
So in this case I am actually a one-percenter!
Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 588 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
It's been my experience that maybe one in a hundred P 411 women will actually ask for ID.
For some reason, that amuses me. LOL.  ;-)

I require real names & ID in addition to P411, and I've definitely gotten some shit about it.  There's this attitude some P411 guys have that if providers are listed there, then they shouldn't be asking for anything else at all.  

Maybe they somehow believe that providers, by listing themselves on the site, are tacitly agreeing to accept membership as sufficient verification? The notion that they've gone through the steps to join, have OKs, and that should be enough for all the ladies there.  

"But you're on P411!"  and "Why are you listed there if you want all my personal info?" is what I sometimes get when I point out my requirements.  This just screams of entitlement to me and it gets exasperating at times.  

Lots of P411 ladies do not ask for extra info, so no need to rail at the ones who do.  :-)


I recently contacted a local provider listed on P411 who also has a review on this board. She replied relatively promptly and asked for what I consider to be a lot of personal information including my birthdate, phone number, employer, etc. I replied that I use P411 for the very reason that I don't like to hand out all those details and perhaps she can contact one of the 12 providers who have given me an OK to verify me. Not only was that not sufficient for her, but she was rather insulting and mentioned that I am obviously not a serious hobbyist and I am not for her.  

I should mention all of this was via the P411 mail. I've had providers ask for more info before, but not like this. I was surprised that someone advertising on P411 would be so staunchly against accepting it for verification. Am I wrong?  Ultimately, I understand providers and hobbyist alike can make their own determination as to whom they see so no big deal. There's certainly plenty of other providers. Just found it odd.

tricon717 reads

It is unfortunate that some of these providers refuse to use common sense and would insist on asking personal info.
I had one few months ago who wanted to show her my Driver's LIc. upon arrival. She never mentioned that during our e mail exchange! While I was on my way driving to see her, she sent me a text that  
I would need to show my DL.. I refused and told her that I am turning around and would go back.
Minutes later when I was already going back home, she text me saying ,It's okay and she would see me! WTF? I told her, sorry, I am already going back. Her loss and I saved my money !!She could have built a longer lasting friendship...but....common sense is not that common !

Posted By: bizov2002
I recently contacted a local provider listed on P411 who also has a review on this board. She replied relatively promptly and asked for what I consider to be a lot of personal information including my birthdate, phone number, employer, etc. I replied that I use P411 for the very reason that I don't like to hand out all those details and perhaps she can contact one of the 12 providers who have given me an OK to verify me. Not only was that not sufficient for her, but she was rather insulting and mentioned that I am obviously not a serious hobbyist and I am not for her.  
 I should mention all of this was via the P411 mail. I've had providers ask for more info before, but not like this. I was surprised that someone advertising on P411 would be so staunchly against accepting it for verification. Am I wrong?  Ultimately, I understand providers and hobbyist alike can make their own determination as to whom they see so no big deal. There's certainly plenty of other providers. Just found it odd.

Every provider has their own methods on verifying clients, it's the comfort level.. I know I've asked for more verification to some then others.

GaGambler675 reads

but taking you strictly at your word, yeah I'd be a little bit miffed as well. Like you, I use P 411 to make my life easier, not to have to jump through the same hoops as if I found a woman on Eros or some other ad mall.

If I were you, I would drop a line to Gina, copy her on your P 411 PM's and tell her how disappointed you were in your treatment by this lady. Gina runs a pretty tight ship and I think at the very least she might give this woman a "talking to" enough to save the next guy from going through the same crap as you.

For the record, while it is not all that common, it is permissible and even advised by P 411 for the ladies to check ID's to make sure they match up with the P411 profile. It's been my experience that maybe one in a hundred P 411 women will actually ask for ID.

Thanks gaGambler ( if that's really your name).  I'm not sure why you're implying that I'm making this up, especially because I haven't named any provider. But whatever. I did contact Gina at P411 and her reply was as follows.  

"P411 is just one tool for providers, we ask that everyone do as much additional screening as they feel comfortable with before meeting anyone.
However, please do not give out any info that you are not comfortable with giving to a provider.  We recommend moving on to another provider who may not ask for as much info."

 To be clear, I have no problem with that response. Like I said, there's plenty of providers, and I've never had one decline P for one one before. I just found it odd that someone would choose to list them selves there and then not accept it. Apparently others don't all see it that way. that's fine!

