Los Angeles

Re: Been trying!
radioprograms 6 Reviews 587 reads

I have been waiting for them to come up this way since W LA is a hike for me.  i have not seen a K-Girl before so I guess I am doomed! The ad says it's easy to book if you text all info and I did.  You can only use a reference from a previous provider so many times I think before they get tired of it.  I think a long TER VIP history should be enough for a first visit and then I would be all set because I always get along great with providers.  :(  I mean they won't even text me back and I have been polite etc so if they needed more info they should tell me.  oh well

-- Modified on 8/22/2015 9:09:20 AM

Linsey's a beautiful girl with a really hot body. All natural
and knows how to treat a man. She's new but is becoming  
one of the most sought after Asian providers if she hasn't
already. Beauty, sexy, great skills and knows the art of
seduction. To top if off a great personality with true charm
and poise.  Her limited English doesn't prevent her from being
able to communicate. She is a true charmer.
 She is  located in the  Valley so that's a big plus for those of us who  
live there.


Does she have reviews on TER?

Only need one link.
This is the TER acceptable one.

Mine was the first. She's fairly new.
PM me for more

Posted By: Jay1188
Does she have reviews on TER?

Posted By: mufftime
Mine was the first. She's fairly new.  
 PM me for more  
Posted By: Jay1188
Does she have reviews on TER?
Oh ok. I just saw your review.  

I know you mentioned in it that you have seen Sasha before too? Does she have TER reviews as well? If so, could you provide a link for her's please?

I have been trying to see her all week.  Sent all my info with 2 references, TER info etc then she saild she would check it out and get back to me but hasn't responded to several texts since :(. I am a white listed TER VIP  since 2007 with recent local references but I guess that's  not enough.  She has potential of being my new ATF if I could only get to meet her lol. PM me if you can help. Thank

I'm surprised. I gave her two K-girl booker's names in WLA and  
was okayed almost immediately. Don't know if she knew me from
any previous appointments. I don't always know who the booker
is. I just text. If you see any of the K-girls in WLA use their names
and definitely the booker's name. Let me know.
She is not to be misssed.

Looks like you man need some WLA K-girl appointments and reviews.
I'm sure that must be the problem.
Try a couple of newbies in WLA. There are some very
worth while ones and it should help.
Kiss, Yomiko, Tiny  would be a good place to start

I have been waiting for them to come up this way since W LA is a hike for me.  i have not seen a K-Girl before so I guess I am doomed! The ad says it's easy to book if you text all info and I did.  You can only use a reference from a previous provider so many times I think before they get tired of it.  I think a long TER VIP history should be enough for a first visit and then I would be all set because I always get along great with providers.  :(  I mean they won't even text me back and I have been polite etc so if they needed more info they should tell me.  oh well

-- Modified on 8/22/2015 9:09:20 AM

K-girl bookers usually will only verify with other K-girl bookers.
Try WLA and get one and that should do it.

Posted By: radioprograms
I have been trying to see her all week.  Sent all my info with 2 references, TER info etc then she saild she would check it out and get back to me but hasn't responded to several texts since :(. I am a white listed TER VIP  since 2007 with recent local references but I guess that's  not enough.  She has potential of being my new ATF if I could only get to meet her lol. PM me if you can help. Thanks  
I'm in the same boat as you. I have met like 1-2 ktown girls before but even that has been by luck. Both times went well however their all incredibly hard to book with. Most of the time their all booked up which means their a high volume provider and that's a bit of a turn off. Second, even if they are available, they don't respond back even after texting them reference info.

Only reason I'm even interested in this girl talked about in this thread is because she's located in SFV which is close to me. It's still probably going to be harder than it needs to be to get an appointment with her. I'm completely verified through RS2k and been a member of TER for a while now and have lot of non ktown girl references but all that means nothing to these bookers apparently. They simply don't text back after you send them screening info.

Linsey and her roommate Sasha are high demand providers.
I guess the way to break in is with newbies in WLA that are
more open to hobbyists with no K-girl history.
I started that way and am still making the trek from T. O.  to
WLA, SM, PV  and even MW sometimes. That's where most
of the talent lies. Having Sasha and Linsey in SFV is an  
unexpected treat.

I just spoke to Linsey's booker and what she needs is 2 recent  
recent from active girls and only L.A. No S.F. references.
Not sure what you  guys have available but if you want something
special in the valley like what's available in WLA  then that's  
what you'll need. Her roommate Sasha has been one of the
I-icons in WLA for quite some time. Now we have both of them
and hopefully more to come.

I sent them 2 references from the valley (both were TER reviewed  independent Asian providers) .In this day and age of hacking and all sort of other things it's a lot for us to send personal information and I did it and was willing to send any other info they wanted but they won't respond to my texts,,which I think is very unprofessional..I have not been rude all I have done is exactly what  they requested for their "easy verification" oh well...
I was also very happy to see them show up in the west valley I just wish that since this not been really an area for K girls that they would be a little bit more accepting  of other references and especially a T ER VIP membership. I can't imagine you could be a VIP member of this site for 10 years like me and not be verifiable.   I have been able to book appointments with top tier providers in other cities while traveling on the same day just by communicating through TR email etc. It's pretty reliable

-- Modified on 8/22/2015 2:49:06 PM

We're the 2 references current?
If they are just text again with their contact information and tell her in the text that both are current.  Give all their contact and ad info.  
I don't think she wants your personal information. Possibly someone bad mouthed you.  

Posted By: radioprograms
I sent them 2 references from the valley (both were TER reviewed  independent Asian providers) .In this day and age of hacking and all sort of other things it's a lot for us to send personal information and I did it and was willing to send any other info they wanted but they won't respond to my texts,,which I think is very unprofessional..I have not been rude all I have done is exactly what  they requested for their "easy verification" oh well...  
 I was also very happy to see them show up in the west valley I just wish that since this not been really an area for K girls that they would be a little bit more accepting  of other references and especially a T ER VIP membership. I can't imagine you could be a VIP member of this site for 10 years like me and not be verifiable.   I have been able to book appointments with top tier providers in other cities while traveling on the same day just by communicating through TR email etc. It's pretty reliable  

-- Modified on 8/22/2015 2:49:06 PM

I just looked at your reviews and only one girl is current.
Are there others that you sent her?

-- Modified on 8/22/2015 3:57:35 PM

I think I'm done with them which is too bad.. I'm not going to give them the contact information again they already contacted at least one of my references I don't want them called again. And there's no way anyone badmouthed me not even a thought. I have had all excellent experiences with everyone I have met thru this site in the last 10 years.

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