
Sell the merchandise
Dude624 51 Reviews 438 reads

Such hostility, especially from the ladies.  One would think you weren't selling something you are sitting on for free.

Annie, you are not a top of the line, 20 something, drop dead lovely girl and your reviews are not all 10's.  It's a business honey, you sell a 2nd tier product for what you can get for it.  Remember, when you tell a client 'no' you are forfeiting the income.  If you need the money, sell the product to the highest bidder.   Remember, you do not have any inventory.  If you don't make the sale, you don't get paid.  This is not to say you have to advertise lower rates, but if you are merely sitting around, why not make $150 instead of $0?

I realize that this concept will irritate many of the ladies who are under the mistaken impression that they are Goddesses who own the only snatch on the planet.  This is a BUSINESS, make the sale, pocket the profit.

Is it me or have some people just gotten out of line...here is y I say that.  

Had a gent email offering me 1/2 my rate for double the time. Told him sorry but I can't do that. But if u come n c me a few times I do give deals n discounts to repeats. He then wanted to act like I am missing out on so much income. Which btw his math was like way off. I wished him luck on his search. U would think that was the end. But no. He then emails me saying it's my lose. I ignored the email then emails again talking about how large he is down there. I had to laugh n wrote him back about how in his dreams he might be that big n that size doesn't matter. Only kids brag about there size.

So here is the question  

What would u do in my shoes?

Would you talk/act like this guy and why/why not?

He's def someone you don't want to waste your time with.


Have a glass of wine and sit in the tub OR go have a crazy gym workout....you will feel better at least that is what I do when things like that happen to me. I would not let it get to you AT ALL....from one lady to another ((HUGS)).
Tomorrow is a new day!! :)

-- Modified on 1/26/2017 10:00:19 PM

I find it's better to not get in any kind of banter back and forth. If someone would ask me for discounts I just don't answer them and they get the message.

Kisses Haley

never act that way. Ladies in this biz deserve to be treated as ladies, not an auction item.

Sorry this happened to you.

Thanx for all the kind words and advise ladies n gents.

Such hostility, especially from the ladies.  One would think you weren't selling something you are sitting on for free.

Annie, you are not a top of the line, 20 something, drop dead lovely girl and your reviews are not all 10's.  It's a business honey, you sell a 2nd tier product for what you can get for it.  Remember, when you tell a client 'no' you are forfeiting the income.  If you need the money, sell the product to the highest bidder.   Remember, you do not have any inventory.  If you don't make the sale, you don't get paid.  This is not to say you have to advertise lower rates, but if you are merely sitting around, why not make $150 instead of $0?

I realize that this concept will irritate many of the ladies who are under the mistaken impression that they are Goddesses who own the only snatch on the planet.  This is a BUSINESS, make the sale, pocket the profit.

That's ur option. I am not desperate.  And to be honest with u I know I'm not 4 everyone and I am fine with that. I have a special group of gents that prefer gals like me..

Ok, I'm sorry but his response is just plain shitty.  There is no reason for any of that.  Maybe I was raised differently but frankly I have respect for all women including, nay, especially providers.  On behalf of my sex, Annie, I apologize.

Not ALL providers deserve slavish respect.  Most are just people getting thru life and are nothing special.  They should be treated with politeness, but they haven't earned RESPECT.  My respect is reserved for people who have achieved something requiring real dedication and effort.  Very few people fit that description.  Alas for all the White Knights who think any women who sells herself to them is a marvelous and rare creature.

Having three holes between your legs makes you identical to 52% of the human race.  Not special at all.

Your entire attitude is the perfect example of not only the problems that women experience on the Internet, but the general lack of respect that all women, whether they be sex workers or in any walk of life have to deal with.

I feel truly sorry for any female, provider or otherwise, that has to deal with you.

Posted By: Dude624
Not ALL providers deserve slavish respect.  Most are just people getting thru life and are nothing special.  They should be treated with politeness, but they haven't earned RESPECT.  My respect is reserved for people who have achieved something requiring real dedication and effort.  Very few people fit that description.  Alas for all the White Knights who think any women who sells herself to them is a marvelous and rare creature.  
 Having three holes between your legs makes you identical to 52% of the human race.  Not special at all.

After a couple short emails, you made yourself clear.  After that, he is simply harassing you.  Ignore any further communications and he will eventually stop trying.  After begging & whining, he might get mean & threatening; STAY STRONG!  Do not reply.  Just know you are Beautiful and deserve to be treated right.  Namaste~  

Hotels cost $150 so at that price she nets zero!  To be clear, your "donation" is for our "time" together so once a guy gets mean or harassing, we really don't want to be with him anyway.  
An average looking woman can become a ten if you treat her like one...jus sayin  


Personally, I would never answer an email such as that because if a guy is already trying to cross boundaries you have set then it's a NO way, not no thank you- just delete... he does not deserve an email back.

I can't imagine what else this guy would think is ok once he was to let YOU disrespect yourself by letting him tell you what you are worth!!

You took his bait with the dumb big cock email, he got to you and that was obviously what he wanted -
my 2 cents never respond to an email such as that- it's not worth trying to explain something to somebody who can't and won't understand...

I give everyone a chance because some ppl are just a little slow or unsure what is ok to say or not. But I was more in shock he was so stupid. So I figured I Was Bored LETS Play His Stupid Game N DISAPPEAR like they do alot these days.

Don't mean to hijack the thread or anything, but I am curious as to whether discounts for regulars/repeats are common?  I'm new to the hobby.

you will find that...but I strongly suggest you don't ask or imply
that is what you want.  

You very possible may get the lady to never see you again.


Sounds rediculousely immature and very inconsiderate.  Block his number and email if you can.

You get dirty and besides the pig likes it.

As soon as the conversation goes outside your comfort zone...cease to communicate with the person.  You owe him nothing.

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