
No offense taken but, your response shows
HarryWotton 11 Reviews 871 reads

that there is good reason for us to worry about our privacy concerns.   I don't know about your website, but a lot of the websites have statements that the information used for verification will be destroyed as soon as verification takes place.     Well, if information is being kept, just in case, then those statements meant to put us at ease are not really true, are they

I just heard a ladies name who's body was found beaten and left in the Indian River in Titusville. I knew the name and the age fit for the priors. I'm not sure if it's the same girl yet but very well could be.  Do search for prostitution arrest Florida when you get the name of the young lady who's body was found. News hasn't put this together yet. Till we know ladies in Cocoa, Titusville Daytona be aware.

Hope this isn't against the rules  .... stay safe

Kisses Haley

-- Modified on 10/10/2014 6:08:46 PM

we all got to play safe.. no reason to b rude about giving a provider the info she requests. She is just trying to be safe.

What point!!! No where in the report it said she tried to get info for her safety we don't know what happened to this young lady. So stop speculating or assuming that this happened because she was working. This was a terrible thing that happened and out of respect for her don't insinuate it was do to her actions.

it proves the point we need to screen ..

necessarily going to keep you safe.    You can know who the John is, where he lives, where he works, but if he is an insane and/or malicious person, the fact that you know who he is will not protect you.   It is kind of like an establishment with a sign stating "No guns allowed here," sure, it sounds fine in the abstract until the guy with the gun walks in anyway and does his deed.    Screening may make you feel more secure, but it does not necessarily make you more secure if by screening you mean knowing real identities of those you see.   Heck, many ladies will not even provide a recommendation for a John they have not seen in 3 or 6 months because he may have changed and they do not want to be responsible for vouching for him.    

There is a current thread up in the NY Board right now in which a guy posts that a well-reviewed provider was arrested while touring.   So, I tried to look for it but I could not find it, but I did find articles about Johns being murdered by providers.   That got me to do searches in major cities and I guess it happens more than we think.    Sure, we don't know what the specific circumstances may have been, but it happens.   Does that mean the guys need to screen and have your names, address, etc.?      

BTW, I am not trying to be an insensitive prick, there is no question that you ladies work in a dangerous environment and you are vulnerable, I am simply trying to make the point that getting all our information is not necessarily going to keep you safe.     Most of us who engage in this hobby are not monsters but screening the heck out of us makes us very vulnerable too.    I am also not stating what the screening should be, it is a decision every lady needs to make for herself just as we have to decide whether giving away our identity may or may not be a good idea."   Sometimes, I feel comfortable doing it, sometimes I do not.

we'd like to give the police as much information as possible about you.  I.E. Your full name, the phone number you were calling from, your email address.  Do you see where I'm going with this?

It may not prevent the murder, but it will find your stupid ass quicker.

PS "you" and "your" was not directed at you ;) just trying to get my point across

Ok one snitch to stay away from.  

Posted By: hotcougarmilf
we'd like to give the police as much information as possible about you.  I.E. Your full name, the phone number you were calling from, your email address.  Do you see where I'm going with this?  
 It may not prevent the murder, but it will find your stupid ass quicker.  
 PS "you" and "your" was not directed at you ;) just trying to get my point across.  

DamienScott840 reads

Here we go! Finally some of our former BSC ladies resurfacing for our amusement and viewing pleasure! We need a good trainwreck!

in a while really make some valuable posts instead of always thinking you're perfect, high and mighty, and feel the need to pick on others when you're not happy with yourself. I pity you. Now try to have a good day.

that there is good reason for us to worry about our privacy concerns.   I don't know about your website, but a lot of the websites have statements that the information used for verification will be destroyed as soon as verification takes place.     Well, if information is being kept, just in case, then those statements meant to put us at ease are not really true, are they

If I'm the one murdered, how very well would I, myself, forward the information?  

My family knows what I do. The authorities would have no problem tracing back in the last day all of my information.  

Would I ever divulge any of your information? No. I've been a provider for 6 years now and have never had a problem.

Ah, technology, never heard of it but it but I looked it up :)   Couldn't technology be used to trace a person who set up the appointment, even if he did not reveal who he was to the T when making the appointment?    

