
Be glad you didn't. Doesn't sound like a happy situation. E
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 404 reads


A question ladies...

So I had a provider not want to see me because i didn't give 10/10 on all my reviews. I had to explain to her that some girls were massage only and/or some didn't offer DFK or BBBJ. From my understanding, you can't rate those services or lack thereof higher than a 7. In essence she wanted me to give a 10/10 without me even seeing her yet to juke her stats.  

Needless to say I was a little annoyed.  

I totally get you need high points to get consistent clients but would you ever not see a customer based on his past reviews? Would you only see a client who promises 10/10?

GaGambler756 reads

I would have to say that in your shoes I would be more than a BIT annoyed. I'd probably (actually definitely) be annoyed enough that I would call her out by name on this very thread.

She is EXACTLY what is wrong with the review system as it exists today, and the people who should be the most upset are the beautiful and hardworking ladies that have actually EARNED a 10-10 review or even a few of them. This type of review manipulation cheapens the 10-10s that are deserved and if I were a woman in this business I would be outraged that other women were gaming the system.

........doesn't happen often but yes there are providers who either get pissed when not given a 10/10 or resort to other drama.

I can not wait to see which providers will respond to this thread. I know of a few who have no business saying that they don't ask for 10/10 scores. lo

If I see a lady with only10/10 ratings I get skeptical and don't see them. The guys who give 10/10 to those ladies also lose credibility.  
All us here are not stupid.

and become outraged? Lot of wasted energy, especially knowing they will get busted out sooner or later?
If a man allows himself to be manipulated or bullied into it...then I see it as his problem.

GaGambler522 reads

Is that these women, and the guys cave into their pressure, rob the rest of us of a valuable tool with which to do research and ensure ourselves of having a quality session every time out.

The women who make their living providing great service are the ones who should be the most outraged. I can only imagine a woman who has earned every high score she has ever received having to compete with women who get their scores by simply bullying weak men into giving them high scores they don't deserve.

It's everyone's problem, I am surprised that someone with as much at stake here wouldn't see it that way. I don't think I would be as generous if it were my pocket being picked

because it hurts a lot of people me included.

I dont understand why everyone would have 10/10 all the time. I have good reviews. Some 8/10 ~~ 9/10 ~~ 10/10's and such. I don't ask them to put any number on there other than what they think is their opinion.  
It would be better if others just put on what they thought was true (for everyones sake!!)


Posted By: IndianLuvTS
If I see a lady with only10/10 ratings I get skeptical and don't see them. The guys who give 10/10 to those ladies also lose credibility.  
 All us here are not stupid.

Most don't push the scoring limits but there are a few who are BSC about the numbers. My guess is they're very competitive in other aspects of their lives. Some people have to compete on everything to feel good about themselves.

The scoring system here is useless for the newbie guys. For the rest of us, we know the red flags and avoid these providers. Some may be very good but they're more than likely BSC about getting those 10/10's. IMO, they're more trouble than they're worth...and possibly dangerous if they're that nuts about scores.

It would be better for everyone involved if they all obeyed the rules of the scoring on here. It makes it more difficult for everyone involved. Including myself.  
Nice to see you back on PP!! :)

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
Most don't push the scoring limits but there are a few who are BSC about the numbers. My guess is they're very competitive in other aspects of their lives. Some people have to compete on everything to feel good about themselves.  
 The scoring system here is useless for the newbie guys. For the rest of us, we know the red flags and avoid these providers. Some may be very good but they're more than likely BSC about getting those 10/10's. IMO, they're more trouble than they're worth...and possibly dangerous if they're that nuts about scores.

The scoring system was supposed to quantify something that's entirely subjective for every guy. We can't even agree on what female attributes we consider attractive which puts the appearance scores all over the place. Rating the experience itself? Throw a dart, lol.

The scoring system should be gone. The reviews should be write-ups as we currently do without numbers. Maybe a thumbs up or thumbs down would be OK but I'm sure there are providers who would go BSC if there was no scoring system.

I've stopped looking at scores that aren't in the 8-9 range. A 10 means little unless it's interspersed with some lower scores which more accurately reflects the range of what men find attractive and what they like in the experience. You were absolutely correct that no provider can be a 10 to everyone and on every day. There must be some variation or the assumption is the scores are purposely skewed.

I'm around :-)

Like I had said.. I have good reviews (from 8's, 9', 10's)... As long as people are honest (or have fun!!) Well..that is what it is all about! :)
Maybe one day we can figure out something in the future for everyone involved that will please people. Not sure it is possible but who knows. LOL
P.S. Nice to see you again PP!

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
The scoring system was supposed to quantify something that's entirely subjective for every guy. We can't even agree on what female attributes we consider attractive which puts the appearance scores all over the place. Rating the experience itself? Throw a dart, lol.  
 The scoring system should be gone. The reviews should be write-ups as we currently do without numbers. Maybe a thumbs up or thumbs down would be OK but I'm sure there are providers who would go BSC if there was no scoring system.  
 I've stopped looking at scores that aren't in the 8-9 range. A 10 means little unless it's interspersed with some lower scores which more accurately reflects the range of what men find attractive and what they like in the experience. You were absolutely correct that no provider can be a 10 to everyone and on every day. There must be some variation or the assumption is the scores are purposely skewed.  
 I'm around :-)


Only because clientele need to know I am still relevant I could care less if you give girls 7 and 8's its not that important to me. I think a lot of these ladies take reviews to serious. I love to have a great time while playing getting to know each others bodies and all around just having fun. Not being stiff and suspect about what the next person is go in to write about you.


some providers live and die by scores. It's beginning to backfire on them...most of us have been around long enough to know how they got those many pages of 10/10s and it wasn't through hard work. I love the ads where these same providers rant and rave about how highly reviewed they are and how high their average is. I love those ads because I don't need to read the BS they post, I simply skip to the next ad.

You're not one of the system abusers Kyla. I've known you for a long time and you truly are a great provider and you do earn your scores. The scoring system here has been trashed by demanding, threatening, blackmailing providers. I look for the 8's and 9's which seem to be much more accurate and I read the review text to see if it matches the scores given. Hobbyists are getting smarter and can convey less than stellar performance with outrageously high scores that don't match what's written. It's a sure sign the provider manipulated the system or the reviewer and the message comes through loud and clear.

That's really unfortunate! I don't have 1000 reviews, nor do I have 10s across the board, but the reviews I do have are representative of my "provider package" if you will (looks, attitude, service). I wish reviews weren't held so highly! I have had guys threaten to write me a bad review before we even met! Then there are the few who say oh well you won't do this, I will write a bad review. (Of both I am unbothered, but still) so for me to actually have to be a provider and do the unthinkable, PROVIDE, that is a bit upsetting there are girls who use the system this way. I actually LIKE to see the experessions of sensuality during sessions, which let me know I haven't ... lost my touch if you will lol. I can't see finding that same sensation with blackmailing a great review.  

Shame on the ones that came before you (as I'm sure there were a few) who took the bait and threw no flags on the play! Lol

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