Las Vegas

Re:Pick one from the lineup, go to her room and be prepared to ...
little phil 37 Reviews 4759 reads

Avoid driving out during the afternoon rush hour.  Pahrump is growing, and the commuters can be intense.  What the others have said is all valid.  Lineups are quick, prices are negotiable.  Both places have a bar.  I'd suggest going to the bar (you'll get company quickly) to see a few of the girls, and then ask for a lineup.  You'll still get the feel & excitement of the lineup, but you'll have an in-the-flesh idea of who you'll enjoy.

Good luck

SouthGaRick4857 reads

I really kind of want to experience the brothel experience, just to see what it's like. I want to look at one line up, just to experience seeing so many beautiful ladies at one time and having a difficult choice to make.
I really enjoy the strip clubs as well, any recommendations for brothel ( looks like Sherri'a may have leg up on Chicken Ranch, based on some other reviews ). I had a great time at Cheetah's last time I was in Vegas.

go to both. They are almost next door to each other

Let's see:  The brothel is about an hour's drive, each way.  Once you've made the trip, you're not going to leave without a session, right?  And, the session, with an unreviewed lady, will probably cost about DOUBLE what you'd pay an independent that will come to you at your Vegas hotel.
Why would any guy want to shlep out there and venture with an unknown, for DOUBLE the cost, not to mention the time factor, when there are so many great independents right in town.
I just don't get it.
But, it's your choice, and your money;  to each his own, I guess.
But, if you want to meet a great independent, check out several that I have reviewed in the past year; I always researched before I hobbied, and have rarely had a bad experience, and have NEVER been ripped off.
Of course, YMMV.

I guess I am a little confused. Do you just want to only view a line up, or have the complete brothel experience?

I suppose if you have the money and the time (it's about an hour drive each way from Vegas to Pahrump), nothing we say will stop you. BTW, I believe you can view a line-up, then say no one meets your need and walk away, if that is all you want to do. The best "selection" is usually just after dinner.

Personally, I think you'll have an even better experience choosing a highly rated Vegas indie and arranging a meeting right in Vegas.

As far as clubs, the Crazy Horse II and the Olympic Gardens get pretty good reviews.

SouthGaRick5668 reads

Well I think at the brothel if somebody really got my attention it would be hard to walk away from . I understand the brothels are pricey and you can probably get more for your money from an indy, but to see them lined up and get your pick would be a turn on I think.

Yeah the line-up process is a turn on.  And at Sheri's you can walk in with no obligation, get a beer or mixed drink, and shoot pool while you eye the babes walking around.  That's cool too.

The only think about the line up about which I was surprized was how fast it goes.  You have to be a quick thinker.  I mean, they all waltz up in front of you and by the time they are all out there and have been introduced the house mom says "OK now which one?"  If you are like me you are stuttering and mumbling to yourself, forgetting the names of the ones you like and thinking to yourself:  "I want that one and that one and that one and that one, uh, uh, uh"   LOL

I would suggest you really study the site pics first and also have an idea of which girls are there that week, so that you can recognize the ones you like before you have to make your split-second selection.  It's unlikely that all the girls there will be available when you request a line-up (some will be busy with other guys) so I think that it helps to know beforehand which of the girls you would want if they show up for the line-up.

I don't think it's something I would do regularly, but for a once in a while event I think it's really cool.  Have fun!!

negotiate.  They usually start off in the thousands.  Ignore the "menu" and say you just want a straight lay.  There is a house minimum -- it's been years for me -- so the minimum could be $400-500.

If you don't agree on a price, just walk out; no harm no foul.
Have a drink at the bar, enjoy the sights and go.

Sheri's and the Chicken Ranch are next door to each other so try them both. Chicken Ranch is more expensive but the women are prettier.

The drive is much nicer during the day. Great desert vistas.

Avoid driving out during the afternoon rush hour.  Pahrump is growing, and the commuters can be intense.  What the others have said is all valid.  Lineups are quick, prices are negotiable.  Both places have a bar.  I'd suggest going to the bar (you'll get company quickly) to see a few of the girls, and then ask for a lineup.  You'll still get the feel & excitement of the lineup, but you'll have an in-the-flesh idea of who you'll enjoy.

Good luck

Just one more thing to point out is that the sex workers at the legal brothels are very concerned about maintaining their health (they get tested weekly to be allowed to work) so be prepared for safe sex (which usually means covered everything, including the use of dental dams when DATY; little to no kissing).  For some guys, this is a major turnoff.


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