GaGambler561 reads

I've learned a long time ago not to simply take at face value anything in a "he said, she said" scenario. You stated about her being "insulting" and that is one of those things that can be rather subjective. That's all I meant about this being "only your side of the story"

Quite frankly as I said above, your side of the story is quite believable and my advice to you now is to simply put her in your rearview mirror and move on. Or you could name her and save other guys the same grief you went through and provide the rest of us some entertainment in the process. Personally, I love a good shit storm.  

and of course GaGambler is my name, want me to scan a copy of my drivers license for you? lol

One last thing I will add, any provider of any services, especially those of the BCD variety who gets even close to becoming "insulting" to me will promptly get a "GFY" from me, followed by complete radio silence as I refuse to tolerate that kind of crap from anyone trying to get my business. Most likely you dodged a bullet, I doubt you would have enjoyed yourself with such a rude woman.

It sounds like she's just knew. When people are new they don't know what's going on yet.

Posted By: GaGambler
It's been my experience that maybe one in a hundred P 411 women will actually ask for ID.
For some reason, that amuses me. LOL.  ;-)

I require real names & ID in addition to P411, and I've definitely gotten some shit about it.  There's this attitude some P411 guys have that if providers are listed there, then they shouldn't be asking for anything else at all.  

Maybe they somehow believe that providers, by listing themselves on the site, are tacitly agreeing to accept membership as sufficient verification? The notion that they've gone through the steps to join, have OKs, and that should be enough for all the ladies there.  

"But you're on P411!"  and "Why are you listed there if you want all my personal info?" is what I sometimes get when I point out my requirements.  This just screams of entitlement to me and it gets exasperating at times.  

Lots of P411 ladies do not ask for extra info, so no need to rail at the ones who do.  :-)


plenty of cases where someone's P411 account has been compromised, resulting in dangerous situations or even arrest. And if something bad happens to me when I see a P411 guy solely on his OKs, it's unlikely any of his OKs are going to come to my rescue.  

I will say that rudeness and a bad attitude are unacceptable and more assailable here than her need for further information.

all these ladies have certain requirements they feel they need to insure their safety and can either follow the rules they set or move on..

P411 has been horribly compromised over the years.  It's a very simple website for law enforcement and crazies to infiltrate because so little legitimate screening is completed by Gina. There have been numerous reports by providers with whom I'm friendly that clients have traded or shared P411 handles. It should also be noted that Gina gives zero fucks about the safety or security of sexworkers. This has, very sadly, been proven time and time and time again.  

I do accept P411 as verification with additional screening.

The reason you get asked is because P411 has been compromised so often that ladies do like to reach out.  Also, I know for a fact that some OK's are simply because ladies have been told if they don't they will get a bad review, ect.  

Also, OK's are basically a great big reference list.  

So it's not 'dumbass', it's smart.  I get reference requests and OK verification from ladies often, and I always respond.  And I have NEVER, EVER been asked in a reference or OK verification what anyone looks like, if they tip, or anything of the sort.  It's mainly a check to see if the client is still in good standing with the provider.  Because, great clients can go bad.  It's for safety.

Some providers are reference friendly, some are not.  But it's not a dumbass move to check with a provider to see if he is still in good standing with her and if you will be safe.   It's a professional safety check.  And takes like two minutes

Posted By: Ellesolo
The reason you get asked is because P411 has been compromised so often that ladies do like to reach out.  Also, I know for a fact that some OK's are simply because ladies have been told if they don't they will get a bad review, ect.    
 .....It's a professional safety check.  And takes like two minutes.  
As much a most of us would like to believe, none of these screening methods are foolproof and many have been compromised in the past. In such a risky profession it will always be beneficial to take as many safety and security precautions as possible especially when it only takes, like you said, a minute or two. Asking or responding to an OK confirmation can be the difference between a good date or an "inactive webpage". I will never understand providers or hobbyists who treat screening with such flippant disregard when there is just so much at stake.

P411 is just one of many screening tools.

Some guys share p411 handles, short ladies and guess who gets blamed.

Its plenty of ladies on p411, im sure you will. find a provider.

Way way more intrusive than you guys go through for it. Many guys get on P411 with ref's only.  

I for sure don't judge another woman for what she is comfortable with screening wise. I also don't judge a guy for what he is willing to give up.

But me personally, all P411 and RS2K guys get sent to my booking form, which I run by myself and own all rights to the site, and am the only one who has had access after the initial set up for a long time. (By the way, you should check it out. It looks pretty damn good lately.)

Of course, no one can prove or explain their screening in such a way that every guy or even lady would understand... which helps in selecting men and women who are compatible together. (Makes for better sex too hehehe.) I personally would like to leave the profession with the zest for life I have today.

I've had many guys verify perfectly through my booking form, P411, and RS2K... but still not get through screening due to some barriers in compatibility. Again, we all have our comfort levels. Mine is pretty hefty. And the fun I had tonight just doing a photo shoot with Tim & Evita shows me that I'm doing everything right in keeping my heart, soul, and mind in tact. I can smile, have fun, and be free spirited - not jaded. That wasn't so when I let down my walls in what I was comfortable with back in the beginning. :)




-- Modified on 11/11/2015 10:09:07 PM

Believe me when I say, you want no part of that BSC B.  