Anyway, that was not my point.   My point is that there have been many discussions about the retention of information in which ladies make the case that we should not be afraid because said information is discarded right away.    Well, if ladies are retaining the information until after the date, then those statements are not true.  If that is not true, then is it true that the information is discarded at all?    Who has access to that information?  For how long?  It is not necessarily the fear that you are going to use that information, because that would be a career killer, it is the fear that the information is around and may be exposed to other parties, including LE.



Posted By: hotcougarmilf
If I'm the one murdered, how very well would I, myself, forward the information?  
 My family knows what I do. The authorities would have no problem tracing back in the last day all of my information.  
 Would I ever divulge any of your information? No. I've been a provider for 6 years now and have never had a problem.

digital forensics, everything we do anywhere on the net can presumably be traced back to us.

ok.....  Reality is EVERYTHING we do.  EVERYTHING!  On the internet is still there after the fact.  Erase all you want, but it will still be there on a server it passed through or on a hard drive even after it is deleted until some other file over writes it several times.  There is NO SUCH thing as destroying the information if it was sent electronically.  It can even be traced to the point of origin if it was via email and yes the inonimisers (sp?) DONOT WORK!  LOL

Miss.Cates906 reads

Ladies of the Space Coast, there is a monster amongst us. There have been more ladies (posting providers, not just street walkers) beaten, some near death (most have gone unreported). Please beware, no matter where you are. I for one am only seeing regulars and those who can be verified until this monster is caught. Use caution and stay safe!

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 1:39:45 PM

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 1:42:23 PM

This is the first I have heard and it is upsetting. I know your scared when this happens but he will continue and escalate.  

Send this info via here so I know it's you. All and any info you have so I can post info on BackPage. It's not just the coast that needs a heads up but also Orlando. My god there are so many 18-25 young girls who have no clue.

There's a hotline posted in the many articles "a tip line" where you need not leave your info. Descriptions, phone numbers e-mails, make of car or color needs to be given to them. You know any of the ladies who have been attacked please do this and don't wait.  

Remember how most murdered working girls cases are handled and this one will go unsolved like so many others. 4 girls dead in Daytona still unsolved.

Stay safe ... Kisses Haley

Miss.Cates896 reads

Most of the info I posted about can be found on other Brevard County boards (not allowed to post site here). Hope that helps.

DamienScott779 reads

Been checking central FLA msm since this posted. Nothing close to this 'story' being reported anywhere. Is this yet another 'look at me I'm over here' thread? Just asking......

DamienScott1450 reads

Well, there you have it. Thanks. Nothing in either local paper I could find. Thanks again.  

Posted By: DamienScott
Been checking central FLA msm since this posted. Nothing close to this 'story' being reported anywhere. Is this yet another 'look at me I'm over here' thread? Just asking.......  

When I do post I have something to say. As you see the post with the link another lady had posted under you is gone. I needed to get a warning out and needed to have it stick, not for you but for other ladies safety.  

One thing you'll learn about keeping yourself safe is google is your friend. Practice makes perfect.

Kisses Haley

Miss.Cates1005 reads

It took me less than2 minutes to find all the information the lovely Hailey, a gal with a honorable reputation,warned us about. This information prompted me to post about the other beatings in the area,  info can be found on other boards. This is real and serious, every lady should be on guard. Follow the dots and you will know that the beatings have happened in more than one county. Ladies do your screening and still be on guard, even after/if this monster is caught.  

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 9:03:59 AM

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 9:14:10 AM

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 10:21:41 AM

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 10:30:30 AM

Miss.Cates943 reads

I did not say I found arrest record and out of respect to her and her family I do not wish to find it. The entire point of the original post and myself is that there is real danger among us and that it is not isolated to one area.

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 10:25:39 AM

Mr_Info887 reads

You acted like you found in two minutes more than I did. No need to get all pissy about it. Let's just leave it at that.

Miss.Cates800 reads

I did not mean to come off as superior nor did I want to offend anyone. Her arrest record is of no interest to me and out of respect I chose not to make it a focal point. My goal is to get the word out there that things aren't as safe as some would like to believe, this is not an isolated even and all should be on guard.

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