
Re: Wow
macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 774 reads

another one bites the dust..

Posted By: Jack Bauer
Someone is going to get banned.

Don_Juan__2896 reads

because she got Herpes!!  Has anyone else ever got an email like this?

Feel very lucky that I never saw her.  I'm thinking others got this same email since she responded to my PM via p411

So you never saw her but yet she emailed you about this? I would think she'd only email those she saw.  

Maybe it is her but did you check to make sure? I could see someone doing this on purpose under her name.

May it is true since you said she responded to your P411 pm...

Sorry, I don't get why she'd tell people she never met.

Posted By: Don_Juan__
because she got Herpes!!  Has anyone else ever got an email like this?  
 Feel very lucky that I never saw her.  I'm thinking others got this same email since she responded to my PM via p411.    

Don_Juan__1224 reads

Yeah, it doesn't make sense, hence the post.  

I was told that she may have been hacked and this is a way of another provider destroying her business.  Trying to confirm now.

Posted By: Don_Juan__
Yeah, it doesn't make sense, hence the post.    
 I was told that she may have been hacked and this is a way of another provider destroying her business.  Trying to confirm now.

Don_Juan__1258 reads

So if she was hacked, they hacked multiple accounts.

Don_Juan__1040 reads

Wow.  I was told Herpes only.  Hmmm.

It is darn near impossible to get HIV when using condoms.  Even BBBJNQNS is safe from HIV.  There has never been a reported case of HIV transmission from unprotected oral - either giving or receiving.  

Makes me think it was some other way..

Someone is going to get banned.

another one bites the dust..

Posted By: Jack Bauer
Someone is going to get banned.

DAYUMMMMMMM! Who the hell goes through this much trouble to fk with someone? A whole community? Fk all you bitches and your damn herpes!  

Posted By: DiscussionBoardAdmin
Have fun!  

I don't know what the hell is going on or if this BS is true. I spoke to her today by email, phone and text. If it were her screener playing games I don't know. I would NEVER do something like this to anyone.  

Damn I am new and don't have time for this.

TwoMints924 reads

So, am I reading this right that its a hacked account?

ModernLover66654 reads

So what the hell is going on here?? Did someone hack three accounts? Or did Natalie piss off a "screener" who is now ruining her rep? Or WTF is going on???

Is there anyone here male or female who knows Natalie personally and can get some real info on what's going on here?

ModernLover66597 reads

Google Natalie's phone number. An agency pops up...

and don't go bullshitting us and say you really did receive that email....

Know why we all know you are a liar? Admin just busted you all out (all 4 of you). Yes, 3 got busted out. Obviously a hate spree. Then you go posting about an email from the provider that is being bad mouthed?  

Yeah, ok. Like any of us really believes you got that email and then posted on here at the same time as these scammers were out posting on this.

100% lies and Admin busted you all out.

Posted By: Don_Juan__
because she got Herpes!!  Has anyone else ever got an email like this?  
 Feel very lucky that I never saw her.  I'm thinking others got this same email since she responded to my PM via p411.    

Don_Juan__814 reads

Let me see, how much do I care about what you think?  Oh yeah, not one bit.  Your post just shows your dumb you really are.  

How about this, if I forward my email to TER and they agree it was legit, you close your account and never post on TER again?  You want to take that bet, dear?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  Don't go running your stupid mouth when you don't know shit

I know you are not calling me stupid after Admin just busted all these lies out. I am going off verifiable proof that Admin has said publically.

So "if" you are not a part of it, you still didn't verify with the lady and went about smearing her name based off a weird email you got when you didn't even see her?  

Sorry but I am fairly certain spreading something very bad without checking to see if it is true first, is a very stupid thing.

I guess you feel anyone who points that out to you, your grave mistake that continued to smear her name, must be stupid... right?

Again, Admin just clarified (as did a whole bunch of others on the Ohio board who were smart enough to contact said lady) that it is a smear campaign.  

*** Yes, I saw your post over there and although I do believe you got pulled into this... you should have checked first.  

But you being you, you still haven't told anyone on this post that it turned out to be lies (not you receiving the email, but her having STDs). I am far from the only one who asked if you were also posting from the same IP as the 3.

So rather than clarifying what happened and how you got pulled into it, you get angry and nasty? Don't you think others are rightfully angry that there are lies being spread? A lot of people are pissed off about the whole situation. Do you consider how angry the provider is having her name thrown out based on lies and a smear campaign?  

