
Jack's right-
SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 295 reads

trafficking is just a financial windfall for LE, and great ratings for media. It's not as prevalent as the media would have you believe.  

But to answer your question, do you pay for VIP? I'm not sure how friendly the guys are here, but one thing you could do is check out the lady's reviews, and PM a reviewer. See the reviews of ladies you've seen and enjoyed, and look at their reviewers, and see if they can recommend someone similar that you haven't seen. And finally, when you've exhausted all your options locally, perhaps you could plan some trips! Short ones- go to Orlando, Miami, etc. Just some ideas. :)

I am trying to be very selective in that I want never want to be part of that really bad side of the industry. SO; can you independents providers help me out? What is better: (I know that this is exactly each lady has their preference) By that I mean can I be more confident that the lady I am seeing is choosing to provide or some piece of shit pimp or trafficker ( all of which should be shot ) is forcing her?

Early booking v Late?
foreign vs US?

any thing else I can use to figure this out.

I use verification services but I recently found that is NOT good.  Please help, I will never involve myself in this if I think the person is not doing it (yes for the money) for themself

jhana337 reads

grow up  this industry is what it is

I guess I should say why, I had a recent encounter that made me think, I hear from the news that ALL sex workers are forced and though I do not believe (and really know it not to be true) that it makes me think if I am in any way enabling that part of it I would rather not be a part.

Most if not all independent ladies are here by choice, you seem to be over thinking this by a long shot.  I would like to hear some of the great providers here to get their take, but I don't think that trafficing is a prevalent as LE would like us to believe. Not for a second do I or would I condone it, but it seems to be a crutch that LE uses.


trafficking is just a financial windfall for LE, and great ratings for media. It's not as prevalent as the media would have you believe.  

But to answer your question, do you pay for VIP? I'm not sure how friendly the guys are here, but one thing you could do is check out the lady's reviews, and PM a reviewer. See the reviews of ladies you've seen and enjoyed, and look at their reviewers, and see if they can recommend someone similar that you haven't seen. And finally, when you've exhausted all your options locally, perhaps you could plan some trips! Short ones- go to Orlando, Miami, etc. Just some ideas. :)

Thanks, it makes me feel better and I will do those ideas, ones I have always done.

My best suggestion would be to ask girls you've already spent time with for recommendations.  I personally know Softly Sara, Sexy Toni, and Elle Vegas just to name a few local girls and I can vouch 100% they love sex and they love their job and no one is forcing them to do it.  

I disagree with Jack and Sara about human trafficking, I don't think it is over exaggerated in the media, I believe it is a real problem.  But these pimps often work the streets and are not the high-end women you seek.  In this online world with review sites like this and a network of providers that know, trust, and respect each other.  I wouldn't hesitate to ask for a recommendation from a lady you know.

That's my 2 cents.

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