Let's Play

September 8th, 2020 eom
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 765 reads


MediaAdmin42344 reads

The reviewer that creates the 350,000 TER ID will receive a free year of VIP.

If the provider receiving that first review, creates a username and claims her profile within 30 days of the review being posted, she will also receive a free year of VIP days.

For  FREE VIP days, guess the day and time of that review.  The closest, not going over the date/time will receive the days.

For the 180 free VIP days, my guess is June 8, 2020 at 9:00AM EST.

-- Modified on 4/21/2020 6:49:59 AM

TheVoiceOfReason775 reads

How many TER IDs exist right now?  
Also, if a provider delists, then her TER ID doesn't go away right?  
So all new TER IDs are purely additive, right?  
How long do we have to guess?  

TheVoiceOfReason740 reads

I assume that we have about 349,345 TER IDs right now.
I also assume that when a provider delists her TER ID does not go away.
We are probably adding about 20 new TER IDs a day on average.
I assume that this number will increase as the economy opens.
I want to overshoot a little so I don't go over.
So May 30th 11:59 pm EST (to be consistent).

May 31,2020 -- 7 am.

Good luck to all !

I wonder if PS and I are using the same reasoning? But there are some unknown variables, such as who is working the Review approvals at TER on any given day and whether they are in a good mood or a bad mood.

GaGambler774 reads

Yes, I have watched The Price is Right Before so take this IMP.

June 15, 2020, 5:02 Eastern Time, neener neener. lol

and of course you are using the same reasoning, it's not exactly rocket science. Too be honest I was going to give PS a 24 hour "win window" but if you are going to be a dick about it, I can be a bigger dick. LMAO.

If I should win, I pledge to ask TER to give the prize to PS. I mean, what are the odds?

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: I was just talking to PS and I KNEW some asshole would do just this
Yes, I have watched The Price is Right Before so take this IMP.  
June 15, 2020, 5:02 Eastern Time, neener neener. lol
Hay! Drew Carey is the new Price is Right guy!

For the 180 free VIP days, my guess is June 21, 2020 at 1:00AM EST.

The the 180 free days of VIP -- July 4, 2020 12 noon

Once-Is-Not-Enough802 reads

May 29, 2020 6:49 AM PDT

Unless another “The Price Is Right” player pops in real soon with a new time. 🤣

GaGambler770 reads

While Van did make a possibly winning guess of 5-28-2020 12:04 EDT He failed to specify AM or PM and since either one "could be" the winning guess, but it's not possible for both of them to be winners, his guess needs to be thrown out.

This leaves us with two possible winners, Either cks with his guess of 12:04 AM 5-28-2020 OR CDL with his guess of 10:00 AM EDT 5-28-2020. depending on exactly what time profile 350,000 was created, which of course still appears to be a mystery since we seem to have gone from profile 349,999 right to number 350,001 without number 350,000 being revealed to us just yet. So hold onto your tickets folks, this contest is not quite over just yet.

...was playing "Price is Right" just like everyone else and meant "AM."  If a post is vague and ambiguous, the surrounding circumstances must be considered.

-- Modified on 5/28/2020 2:02:58 AM

-- Modified on 5/28/2020 2:11:40 AM

TheVoiceOfReason765 reads

Had to be submitted 2 weeks ago to ensure that there is some sort of skill involved.  So I win, then, right?  There has to be a cutoff for entries (like 2 weeks ago) otherwise it is pointless.  

-- Modified on 5/28/2020 10:09:58 AM

GaGambler761 reads

If TER had wanted fine print they would have done so.  

Don't be a sore loser, I would have loved to have been able to change my guess too as the rate of new approvals rose.

GaGambler749 reads

Even if there had been that fine print you are asking for the other "fine print" in the contest stated  

"The closest, NOT GOING OVER the date/time will receive the days."

Your guess clearly went over, as did EVERYONE else's guess from two weeks or more ago, including mine, so if that were the standard NO ONE would have won. Of course if the rules had included a cut off of two weeks ago I am sure that at least one of our Price is Right players would have guessed "today" which would have been the equivalent of "one dollar" on the Price is Right and I am sure "somebody" would have won, but it would NOT have been you.

Feel better now?

Provider Not Found. Provider 350,000 info no longer available on TER.  
Well, maybe no winner after all for all the "Price is Right" players.

GaGambler777 reads

profile 349,999 was created late last night, the review for number 349,998 just showed up a little while ago. I am sure number 350,000 will show up sooner or later, but it does prove that betting on anything TER related is like betting on Jai Alai, Roller Derby or Pro Wrastling. sic lol

followme745 reads

Perhaps  Admin. is holding back so they can confirm the winner and make a formal announcement.

MediaAdmin2449 reads

We have reviewed all the files and it looks like 350,000 was actually created at the same time as 350,001 (it happens sometimes).  The system then automatically defaulted to 350,001.

It was definitely a Price Is Right game in the last few hours.  

We are adding a few days to everyone who participated but the big winner is:



...who is more deserving.  Now GaG can take his "steward's enquiry" and shove it up his ass.

Cool! Thank you TER! Now let's all band together and get the.site fully revived!

GaGambler762 reads

and does this also mean that "Vivian" the recipient of a 6-2, barely above rip off review is also entitled to a free year of VIP if she creates a user account in the next 30 days?

Register Now!