
Sorry folks...I like my Tacos "Natural". Easier to digest. eomregular_smile
gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 986 reads


I have been wondering lately about an old wives tale.  Oysters are delicious but I don't find they really do anything for my libido.  While I love chocolate, and according to many studies, chocolate releases endorphins in the brain like sex does.  For the record I would never be able to substitute chocolate for a my lovers touch. To be honest when in the throws of passion, honey, maple syrup, creamy caramel and fresh berries are what I love to play with.  Nuts and berries :)
What's the food that gets you in the mood? And what sexy foods to you like to play with?
Yum I'm getting hungry...


Elle vegas

and certainly not real healthy!! LOL

What food gets me in the mood?

How about a little whipped cream on your new DDs????  That would get in the mood to eat VERY quickly . . . .

Of course, I'm not real choosy about location.  You could put the cream in a few other choice spots as well . . . .

& their GOOD for ya!!!

Best Health Food, IMHO!
Not too spicy, chalked full of vitamins, quite tasty indeed.

A Taco a day, keeps .......


My best time with food and sex was when I made a delicious banana split...he was such a trooper and kept the length of his banana long and strong even after I applied the ice cream!

I have also enjoyed numerous chocolate covered bananas! ;-)

Strawberries and whipped cream are another great food to add to oral stimulation. The taste of strawberries combined with pre cum...TO DIE FOR!

Even though chocolate is my favorite for releasing endorphins, I too feel it is impossible to substitute chocolate for a sensuous touch.

Great post Elle! :-)

Sweet Kisses,

Posted By: ElleVegas
I have been wondering lately about an old wives tale.  Oysters are delicious but I don't find they really do anything for my libido.  While I love chocolate, and according to many studies, chocolate releases endorphins in the brain like sex does.  For the record I would never be able to substitute chocolate for a my lovers touch. To be honest when in the throws of passion, honey, maple syrup, creamy caramel and fresh berries are what I love to play with.  Nuts and berries :)
What's the food that gets you in the mood? And what sexy foods to you like to play with?
Yum I'm getting hungry...


Elle vegas

We know what really excites your libido!!!!!


...there is something sexy and erotic to me about eating with your hands. It just feels so natural and naughty. Obviously, this would not be a good first date suggestion nor advice while dining at the Ritz. I would have to be with a good friend, someone I have known for awhile and feel comfortable with. I enjoy sucking down oysters, eating messy wings, and biting into a juicy burger. It's fun! This is what gets me into the mood.

As far as food "when in the throws of passion", I also enjoy berries, whipped cream and chocolate. You can't forget the liquid indulgences, too.  Moet Rose, Chocolate Martinis,...

We should create a magazine. Call it "Food, Wine & Sex Magazine." Hey, no one steal my idea!

Being from NJ, we eat pizza holding it in hand, not on a plate and cutting it with utensils as others do.  Europeans do that as well...

Burgers are also meant to be held in hand as you enjoy them...so are the fries, kosher dill, and the brewskie that goes with it.  Oh...

I think for lunch tomorrow I'm going down to local hot dog truck...dirty water dogs with hot Italian onions and mustard.  Yum!  It may not be good for you, but damn, it does taste great.  Plus that, it's still the week-end...the salads can wait until Monday!

I find the smell of warm cinnamon rolls wafting through the air to be quite erotic and energizing. Makes me want to have passionate love-making.

Now I have to go find Cinnabon. Something about that creamy topping, lol!

Immsure I could help you out with a little CinnaBUNS and creamy toppings.

Posted By: CinnamonGFE
Immsure I could help you out with a little CinnaBUNS and creamy toppings.

apple sauce. grapes and whipped cream ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

1. Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.

2. Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.

3. In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.

4. In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

5. It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.

6. In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.

7. When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.

8. One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.

9. Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices.

10. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

If that doesn't make you want some Cinnamon in your diet each day, read my reviews.


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