All you had to do was clarify what had happened, rather then go on a temper tantrum. Why would I get my acct closed when Admin (who doesn't lie) busted the whole thing out? I hope every one of them get banned and delisted.

My first post on this thread even asked you to contact the lady and ask if the email was legit.

********************* And I am going to apologize for some of my earlier post. Apparently you didn't say her name. I checked your OP. But then others pointed it out and named her. There was still damage to her name. Perhaps not directly your fault but it did call attention to the scam posts over on the Ohio board************

Posted By: Don_Juan__
Let me see, how much do I care about what you think?  Oh yeah, not one bit.  Your post just shows your dumb you really are.    
 How about this, if I forward my email to TER and they agree it was legit, you close your account and never post on TER again?  You want to take that bet, dear?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  Don't go running your stupid mouth when you don't know shit.  
-- Modified on 5/26/2015 6:18:32 AM

-- Modified on 5/26/2015 6:27:05 AM

Don_Juan__769 reads

and there was a big tent there with a guy yelling "Come one and all to see the dumbest human in the world, you will be amazed at the depths of this person's stupidity".  And like any curious boy I paid my $1 and went in to see a small shaved monkey in a big glass cage, dressed up in a suit, eating and throwing its own feces.  I felt ripped off that day, but little did I realize that some 40 years later I would witness an act that would make that monkey look like a genius.  Kudos, numnut, you win that prize.

Apparently you can't read because I got a personal email from the provider but did not out her.  Go read that first post again.  Only after "she" posted on the Ohio board did I even mention her name to anyone.  So, yeah, it was "confirmed" through two avenues.  I got PMs from other pros insisting that it was true too.  God, you are stupid.

After seeing the admin post, it was obvious to anyone who is not retarded that they were all hacked and someone was trying to ruin their reps.  In the end, please keep babbling, at least this carnival show is free.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
and don't go bullshitting us and say you really did receive that email....  
 Know why we all know you are a liar? Admin just busted you all out (all 4 of you). Yes, 3 got busted out. Obviously a hate spree. Then you go posting about an email from the provider that is being bad mouthed?  
 Yeah, ok. Like any of us really believes you got that email and then posted on here at the same time as these scammers were out posting on this.  
 100% lies and Admin busted you all out.  
Posted By: Don_Juan__
because she got Herpes!!  Has anyone else ever got an email like this?  
  Feel very lucky that I never saw her.  I'm thinking others got this same email since she responded to my PM via p411.    

You don't even know for a fact if she has herpes or not.

then blacklisted him AFTER the fact lol. BOOOM! Her screener is an older lady who has never been known for drama. I can tell you what really happened if you care to know, but it will not be in public. Natalie wants very badly to be delisted from this site, and if this is the route she has to take, it's pretty sad. FYI, I had a pm conversation with Natalie TWO YEARS ago! Check my review gap. You mean to tell me in two years her inbox was not cleaned out and our ONE pm was still there up until this week? You're huffing paint. Do I think she has hiv? No. I think that was an added scare tactic to get TER to delist her because she busted her real identity on another site. Do I think she has herpes? YUP.  

How long would it take YOU to come back and clear this shit up if it was your name? Natalie has always lurked on the boards and I know people who have spoken to HER on the phone!!! A booker can't exactly fake her damn voice, good lord.

You do not have any first hand information. You did not speak to her over the phone. You were just claiming that booker could not have an access to her website, just her email, lol.  

Stop spreading rumors. You look stupid at this point.  

It's not that hard to be delisted from TER, you idiot

I did not start any thread about her... I simply chimed in on the info. I had. Again, I could not give two shits about ANY of you or what diseases you have. You have zero credibility, alias. Have the balls to at least post under your real handle. I do not know 100 percent of anything, nor do you but I have a hell of a lot more information to go on. You have a fkin hunch, that is retarded. You also seem very clueless on how a professional website operates, because you can't simply just email for a new password. A free site.... sure lol. Also, if you know soooooo much about this person, why don't YOU call her? You make zero fkin sense. Why has SHE not come to the boards to clear this up after knowing about it? I mean, just duh. TER told her that until her website and P411 were pulled, they would not pull her profile. Again, just duh.

-- Modified on 5/26/2015 9:44:11 AM

MojoRizon629 reads

There are lots of escorts who used to be on TER, and then were asked to be delisted, yet they still have p411 page and their own website. Emily Hunter for example...So it seems TER doesn't require you to remove your website and p411 to be delisted...




