Legal Corner

This has happened to other providers here....
natashalynne See my TER Reviews 1991 reads

It has not happened to me as I don't use Green Dot.  But the reason I don't use it is that I've seen other girls say that they've had this exact problem....

The best advise is to accept nothing but cash.  

-- Modified on 1/1/2012 3:21:51 AM

i calld to see what was up w my green dot card, they said they r mailn refund, i had card canceled for "suspicious business related activities}   exact words customer service used- and said my info on file n if i try n re open new card theyl deny it.      as i sat there with 160 re up money pack to put on a card . so went back walgreens they say cant return money pack. so now i am usin a green dot card under a friends name addy social ect. since i apparently am permanently banned from ever openin anutha green dot card-   what the f&^%   ! i cant believe they r allowed to do that-

Legal_Beagle2933 reads

I don't know what the suspicious business activity was? In any event I am sure that's a loophole that they have in the boiler plate of their contract. Credit card companies offer us a service provided we go along with all their rules and if we don't then we are out of the loop. You really cannot do anything about it and it may effect your credit rating and the ease of getting another card from someone else. You can write the company and ask for a detailed explanation if you want the exact reason for their action. They may or may not give it to you but you should try as there may be an error. Keep in mind that some of these companies google phone numbers and if you are an escort using the same phone number they have on record, then that might be the reason for the problem, or maybe not.If you find out the reason for the cancellation please let me know by post or pm. Not a great holiday gift, their actions that is.

Here is a link to the contract you signed and it pretty much covers everything imaginable and protects the company 1000%. It probably is not even legal as it is so one sided and unilateral but who can fight them.

-- Modified on 12/31/2011 6:13:39 AM

Legal_Beagle2817 reads

You might find this interesting. Contracts are agreements between two parties, where both sides are bargaining for a common solution, this is called a bilateral contract. Where only one side dictates the terms, it is termed a unilateral contract. Now as it is very expensive to challenge a big company, they usually get away with a lot. Surprisingly many times the terms of their contract border on being illegal, certain clauses, termed adhesionary clauses, so called as you have no choice but to agree with them, are often illegal or unenforceable, however they get away with this because it is too difficult and expensive to challenge them.

The green dot card is basically a credit card where the company takes almost no risk as you pony up the money and, pay them a monthly or service fee, and they give the money back to you as you use the card. Nonetheless, if you go to the link, you will see they want no responsibility and no risk and all the terms favor them. The force you to agree to an arbitration clause that requires you to pay the costs of arbitration! What a bunch of bastards, no sense of fair play. A big law firm who specialize in shaking down these guys will eventually challenge this type of clause and after it works its way through the lower courts where the big companies win, it eventually get to an appeal court where the law says, “this just ain’t fair, you guys got the public by the balls and now you are using a hammer on them!”

Anyway, that is why I advise you to try to settle arguments out of court and avoid lawyers and courts at all costs unless necessary. When folks ask a question, my first response is not to suggest they contact a lawyer, as this is expensive, as a result I try to tell them how to handle it themselves. In this case probably best to just move on but certainly register a complaint if they do not rescind the closing of account without a good reason. There are state consumers boards that collect these complaints and sometimes they are able to get the credit card company to reverse or eliminate the bad feedback on you.

it was christmas eve when i posted. I had realized it was nearing rent time and we havent worked. had no food. or money to oay rent abnd it appeared my cablke bull was up to 300 and goin on three weeks bein over due. I realized i have to work this week. {unfortunetly wouldnt we all love to never work?} so i was all worried bout egttn my ridiculous rent for this nice new luxury apt i am in. i ended up payn the cab to walgreen attempt to get money on card. gettin home realizin they are not lettn me upload money pack to the card or any card for that matter. I was panicking. had to call cab driver back to again drive me back to walgreen. luckily it was a cab driver i know and he allowed me to use his personal info address social securitymothers maiden name. i mean these green dot cards ask you so much info to provide. this particular cab driver gave me the rides free and let me use his info to get a new card the money pack card was non refundable walgreens had said so i wouldve been stuck with an unusable 160 dollars as well as no way to post. thyank goodness for nice people.

DClaw2294 reads

Probably a client who sent you money on the card (which he charged to his credit card) later claimed the charge was fraud (or his wife did, or he did when his wife found the charge) - so they reported it to their CC bank as fraud which backcharged greendot.

Posted By: Legal_Beagle
I don't know what the suspicious business activity was? In any event I am sure that's a loophole that they have in the boiler plate of their contract. Credit card companies offer us a service provided we go along with all their rules and if we don't then we are out of the loop. You really cannot do anything about it and it may effect your credit rating and the ease of getting another card from someone else. You can write the company and ask for a detailed explanation if you want the exact reason for their action. They may or may not give it to you but you should try as there may be an error. Keep in mind that some of these companies google phone numbers and if you are an escort using the same phone number they have on record, then that might be the reason for the problem, or maybe not.If you find out the reason for the cancellation please let me know by post or pm. Not a great holiday gift, their actions that is.

Here is a link to the contract you signed and it pretty much covers everything imaginable and protects the company 1000%. It probably is not even legal as it is so one sided and unilateral but who can fight them.

-- Modified on 12/31/2011 6:13:39 AM

NoKids2460 reads

The problem was her loading habits.

