Los Angeles

It could be . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 437 reads

. . . . that you are committing any number of newbie "sins", i.e. talking about sex acts, about money,  asking for address before you have been screened, etc.  Indie girls that do their own booking are naturally cautious with new potential customers.  LE stings are not uncommon in LA, and the indie girls are easier marks than the agencies that use bookers to do the screening before you can see a girl.  Even something you might think is complimentary, like "I hear you give a great BJ" is inappropriate with a girl you haven't meant yet.  I would be willing to bet that if you look closely at the CONTENT of your emails from that standpoint of girl trying to determine if you are LE, you might see some "red flags" in the things you are saying.  

As has already been mentioned, it could also be that you have picked a girl that is popular and has many regulars.  Regulars always trump new clients, unless your name is Brad Pitt or George Clooney, so you have to be patient and let her get to you when she has time.  Once YOU are a regular, you will be more appreciative of the priority given to regulars when you are trying to schedule.

Drop all contact after a few emails?

Sometimes they will respond later with "my internet is down" or "my email is down" but never follow up.  It makes it very frustrating to set up dates.  

I'm not owed anything obviously and I'm not very pushy at all.  I'm just curious what the issue is so I can avoid it going forward

Sometime we tend to over do the email and texts that we send. They're busy answering other messages, be it business or personal. I usually send the initial contact email, then I'll follow with one the day before and then the day of, then that's it. And even that can be over doing it. I think we become blind by our communication where too much can be a turn off...you come off needy and desparate....and just plain horny!

Make an appointment and then later cancel or don't show?

Try to contact a provider at 3:00 AM when they are stone drunk and expect to get an appointment?

Contact a provider about making an appointment then not get back to her when she responds?

Come on now dude.  Most likely, if you have not annoyed her, is that she has had her fill of appointments and is taking time off or already has her tine spoken for.  This play area is full of possible annoyances and if that is the worse annoyance you have had consider yourself lucky.   If I find a provider is too flakey I just move on

...if you're specific about the date and time you want to see them as well as providing your screening info.  Any more, and you could be considered a time-waster.  If she replies okaying a meeting, just tell her you will confirm the day before or day of.

. . . . that you are committing any number of newbie "sins", i.e. talking about sex acts, about money,  asking for address before you have been screened, etc.  Indie girls that do their own booking are naturally cautious with new potential customers.  LE stings are not uncommon in LA, and the indie girls are easier marks than the agencies that use bookers to do the screening before you can see a girl.  Even something you might think is complimentary, like "I hear you give a great BJ" is inappropriate with a girl you haven't meant yet.  I would be willing to bet that if you look closely at the CONTENT of your emails from that standpoint of girl trying to determine if you are LE, you might see some "red flags" in the things you are saying.  

As has already been mentioned, it could also be that you have picked a girl that is popular and has many regulars.  Regulars always trump new clients, unless your name is Brad Pitt or George Clooney, so you have to be patient and let her get to you when she has time.  Once YOU are a regular, you will be more appreciative of the priority given to regulars when you are trying to schedule.

I didn't do any of those things.  I keep the emails extremely brief and vague.

Thanks for the reply anyway.  I'm hardly a noob.

I keep my messages brief, vague, and to the point.

Posted By: darklordxkp
I keep my messages brief, vague, and to the point.  
Independent ladies do their own booking, screening, and call up referrals.   It could be the fault of other ladies whom you had not gotten back to her.   There quite likely a myriad of other reasons why.  

But you're lucky to be in LA which have multiple ladies who are available near 24/7

"Are you free tomorrow?"

To a third party, that is incredibly vague
To the provider, it's to the point

Not sure what you're confused about

...what an incredible time-waster you are.

You:  Are you free tomorrow?
Her:  Maybe; what time were you looking for?
You:  5:00
Her:  No, that won't work for me.
You:  How about 8:00?
Her:  That's OK.  Do you have any references?
You:  Yes.  What do you need?
Her:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8E_zMLCRNg

Everything could have been handled in one email from you and one response from her.  "Are you free tomorrow?" is NOT "to the point."  It inevitably leads to more and more emails.

You're curious as to what the issue is when the provider drops all contact after a "few" emails yet when you're given advice, you reject it.  That's why you're in the dark, lord,  and can't understand why they stop emailing you.

I love how you assume things about me

My initial email already details everything about me, right down to my age, ethnicity, name, and references.  If they respond, then we try to set up a time because I'm trying to accommodate to their schedule.  If a simple 3 minute email string is too much for these girls to bear then they are in the wrong industry.  This is a customer service business at the end of the da

Seeing a particular girl is a privilege, not a right.  Its their game, so their rules.  Obviously, you are doing something wrong.  There are many good suggestions here, so rather than get defensive, why not try a few of them out and see if you don't get a better result?

Posted By: darklordxkp
"Are you free tomorrow?"  
 To a third party, that is incredibly vague  
 To the provider, it's to the point  
 Not sure what you're confused about
Tomorrow she is not "free", she is $$/hour just like any day.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.......  :-)

"are you free tomorrow?"

"no, but i'm reasonable!"

to a third party, that is incredibly corny.

to a provider to whom you have given an envelope an hour before, that is incredibly hilarious.


the above is a koan, grasshopper, meditate upon it, and learn.

Posted By: darklordxkp
Drop all contact after a few emails?  
 Sometimes they will respond later with "my internet is down" or "my email is down" but never follow up.  It makes it very frustrating to set up dates.    
 I'm not owed anything obviously and I'm not very pushy at all.  I'm just curious what the issue is so I can avoid it going forward

Another one  that wants to blame the girl.  Its her livelihood.  What reason does she have to be a flake.

Actually, from what the OP posted, there is zero knowledge of why the provider has not communicated. So, some can make up a defense for her and some can also suggest that she might be a flake. Both are guesses at best and there could be many other reasons.  

And please note I started with "Maybe".

I did note that you started with "maybe", but by the time you posted on Nov. 4th, you had the benefit of reading the subsequent posts on the 2nd and 3rd by the OP and others which revealed he is a bit of a time-waster in the way he approaches making appointments.  Its not the girl's fault if he wants to beat around the bush and not get to the point, and you can't blame her if she doesn't want to deal with this kind of hobbyist.  I'm surprised you don't agree.

You are correct, I do understand the " when tomorrow are you available?" can be a PITA for these ladies. I have learned, mostly, to ask "are you available tomorrow at 3?". Then she say yes or comes up with her time.  
It is still a dance either way.

And in the end, we only have one partial side of a story. With many adding their assumptions. It would be interesting to actually find out the providers reasons. It could be her phone died. LOL

Sounds to me like she's a very busy beautiful woman.  She doesn't need more appointments at the moment and/or she's just not into him.  She's allowed to do what ever the heck she wants to.

She's doesn't report to you, she's not on your payroll and doesn't owe you a damn thing.  

Move on Negative Nelly.  Focus on something positive, smile, it will help you have a happier day;-))

-- Modified on 11/4/2015 11:33:54 AM

And if you are just emailing for the sake of emailing and nothing specific, I understand why they wouldn't want to respond to every one... but if you are trying to set up an appointment then perhaps the ones that don't get back to you in a timely fashion are not really worth pursuing as they may not be reliable...

If I am traveling overseas then sometimes there can be a delay due to time differences or lack of internet but I do my best to respond to all emails..

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