prices.

just my observation.

ps spoiler alert on game of thrones:   they all die

I`m always surprised when I see ads for providers who offer GFE etc, usually with out of state area codes, but no reviews, asking for the same $$$ as well reviewed girls.

I understood what you meant and it is still a silly post.  There is absolutely no way to know which of the myriad of factors that a girl may think of when picking a rate.   Maybe she is from an affluent upbringing and to her,  a grand is not that much.  Maybe she wants to be very low volume and see only high end rich clients who are not concerned with the cost of luxury items.  Maybe the girl you contacted looked at your posts and reviews and quoted you a price that she knew you would turn down.  Maybe she just plain doesn't give a shit and knows there are always fish that will bite the hook.   It may just be totally random.   Maybe maybe maybe maybe.  Maybe.    

If you don't want stupid or silly answers, don't ask stupid questions or make silly comments.  The bottom line take away is that you are complaining about a price, no matter how you want to sugar coat your OP.

the girl didn't have my ter handle, simply my email.

and again i repeat the girl i contacted didn't mention her rates in the ad, elsewise i wouldn't have emailed her (and, i reiterate, under my non-ter email name).

i've paid prices that high for ladies.  but ladies who have proven themselves in the market place to be high performance and worthwhile.  i don't find it "silly" to wonder aloud on a forum about an amateur charging professional prices.

and seriously?  a stupid question?  if this were a restaurant review forum, and some guy who never worked in a restaurant before decides to open a 5 star eatery with himself as the celebrity chef even though he never cooked a day in his life that anyone can find, and he decided to charge four season prices, then it would be silly for me to ask for people's opinions on this?

jinx, if you're willing to pay premium prices to put your dick into someone who never had hosting experience before, risking the $1k for what will probably be a mediocre experience at best (statistically speaking), then that tells me you don't care if you waste $1000, and that tells me you have no respect for money or the people that have to work hard to achieve it.

or else you're just a self-important troll.

Except that none of that was in your OP.  At its essence you complained about a girl who you've deemed an "amateur" charging what she does.   My point is that it's a stupid question and it appears from most of the responses you got that many agree with that.  You've seen fit to reply to most either by attempting to vilify the responder or justify that your OP wasn't silly on its face.   Who then, is the self important troll in this thread?

Perhaps if you asked your question in a more neutral manner, instead of being "blown away" by a girl's asking price, which is her absolute right to ask for, your post wouldn't come across as whining and demeaning to the ladies.

The rest of your reply here regarding what I do or don't do is simply an ad hominem fallacy and needs no further comment.

to your question! I think you were really just curious about the psychology behind why such increased rates from newbies with no real specific reason other than possible inflation.
Here it is answered from an escort perspective. Many gals that look at escorting from the outside world, see only a few website profiles, with top hourly rates and it is their push to jump into the business. If you watch "The Girlfriend Experience", that show does a pretty damn good job of focusing on the glamour of high end escorting. One minute she is a law student, the next minute she is a 1,000 an hour escort with a 2 hour minimum.
Because the wannabe escort doesn't have enough details about the business, she does not take into account, the necessity of high reviews, a client base to start up the working capital, and a high end website.

More often than not, the phone does not ring, she finds a mentor or booker, starts from scratch and works her way up the ladder. Of course any gal can pick any price, but the percentage of men that can afford 1000 an hour is substantially lower. And like any business, you need significant working capital in order to keep your escort wheels in constant motion. That working capital comes from your base clients.  

So, basically it comes down to lack of experience 9 times out of 10, and an overly exaggerated perception of escorting by our tv stations.

Another excellent viewpoint and comment from Sugar Julia.  All of the opinions expressed in this thread have some merit.  Bottom line; Providers set their rates and only they really know what their reasoning or rationale is.  BPJ is a frequent poster on this board and raises a valid question.  There's no need to flame him or jump in his face.  In the infamous words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along."

