
Rolex 24-hr sports car race in Daytona Beach
mijolaw 223 Reviews 739 reads

Rolex 24-hr sports car race in Dayton Beach during Jan 24-25.  Lots of attendees like myself will be staying in the Orlando area.  Perhaps a good opportunity for the ladies in the entertainment industry.

-- Modified on 1/7/2015 9:22:23 PM

The PGA (Professional Golfers Association of America) annual merchandise show in Orange County Convention Center, Jan 21-23.    It is the biggest of its kind in the world with thousands of golfers from all over the world camping out.      I will be at a top hotel right in front of the Convention Center.

Not done much hobbying in O town except for a couple.    Could be a big hit or a bad miss.    Will be interesting either way.     Ladies expect some heavy traffic!

I don't even like people who play golf.  Do you play golf?

Rolex 24-hr sports car race in Dayton Beach during Jan 24-25.  Lots of attendees like myself will be staying in the Orlando area.  Perhaps a good opportunity for the ladies in the entertainment industry.

-- Modified on 1/7/2015 9:22:23 PM

but I am sure there will be lots of well reviewed ladies around to accommodate
all the gents that will be in town. Hopefully the gents will preplan.  

It is very wise for the ladies to do their research and find out the different conventions
coming to town so they can be prepared.  I wish I could be in town but having an
offer to go to Vegas....well I can't pass that up and it will be more of a vacation  
for me and some pure fun !!!

There are plenty of highly reviewed ladies around that I am sure would enjoy your
company...O town is great for those O's...hehe


The OP claims to have been there.

-- Modified on 1/7/2015 11:37:12 PM

Just a note to clarify.   Most of the visitors from Canada, S. America, Europe, Asia and Far East do not come with "references" nor they will be members of P411 etc., which is an American invention

GaGambler645 reads

Please humor me for just a minute, and answer one question for me. Where do you think P411 is based?

and if you are feeling particularly magnanimous, how was your Vegas trip?

Jesus!   Ever wonder all the FKKs in Germany, UK Sugarbabes International in London, Cupids, Select, Mirage, Steels Royal, Toronto Passions in Toronto Canada asking for your P411?

I can my produce my US passport with Airport stamps from all these countries + Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, France, Australia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden.   Can any of you?

What you are displaying is just classic homegrown ignorance of people who have not left their hometowns!. LMAO.

-- Modified on 1/8/2015 9:27:59 AM

GaGambler780 reads

and Inicky who happens to be on this thread can be my witness. My passport rarely makes it more than two to three years without running out of pages to stamp the visas. I have had the pleasure of whore mongering in most of the countries you list and many, many others. It is very rare that I go more than a couple of weeks without taking an international trip.

and despite your bloviating, you still haven't answered either of my questions.

Just where do you think P411 is based?

How was Vegas?

I am still betting you spent NYE in St Cloud. lol

Those aren't difficult questions, but I promise to keep them simpler in the future, I would hate to see you strain or sprain that poor, feeble brain of yours.

With all the travels you lie about, you don't even know escorting in Canada, UK, most of Europe is legal and no one asks for a P411 like here!    Men in those countries just pick up phone and call or walk in.   Don't expect them to bring in references and P411 ID to Orlando.   That was my point.

If you and other jerks want to spin around this subject, be my guest.   By the way, keep your total ignorance about escorting outside of US to yourself.    I doubt you have left your hometown.

Inicky your witness!   LMAO.   Pot calling a kettle!

GaGambler606 reads

FWIW, You don't need a passport to travel to St Cloud, which is where I am sure you spent NYE, I hear the Waffle House had some great specials that night.

GaGambler833 reads

Ok, just answer one of the questions if two is too hard for you.

Where is P411 based?

and just the country will be an acceptable answer, no need to name the city, just to make the question as easy as possible for a world traveler like you to answer.

well that's something to look forward to..lol but only things I know about golf is what I learned from my video games.back in the day lol

Sweetie, the people who will come for the event will not look for your golf but "you".   Good Luck.

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