
And why would you want to ................
DonJulio69 588 reads

Take attention away from that incredible ass of yours. Notwithstanding the fact that  personal symbolism rarely stands the test of time.

Got a tattoo on the back of my neck?

Two hands bound by rope. Not because I'm a masochist but to symbolize the old saying, "hey, my hands are tied kid".

Just a thought cuz I want a new tattoo.


you naughty girl..are you thinking of traveling down BDSM boulevard?

-- Modified on 5/9/2012 6:56:36 AM

justnotintoit577 reads

This reminds me of a phrase my friends and I use.  Tattoo=Tramp Stamp

I have a tattoo and I just want it gone.
You might like the idea now but later it might not be the right thing

Here is a question you must ask yourself "would you like at same tattoo as you get older"
Would you like your kids (when and if you have any) asking about the tattoo?

Love you hon

I think that any where else other than my neck would look sophomorish but I like the metaphor that its imagery will project while stagnant on the back of mi neck.  It will never even be seen unless my hair is up and don't worry about me aging because I plan on buying massive amounts of Botox and we can take turns filling up wrinkles together. Haha!

But I'm going to get a stencil done and see how I feel about keeping it forever.  Thanks for the voice of reason big sister.

Love ya doll

do not approve or like tattoos but we don't get tattoos to please others.
I'm thinking if you are coming here and asking then you, yourself have not completely made up your own mind.
I say wait until you know for sure...I do know that most ladies who did get tattoos in there 20's and early 30's regretted it by age 40 and wish they had never gotten them.
My daughter got one as soon as she turned 18 and now 10 yrs later regrets it and where it is its painful to remove but I figure they are all painful to remove. Its on her ankle.
You are so pretty aand yoru body is fine so don't mark it up. that's my personal advice, not telling you what to do.

You know you're right. It is almost as if I was relying upon the smallest negative response to prolong the waiting period until I really had a solid positive thought about the right Image i am teetering back and forth with, whether I really aspire to designate  the questionable and blurred interpretation of said image to the back of my neck.

As it turns out, it worked because I'm going to keep marinating on it.  As you know, I only have the one tattoo and the image that I had found from a book was put aside in a drawer and gave over year of serious contemplation before I woke up one morning and just knew it was wanted and was the first person to walk in with the picture and received on my right scapula and I still, after ten years, have never regretted my decision.

So thanks and you call me it's been awhile doll!

Posted By: apropo
do not approve or like tattoos but we don't get tattoos to please others.
I'm thinking if you are coming here and asking then you, yourself have not completely made up your own mind.
I say wait until you know for sure...I do know that most ladies who did get tattoos in there 20's and early 30's regretted it by age 40 and wish they had never gotten them.
My daughter got one as soon as she turned 18 and now 10 yrs later regrets it and where it is its painful to remove but I figure they are all painful to remove. Its on her ankle.
You are so pretty aand yoru body is fine so don't mark it up. that's my personal advice, not telling you what to do.

I like the idea...any color in it? I'd love to see all your tats at some point!! ;)

I have one tat and want more at some point...

permanentlyconfused593 reads

I feel the same way about enhanced breast

Posted By: MWMHinsdale
I like the idea...any color in it? I'd love to see all your tats at some point!! ;)

I have one tat and want more at some point...

I definitely see your point with fake vs real but it's not my fav.I'm an ass man, so the breasts are just their for extra fun...Big, small, fake, real, does not much matter to me...have a great ass and be able to kiss REALLY well and I'm hooked!

I have only one and it's on my right scapula done 17 years ago and still no bleeding or discoloration. Just as pristine as I was when I got it at 15! I was an angel back then;)

Mine is a Latin pentacle to gain love. What's yours?


I decided to go safe at the time i got it, maybe 15 yrs ago, and get a tribal tat, but I have it wrapped around my ankle...and I still love that I got yours, no color. I do want one or two more...

I'm sure u were an angel at fifteen...I, on the other hand, was a complete nerd at 15 and had not yet developed into the raging stud that I am

Not a tatoo hater but I'm not a fan of that location or maybe the mixed up message it might send.

Point taken and something to mull over ...

I mean it, i really appreciate everyone's input and your deadass right that it might make people think that I would like my hands bound. It's just a metaphor about how I sometimes feel but not all will go, " oh gee golly, it must not mean exactly what it shows."


Just think about what it's going to like like when your 60 plus !
Don't do it. Your amazing looks don't warrant it.

Why don't you travel on over sometime and inspect the skin a.k.a  canvas that it will be p laced upon?

I would enjoy a thorough inspection of my body by you!


Well thanks mistress!

I'm honored you even took an interest in my body!  Yours is, of course, regal and beautiful and whatever you tell me to say, mistress.

I love doms but never know if what I am saying is the right thing...


Some like to smoke, some hate it.  Some love tatoos and some hate them.  If you want to smoke, smoke.  If you want tatoos, get them. But understand that every action has it's risks and costs, like emphysema and older, weathered sagging tatoos.  I myself like to see a great movie or sporting event, read a good book, take a nice walk or bicycle ride and when I want to spend some money on me, for myself, to make me feel good or better, I see a wonderful, sexy provider.  It sure beats a smoke or tat (or pierce, for that matter) IMHO.

Strokes for different folks?  Hahai  thats a great game and. I'm good at it! Your more than welcome to stroke me wherever it tickles your fancy and  I do fancy a good tickle;)


...but might give the wrong (s/m) idea

True and I'm putting a lot of serious thought into ,it because it is a big deal. Not like a piercing you can always remove it...

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.


DonJulio69589 reads

Take attention away from that incredible ass of yours. Notwithstanding the fact that  personal symbolism rarely stands the test of time.

You are so Sweet
thank you!

Posted By: DonJulio69
Take attention away from that incredible ass of yours. Notwithstanding the fact that  personal symbolism rarely stands the test of time.

oldchiguy513 reads

you think Botticelli's Venus would look better with one on the back of her neck

Posted By: giselle69
Got a tattoo on the back of my neck?

Two hands bound by rope. Not because I'm a masochist but to symbolize the old saying, "hey, my hands are tied kid".

Just a thought cuz I want a new tattoo.


Hahaha. Is that a compliment? Am I art to you?


oldchiguy491 reads

Beauty = art = beauty

Posted By: giselle69
Hahaha. Is that a compliment? Am I art to you?


-- Modified on 5/9/2012 6:37:53 PM

-- Modified on 5/9/2012 6:39:27 PM

We like skin and all natural female flesh :-)

Giselle My Belle,
Don't spoil perfection......  If you want, your hands can be tied for our next session:)

Tattoo is for you. Don't worry abt others opinion. If you are ask maybe you are not sure so dont do it.

By the way you are too sexy. I am miss you. :)

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