If you load cash more than once a week for a span of some weeks with MoneyPaks to a GreenDot issued card they will shut you down for "suspicious activity" aka money laundering.

because it is the first time that I've heard of Green Dot giving a provider a hard time.

PayPal is infamous for this kind of treatment, often holding the person's money too.  Many gals started to abandon PayPal for Green Dot for this very reason.

It would be nice if there was an offshore provider-friendly insitution that would step in and allow a way for gals to send and receive money electronically.  (Maybe TER would want to set that up?)

It has not happened to me as I don't use Green Dot.  But the reason I don't use it is that I've seen other girls say that they've had this exact problem....

The best advise is to accept nothing but cash.  

-- Modified on 1/1/2012 3:21:51 AM

I wasnt recieveing debit cards from bank. complaining to cutomer service. Getting re issued. Theyd swear/ computer says in mail. I finally called post office to complain . I get my mail man on phone. He tells me he assumed i wasnt there. {despite my halloween and thanksgivin displays} yes he assumed i was no longer there, And had taken initiative to send all mail back for over two months. ! I was livid. But again i didnt want poor old rotten tooth muthr fuckr losin dam job, didnt report it, but i gave him piece mind/ It resulted in all bills pilin up ect it caused so much confusion him with holdn mail from me.

all excited to put up this big vip eros ad/. took ten hours perrfectin ad./ waitin for response they tell me, credit card has to match my name. then tries to organize trip to kissimee fla. To see la nouba playin at disneys animal kingdom and tour and see whats the fla cocks feel like. lol. And it was so complicated, We had to have the hotel email him a form to fill out. I thank fully finally recieved a debit to correct address other day so problem solcved.

shudaknownbetter2352 reads

You need to know what they found.  I know this has happened to others...   so you can avoid this in the future.  What do you use the cards for?

Do you belong to the PO board  (providers only board) You might ask for altnernative that are more provider friendly and also ak if this has happened to others and what they did.  Don't think using another persons identity is the way to go.  I'm sure it's mentioned in the greendot contract that it's also grounds for you to get screwed.  Happy New Year

for to do so sets the stage for a suit over the issues, etc.

About 8 years ago I applied to join Pay Pal as a particular gal I wanted to travel to me insisted on that for a deposit.

I tried to join and got back and email that said that they are sorry but I do not qualify for membership and further that they would not give out any reason or discuss the matter with me further so don't even try.

I didn't.  Fortunately the gal accepted a personal check I sent to her (Not a good idea, by the way, but all went well this time.) and we had our date.

Post script to story.

Recently I wanted to see a gal and she insisted on a Pay Pal deposit.  I explained to her how Pay Pal wouldn't let me join but she said that she checked on Pal Pal's site and I am listed as a member.  Sure enough, I was.  I put through the deposit and everything worked.

Screwy is as screwy does.

Yep, that's exactly what will get you "banned" from Greendot, happened to me this last summer, lol... hey, at least they WILL actually mail you a refund if you still had $$ on your card. There are other alternatives & other companies that you can still use the MoneyPak to re-load, even though you are banned from Greendot itself... they are listed on the MoneyPak card.

Not sure what you are using the green dot card for but if it's business related you are walking a fine line anyway. If you know how to handle your finances there is nothing you can't do with cash, a checking account and money orders. I know providers who have done this for years with no trouble. The worlds oldest profession and it's practicioners all survived long before things like Green Dot and Paypal existed.  

Sometimes, depending on what you are involved in, you need to forgo convenience in the name of discretion.

I had my old mail carrier admit he was sendin all my mail back for over two months, there i was calln soveriegn customer service repeatly headn up local branch, Was very upsetTheyd say well it says in computer its been mailed out! So we d cancel it since didnt get it then resend. I finally had idea hey call post office, get my mail man on phone. He says he thopught apt was vacant and had been sendin my mail back for over two months! It was and caused such a clusterfuck. for me. I still cant get over a mail man doing that. I clearly had name on mail box and was changing my seasonal displays on porch , {love decorating} I also used the actual paper bill as que to go pay. So also the bills piled up. It was so annoying. Luckily mail is comn to new place fine and my debit card came too. what a mess that was.

shudaknownbetter2171 reads

Apparently business use is prohibited.  One complanant had his account closed for using green dot for ads...  said to sell house hold items.  Apparently ok for purchases, but not for ads.  Ads are one area that is hard to pay cash for.  There must be a way...  I just don't know it.

Using anothers information is not a good thing...  but get your money out & shut it down.  At least you can get you money back now.  

NoKids2768 reads

Are you insane or just ignorant?

I'm not trying to be rude but getting a credit card under another person's name, address and social security number is highly illegal.

I suggest you cut up that card and research your options.  There are a number of pre-paid debit/credit cards if you do not have a bank account or unable to secure a credit card.

American Express Pre-Paid

...All of which accept GreenDot MoneyPak reloads.

GreenDot itself will shut a GreenDot account down fast if you make more than one cash deposit a week, a mistake a lot of escorts make.
It appears to be money laundering hence the "suspicious activitiy".

wow. yes theyve been cut up! it was a temorary thing as my old mail man had decided to send all mail back for whatever mean reason on me resulting in me goin w out debit card few months, but hopn it be there everyday ,

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