Los Angeles

It matters
RockHard99 32 Reviews 364 reads

You should try your best to only exchange positive energy to positive people.  Get paid for what you love, not for something you despise.  I think the board and reviews are helpful with pointing out those who enjoy the money within the hobby vs. the ladies who enjoy the fun.

"ATF", if you knew her "TRUE COLORS"???.

Example.....If she was a very rude/unhappy person, who hated Escorting., but has no other choice...

If she was mean to the Grocery Store clerk, treated her house cleaner like a slave, wouldn't give a homeless man 5.00$ (when she just walked out of a 1,500$ date).....What if she was a racist, talked horrible about her clients (that pay her bills), and goes out of her way, to make another provider look bad...

The list goes ON, and ON......  

My question is......Do all the things above NOT matter, as long as she gives you a GREAT time in the bedroom?.

What if you were able to SECRETLY watch her (for a couple days), and you saw all of the above behavior., with your OWN eyes?......Would that change how you feel about her, would you still see her., or is it all about the bedroom??.

C-U-R-I-O-U-S.... :)

NO PM's please..


Kayla* xo



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Very much matters to me. An ATF have been ladies that I've meet family members, traveled and plan to travel with. There is so much more, in my opinion, then just getting your rocks off. In one case the sex just keeps getting better each time.

If she were my ATF it would be b/c I thought I knew and liked her.  So it would probably take a lot to convince me that she was I fact a person whomI didn't like.   If it just amounted to distasteful behavior I would probably continue to see her but less often.  But if I found her behavior truly repugnant then no.  Most of the best parts of sex and attraction occur between our ears.   Even if she was the best physical performer ever.  If I despised her the. I couldn't be attracted.

Compare that to a personal hate fuck.  There is one person who I both still love and hate at the same time for the way she treated me at the end.  I'd love one more time with her.

...and contaminate her performance with her clients.  A doctor who is a schmuck, a lawyer who is a bastard - any professional, I think, who is a bastard or disgusting in his or her treatment iof others would likely exude enough of that attitude with clients to turn many of them off.  Including me, I'd like to think.


ShillBill466 reads

If I had an inkling of this type of behavior, I'd move on.

Interesting question.  In the event I saw such a provider out in the real world either on a longer date or by chance and saw such behavior I'd be much less inclined to see her again.

I would find it hard to believe some of that attitude wouldn't spill over into the sessions though. (Because I think we've all had experiences with blase or poor attitudes within a session and they are easy to note as a non-repeater) The best ones and ATF's/repeaters I've ever had usually were girls who not only were hot but there was a good personal connection with that at least on some level I know was real and not faked.  

The only way I'd see her again is if she was an amazing actress who, in a paid setting, blew my world when i saw her and she was like my all time physical ideal. Even then it would only be a last resort and when I felt I had to have that fantasy girl. Even then it's a stretch.

Since I've never run into this though for now it's easy for me to say- nope, she'd be crossed off the list.

I flew in a girl, set her up with a limo service (a first since I usually saw her when I traveled through her city).  I'd seen her many times before and she had always seemed very nice.  Apparently the limo was late, and she got my number mixed with the service's.  She was so busy yelling nasty things at me about how terrible the service was (they were 10 minutes late all said and done) that it took a while for her to understand that she'd misdialed.  

I told her to keep my deposit and use it to book a flight home.  Turned someone I saw every 3-4 months into a never see again.

This is a curious question--why do you ask? I'll give you marks for originality--I've never heard this one before. As for an answer, I doubt I would be in a position to know a provider that well outside a date; and if I learn she has been bitchy, I'd like to know the reason--everyone has a bad day now and then. Nonetheless, if I am having a session with a provider, and it is obvious she is not enthusiastic with the meeting, I usually leave early, if she doesn't kick me out, and don't come back.

Put this under the wrong response. Sorry!

who has those traits or does the sort of things you listed could ever become an ATF of mine to begin with.  She'd have to be one hell of an actress.

You should try your best to only exchange positive energy to positive people.  Get paid for what you love, not for something you despise.  I think the board and reviews are helpful with pointing out those who enjoy the money within the hobby vs. the ladies who enjoy the fun.

I'm sure there are plenty of very good actresses who mask their secret loathing of their clientele.If I learned that a regular was one a hell of an actress and  actually despised me I would definitely stop seeing her. It would be a total boner killer having her smile to my face  while I wonder what kind of shit she's thinking about me. I'm not into anger banging.Would you patronize a business if you knew they hated you and talked shit about you behind your back?

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