Legal Corner

Re: I would like to know more about it but....
Ivysparks See my TER Reviews 742 reads

Well I think that America has a agreement with Britain to prosecute any crimes committed in American territory even though it based in their country. I don't know Im not a legal expert. This worries me though. many woman's livelihoods depend on the internet and would force many woman into dire straights.

DO you think with the possibility of the SACE Act becoming law that it will affect review boards? Push our industry off shore, or will we have to revert back to the old school ways of advertising and seeking escorts out?

I'm counting on the fact that TER has it's servers over in Europe to pretty much insulate us from any government hoo-hah.

I hope I'm not being overly optimistic.

Well I think that America has a agreement with Britain to prosecute any crimes committed in American territory even though it based in their country. I don't know Im not a legal expert. This worries me though. many woman's livelihoods depend on the internet and would force many woman into dire straights.

the servers are actually located in The Netherlands.  Do you track hits to your website?  If so, you may notice that very soon after posting an ad on this board, you will get a hit from the Netherlands.  They are very consistent in making sure that we have their banner on our sites if we post ads.  lol

Not a lawyer but groups have raised free speech issues with the bill in its current form.

I really don't believe attacking online advertising is the answer to tackle human trafficking. Yes it is a problem but its been blown up to proportions that are ridiculous. The answer I think is going after the suppliers, not the rest of the pyramid.

so that they don't have to fear arrest if they come forward.

But, of course that makes too much sense.

Totally agree, I don't think big brother gives a rat ass about the victims though. Its jut a way for them to gain good rep with the general public that they are fighting a "horrendous" violation against humanity by arresting as many consenting adult to find the 2% of victims found in stings. I think most human traffickers have their own little circle and that's how they keep safe most of the time. Arresting pimps isn't taking care of the problem either, most of them are small time thugs. Pathetic.

slugtongue591 reads

Thanks for the link. The SaVE Act also refers to sexual assault in higher learning institutes. I was confused for a bit.

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