
We have some nice hotels in the Triangle area.
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 499 reads

However IMO there are only abut 3-4 I consider high end. The choices are limited here.


In the Carolinas? Just wondering.. for an incall location... Please PM me with recommendations

At least a 4 star is high end. I would call some 3 star hotels upscale but not high end. Think of a Hampton Inn as upscale and a Hyatt or Embassy suites as high end.

.... I've never seen a Hampton Inn classed higher than 3 star (typically see them classed 2 or 2.5).  
Hyatt/Embassy Suites are upscale for the most part though. Now "high-end" again jmo depends on the location and part of the Hyatt Chain (like some Hyatt Resort locations, some Hyatt Regency's, Grand Hyatt or Park Hyatt) I would call high-end aka Luxury). "Moderate upscale" would maybe (again jmo) would be like their Hyatt House and Hyatt Place.  

What's upscale and so on well imo is in part classification (stars or whatnot) and also how it looks....i've seen some crappy looking 3.5 star hotel that the average Hampton Inn would look really upscale in comparison to. An example that comes to mind right away would be the 3.5/4 star Millennium in downtown Minneapolis that sucks (at least when I was there) but the rooms at the 2.5 star Hampton Inn in Arlington VA (Crystal City) look nicer or the 3* Hyatt House Falls Church (which technically has a Fairfax VA address lol) looks REALLY upscale in comparison.

Posted By: darrell01
At least a 4 star is high end. I would call some 3 star hotels upscale but not high end. Think of a Hampton Inn as upscale and a Hyatt or Embassy suites as high end.
-- Modified on 3/24/2015 8:59:34 PM

However IMO there are only abut 3-4 I consider high end. The choices are limited here.


GaGambler571 reads

and you know how I am about "low hanging fruit" but for some reason I decided to be "nice" today. but boy I could have had a lot of fun with this thread. lol

Do intelligent women seem to intimidate you?  Steph is one of the kindest person on this board and it appears to me very smart???? Do not see any irony here or low hanging fruit??? What I am missing?? Always 2 sides to every story... Kelley White

Posted By: GaGambler
and you know how I am about "low hanging fruit" but for some reason I decided to be "nice" today. but boy I could have had a lot of fun with this thread. lol

GaGambler435 reads

Steph is my buddy, I'll let her explain it to you. Like most things, the joke went right over your head. You really do put the "B" into BSC.

In all fairness, if you are as condescending to Kelley all the time as you are being in this post then it really wouldn't be too much of a jump to think you are now targeting some other woman. Kelley was just trying to stick up for a fellow provider, granted her understanding of the situation was lacking a bit but her heart seemed to be in the right place.

GaGambler433 reads

It's her brain that seems NEVER to be in the right place. As I said before, Steph and I are buddies, if Steph wants to explain my little joke to Kelley, she can be my guest. I am tired of explaining everything to Kelley that she gets wrong. It took me half a day to try to explain to her the difference between tree mode and flat mode, and even after several hours, I still don't think she ever got it.

It took Einstein 1000 times to fail to create the light bulb.......My apologizes, I do need to pay more attention to the person who wrote the post. I do get it. Thank you for correcting me, because if you didn't then it is like my Mom used to tell me, If you don't tell me what is wrong, then I cannot fix it. And to answer your question, no I do not get tired of being wrong.  

If I was always right, then my life lessons would surely be over and I would be in heaven. Yet I do see your frustration. