
Re:Gifts first, then a nice tip! ;-) (EOM)
ranger 24 Reviews 7646 reads

Hi, this may sound like a silly question, but Vanessa Sue, are you back in Chicago?

Well I enjoy spending time with real gentlemen as I am sure all the beautiful gals on here do. Bigger tips are nice but often times tokens of real generosity aregifts from the heart that show we are truly appreciated.

Take care and to quote another great gal on here
"Play Safe"

JPleasures8987 reads

I have family members who have needs and they need my help (financially), so it is preferred  to have a tip.  Although any additional appreciation, be it flowers, wine, etc. is very thoughtful and appreciated by me.

SIXshooter7199 reads

I think the most telling part of my post was the number of reads my question showed as compared to the following responses.  It isn't common for the answers to outnumber the question by so much, it just goes to show that clients are wanting to know what providers want. The happier the provider, the better the experience. The happier the client, the better the business. Win/win

Flowers are thoughtful and sweet. Adult beverages are nice and make me hornier. Gift cards are lovely but what I want more than ANYTHING from my client is his willingness to be my boyfriend that hour or two or more as much as I am his girlfriend. Passion is everything to me. LET IT RIP!


Hi, this may sound like a silly question, but Vanessa Sue, are you back in Chicago?

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