Consider yourself lucky and see one of the many other hotties on p411 that won't get info that they could use to blackmail you

I'd agree with you, it sounds PRETTY stringent. Being a relative newcomer, I, like most of us, have had to go to some pretty stringent screening.

I can understand that. However, I am hoping as I build up my P41 notches, screening will become much easier.

One marker for me has been the tone and extent to which a provider requires verification. I know she must do it for her safety  ~ as long as we live in a society which criminalizes pleasure  ~ but I have found if a provider is too "hard" in her tone and approach, she will probably mirror that stringency and hardness when I meet her.

In which case, I pass.

GaGambler455 reads

First off, yes it does get easier as you get more established, I have dozens of okays, not to mention I am most likely the biggest blabbermouth on all of TER so getting screened for me is a breeze after all these years.

but sometimes I too run into ladies who go the extra mile in screening. and you are exactly right, for me it's the tone of the request every bit as much as what information she is asking for that determines whether I will proceed or not for the exact reasons you mention.  

It's funny, if asked nicely, I will share virtually everything but my Social Security number as I am completely "out" I don't do this anonymously, everyone in my life already knows I am a whoremonger which makes me "blackmail proof", but like you I don't like to spend my time and money with women so demanding in tone.

I think you will do just fine around here, just remember the old adage. "I will beg for pussy and I will pay for pussy, but I will not beg to pay for pussy" words to live by my friend. lol

I wonder why any P411 member, be it Hobbyist or Provider, would be so surprised at this.  Yes, obviously there was a more tactful and professional way to go about it, but this following information is available on P411 to everyone (somewhere on the site lol):

A P411 Client Id is made up of small bits of “real” info that can be verified, by looking at a couple of pieces of identification carried in the client’s wallet.

“John” is a name showing on his driver’s license.
“01” is the DAY of birth showing on his driver’s license.
“0000” are the last four digits on something he carries in his wallet (insurance card, library card, etc.)

I often recommend that gentlemen temporarily cover their other private information with tape or whiteout, leaving only the photo, matching name, and DAY of birth (on driver’s license) and last four digits (on something in wallet) for the provider to check. Of course, it’s up to the individual provider to decide whether she will accept the identification in this way, but please know that I recommend this to the clients concerned about their privacy.

If a client schedules an appointment via P411 and upon arrival refuses to show identification to confirm he is the true account holder, you may exercise your right to refuse to see him and report it to P411. Depending on the circumstances, P411 may suspend the account under which the appointment was made until the situation is resolved.

We have a terrible problem with people “sharing” client ids, sometimes to book appointments and sometimes to rip the provider off, or worse. These situations are becoming more common, and can be easily prevented if the provider takes a moment to confirm that the person before her has identification to match the client id.

I strongly encourage the ladies to check identification to make sure it matches the P411 client id, as well as making sure anyone who says he is a P411 member can sign in and send her a Request through the system.

So you don't have to show ALL of your DL to those ladies that wish to confirm you are, in fact, the hobbyist associated with that P411 ID.  

And living in today's information age, almost all of our information is already publicly available for those that know where to look.  So what exactly am I, or anyone else, really going to do with information that is widely available?  

I'm personally okay with just references, though I do request your name.  Here again, what can anyone really do with your name?  Oh no, someone knows your name, something everyone that knows you already knows.  If you have no references I do an employment verification, but here I can almost always do everything completely online without having to contact anyone.  LinkedIn, Facebook, work email in the form of [email protected] where the domain is well established, etc.  But all this information you have already willingly put online for almost anyone to see.

I have had hobbyists use their real phone, and half the time I can access the real time records of the name registered to the phone.   If I know your name I can often pull up your home address, check property tax records of your home, see a list of your past addresses, emails and phones that you used in the past and may still use now, etc.  All this is publicly available most of the time.  I can even listen to your phone message (if you have one) without ringing your phone.  Technology...

But the bottom line is that since all this information is publicly available, it makes it increasingly difficult to do anything with it that would affect you adversely.  I'm not saying it isn't possible to do so, just very difficult and ultimately just as dangerous for the blackmailer, in legal terms.

I agree that the whole point of a newbie giving his full information and work verification is so that he can use that provider as a future reference and not need to give that information out again.  I always recommend to newbies that they research the provider they are going to give their info to and be sure they are reputable and give them a clear understanding of what/how they are going to verify them through employment.

Personally, if I have references that can identify you through an email/phone that you contacted me with, and those references are reputable providers then that is all I need.  Some providers must feel better knowing everything else for some reason...seems overkill from our perspective.  We basically are concerned about two main things:  (1) LE and (2) that you aren't crazy, rude, violent, etc.

Anyway, that's my two cents for the day...

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