I can still find the same quality of service I did in the US in the 1990s for around $300, maybe $400.  Sure rates have gone up some, but not much.  There will always be some who want to do this on rare occasions and charge big rates.  I'm actually visiting Spain right now and can find how ladies with good service for 150 to 200 Euros.  Good deal!  You can go up to 300 or even 400 Euros if you want to, but it is not necessary.  Inflation?   Not so much compared to how the price of a Big Mac has gone up since the 1990s.

I'm not sure that hamburgers and women have much in common... except maybe that they're both pretty tasty....?  *groan*

All jokes aside, I know that you have good intentions, BPJ, and you didn't mean to compare a woman's priceless offering to a lunch item.  What I got instead from your refreshingly honest and frank post was that you were possibly comparing the market forces of hamburgers to the market forces of women, and that it confuses you that "experience" doesn't play a bigger factor when women are pricing themselves.

And to that I'd have to say that  
A.) I know for a fact that some men value INexperience in our demimonde over experience,  
B.) In that vein, some women are more fun towards the beginning of their career than the end of it (I'll give you one guess as to which camp I fall into, haha ;)  
C.) I also know men who think nothing of paying 1k, 2k, and 3k plus an hour (it's like for them what 5 bucks is to us - LOL) and  
D.) Some women take the "I'm going to start out by pricing high cause I don't know what the market (for my particular brand) will bear" approach.  
E.)  My personal thinking is that for newbie women, experience plays a lot less into their price-setting than men may think. I believe it may have a lot more to do with her own psychological and other issues than many men may imagine. Sticking with the markets rubric, let's call this point "force majeure" LOL.

Thanks for the interesting and bold post, BPJ!


-- Modified on 6/30/2016 11:55:42 AM

what if i said a hair cut 20 years ago cost about half of what it does today?  

you know, i really debated whether to start this (or any) thread on this board, because ter as of late is only comprised of trolls and bullies who can't wait to be contrary to an insulting degree to anybody that proffers and opinion.

people can't disagree on here with disparaging the people whose opinions they disagree with.

i have had many pm's from guys and gals agreeing with me, or at least willing to discuss it like adults, but all of them mention they are unwilling to post here knowing they will be piled on by the trolls and morons.

also, it's telling that the ladies who responded to my op were thoughtful and precise in their answers, and refrained from insults.

i long for the old days of ter when decorum and sophistication were the natural order of the boards.

Wow - decorum and sophistication - now that is a past for which to be nostalgic! :)

rollaxroll269 reads

It looks like that you only like people who agree with your opinion, and call other people trolls and morons.  

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
what if i said a hair cut 20 years ago cost about half of what it does today?    
 you know, i really debated whether to start this (or any) thread on this board, because ter as of late is only comprised of trolls and bullies who can't wait to be contrary to an insulting degree to anybody that proffers and opinion.  
 people can't disagree on here with disparaging the people whose opinions they disagree with.  
 i have had many pm's from guys and gals agreeing with me, or at least willing to discuss it like adults, but all of them mention they are unwilling to post here knowing they will be piled on by the trolls and morons.  
 also, it's telling that the ladies who responded to my op were thoughtful and precise in their answers, and refrained from insults.  
 i long for the old days of ter when decorum and sophistication were the natural order of the boards.

As one of the top rated provider's in this business, I have to see be weary of any newbie to the business asking for 1k an hour. Likely, they don't understand the market or haven't done their research or could even be involved in trafficking. They may not even look like their photos- it could be a fake account and profile.

You should always look for girls that are a little more seasoned. Even I, as a seasoned provider, still keep my rates lower because I want to appeal to hard working gentleman. If you notice, my multi hour rates are lower as well because I cater more to men who want to spend a few hours or go out to dinner, go on a trip, do an overnight or bring me along for business trips.  

There is a strategy behind the business and a place for all types of providers here also. The reviews can tell you a lot about what you are going to get

lol it's funny that the women actually give thoughtful, reasoned answers, and most of the guys are just into sniping and trolling.  whatevs.

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