
Yes, i have been in Medical Care in the US and they want to keep us sick to make a profit
kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 178 reads

Yes, I am and have been in the Medical Field and worked In the ER, OR, and Geriatrics, which I guess you could say is a dumping ground for people who have very busy life styles and cannot afford to take care of there parents. I am not judging anyone for doing this because we all grieve in different ways and everyone has a life to live and bills to pay.

I personally had to get out of this field, for I found it to be a dumping ground, not only in The Nursing homes, yet the neglect I saw in the Medical Field in the States led me straight to AA. Not Now, however, when you see a person come in, then you see the 1000 mile stare, the lights are on yet no one is at home. We were always under staffed, over worked, and no one seem to give a damn. Excuse the language. That is the way it is.

There is a cure for Cancer, there is a cure for Alzheimer's, Parkinson Disease, MS etc. However the United States Health care System makes 1Billion 32 thousand off of medical treatments and pharmaceuticals alone.  

The people who have found the cures, are either paid off or disposed of. Sad to say. There are healing process in Mexico and Thailand. In Thailand they have been healing Cancer, and other diseases as I mentioned above for the past 40 years.  

They actually have a stem cell face lift or a whole body rejuvenation where they take your own stem cells put them back into you body and the body heals itself. Amazing, HGH, Human Growth hormone, Bio-Identical Hormones to replace the depleted testosterone estrogen, progesterone are all made from plant, not animals, and can make an 80 year old person feel like sixty again. Imagine what it can to for us.....

.Nuff said. I might have gotten a bit carried away, however, the US wants to keep us sick, The FDA wants to lie to us thru their false marketing to make a profit, and that is just the way it is. Thanks for letting me share. Kelley White

Hello to all, I see many have shared difficulties and answers to them from what I have read. The UTube thing is great, is it not? I am leaving for Mexico tomorrow for a procedure for my back. I can't explain how I feel. I qualify for disability now. I have sciatica. I have been trying to fill out the papers before I leave. It is 3am and I guess disability would be a great thing for some people. I want to live in the solution and not the problem. So, I was going to share one of my favorite songs before I go.

Hope you enjoy it. I have one other I would like to post when I find it. It is called "Do you believe in Magic?"  

I know many members will say this is a Fxxk board. Yet, I feel the biggest sex organ is the brain and that happens to involve feelings and sharing. Take care, Kelley White

Best wishes for a full recovery!

Posted By: kelleywhite
Hello to all, I see many have shared difficulties and answers to them from what I have read. The UTube thing is great, is it not? I am leaving for Mexico tomorrow for a procedure for my back. I can't explain how I feel. I qualify for disability now. I have sciatica. I have been trying to fill out the papers before I leave. It is 3am and I guess disability would be a great thing for some people. I want to live in the solution and not the problem. So, I was going to share one of my favorite songs before I go.  
 Hope you enjoy it. I have one other I would like to post when I find it. It is called "Do you believe in Magic?"  
 I know many members will say this is a Fxxk board. Yet, I feel the biggest sex organ is the brain and that happens to involve feelings and sharing. Take care, Kelley White

One of my all-time favorite songs,  even before it made a come back with the movie "There's Something About Mary".

Back problems are terrible, it always hurts and keeps you from doing just about anything. I hope that your procedure goes well.  I'm always worried about the medical care in other countries when I travel, and have seen stories about it on 60 Minutes in the past.
I think that you are from the medical field yourself, so have researched this.    

Best wishes to you.  
Let us know when you return.

Yes, I am and have been in the Medical Field and worked In the ER, OR, and Geriatrics, which I guess you could say is a dumping ground for people who have very busy life styles and cannot afford to take care of there parents. I am not judging anyone for doing this because we all grieve in different ways and everyone has a life to live and bills to pay.

I personally had to get out of this field, for I found it to be a dumping ground, not only in The Nursing homes, yet the neglect I saw in the Medical Field in the States led me straight to AA. Not Now, however, when you see a person come in, then you see the 1000 mile stare, the lights are on yet no one is at home. We were always under staffed, over worked, and no one seem to give a damn. Excuse the language. That is the way it is.

There is a cure for Cancer, there is a cure for Alzheimer's, Parkinson Disease, MS etc. However the United States Health care System makes 1Billion 32 thousand off of medical treatments and pharmaceuticals alone.  

The people who have found the cures, are either paid off or disposed of. Sad to say. There are healing process in Mexico and Thailand. In Thailand they have been healing Cancer, and other diseases as I mentioned above for the past 40 years.  

They actually have a stem cell face lift or a whole body rejuvenation where they take your own stem cells put them back into you body and the body heals itself. Amazing, HGH, Human Growth hormone, Bio-Identical Hormones to replace the depleted testosterone estrogen, progesterone are all made from plant, not animals, and can make an 80 year old person feel like sixty again. Imagine what it can to for us.....

.Nuff said. I might have gotten a bit carried away, however, the US wants to keep us sick, The FDA wants to lie to us thru their false marketing to make a profit, and that is just the way it is. Thanks for letting me share. Kelley White

Please keep us informed, as you feel like it. Unless you are just trying to make a clean break from here. Then best too you and heal fast and well.

I whole heartedly agree about the mind being the biggest sex organ. I hope you heal fast and well, whether you return to the game or not.  

 Hope you enjoy it. I have one other I would like to post when I find it. It is called "Do you believe in Magic?"  
 I know many members will say this is a Fxxk board. Yet, I feel the biggest sex organ is the brain and that happens to involve feelings and sharing. Take care, Kelley White

Cissy, My prayers and best wishes go out to you. Be well soon--you will be missed. Return better than ever!!!

Posted By: kelleywhite
Hello to all, I see many have shared difficulties and answers to them from what I have read. The UTube thing is great, is it not? I am leaving for Mexico tomorrow for a procedure for my back. I can't explain how I feel. I qualify for disability now. I have sciatica. I have been trying to fill out the papers before I leave. It is 3am and I guess disability would be a great thing for some people. I want to live in the solution and not the problem. So, I was going to share one of my favorite songs before I go.  
 Hope you enjoy it. I have one other I would like to post when I find it. It is called "Do you believe in Magic?"  
 I know many members will say this is a Fxxk board. Yet, I feel the biggest sex organ is the brain and that happens to involve feelings and sharing. Take care, Kelley White

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