Posted By: London Rayne
I did not start any thread about her... I simply chimed in on the info. I had. Again, I could not give two shits about ANY of you or what diseases you have. You have zero credibility, alias. Have the balls to at least post under your real handle. I do not know 100 percent of anything, nor do you but I have a hell of a lot more information to go on. You have a fkin hunch, that is retarded. You also seem very clueless on how a professional website operates, because you can't simply just email for a new password. A free site.... sure lol. Also, if you know soooooo much about this person, why don't YOU call her? You make zero fkin sense. Why has SHE not come to the boards to clear this up after knowing about it? I mean, just duh. TER told her that until her website and P411 were pulled, they would not pull her profile. Again, just duh.  

-- Modified on 5/26/2015 9:44:11 AM

I am just posting what was told to me. Many women have a 'no review' policy and TER agrees to honor it, so that is probably what you are speaking of. That was not the case here. With that said, if they refuse reviews on TER they cannot advertise here either per the guidelines which you can read on your own.  I really do not care to keep going with this bs. It's done and over with.

Posted By: MojoRizo wn
There are lots of escorts who used to be on TER, and then were asked to be delisted, yet they still have p411 page and their own website. Emily Hunter for example...So it seems TER doesn't require you to remove your website and p411 to be delisted...  
Posted By: London Rayne
I did not start any thread about her... I simply chimed in on the info. I had. Again, I could not give two shits about ANY of you or what diseases you have. You have zero credibility, alias. Have the balls to at least post under your real handle. I do not know 100 percent of anything, nor do you but I have a hell of a lot more information to go on. You have a fkin hunch, that is retarded. You also seem very clueless on how a professional website operates, because you can't simply just email for a new password. A free site.... sure lol. Also, if you know soooooo much about this person, why don't YOU call her? You make zero fkin sense. Why has SHE not come to the boards to clear this up after knowing about it? I mean, just duh. TER told her that until her website and P411 were pulled, they would not pull her profile. Again, just duh.  
 -- Modified on 5/26/2015 9:44:11 AM

You tell em girl!!! The first thing I would do is contact TER so I could clear my name. There's no way a booker has THIS much control over HER business.

I cannot follow this.   This goes beyond train wreck.  It is important to all of us if there is someone malicious out there.

and got pulled into this crazy mess by an email he received. He is not posting from the same IP or anywhere near that area. So yes, I do apologize for questioning his intent.  

Who knows what is going on. I think the whole thing is BSC whether she is doing this to herself or someone else is doing it. Regardless, it is one big game.

Posted By: Hardee74
I cannot follow this.   This goes beyond train wreck.  It is important to all of us if there is someone malicious out there.  

She is a victim as much as anyone. Remember that someone gave those diseases to her. If only her customers had tested themselves regularly and told her before passing on their infections! It is devastating to hear that one's health and profession are threatened.

Not many women (or men) would have had the bravery and responsibility to admit the problem, stop work, and notify people. I think she's fabulous for doing it. The original mixup with Don might just be because she had his email for some reason (maybe he inquired about a session and didn't follow through, who knows) and assumed he might have been a past customer. Better safe than sorry.

Everyone: Get tested regularly and act responsibly. It's easy to find an STD testing service online. Typically, you'll pay a couple hundred bucks, go to an anonymous nearby clinic (which tests for all kinds of things, including work or health-insurance mandated stuff, so no stigma walking in), give a urine and/or blood sample, and walk out. You don't have to give a name or anything. Later, you use the PIN number they give you to see your results online. I've done it many times. It's easy, fast, and very discreet. Do it.

Also, there are now very effective and safe drugs for suppressing herpes outbreaks. The virus can still shed, so it's important to be safe and responsible. But the drugs make life with the virus much much easier. Generic versions (although 2 pills a day instead of one) are way cheap. Anyone with herpes, or a loved one with herpes, should talk to a doctor

So we should criticize someone for eventually doing the right thing? Even if it wasn''t the person who should have? Does it matter? Or should we encourage everyone to get tested regularly and be responsible?

-- Modified on 5/27/2015 4:06:49 PM

Don_Juan__641 reads

I am done.  That's it, I've had my fill of this batshit bukkake.

Where's a funny gif to show everyone how I feel......oh who gives a fuck.

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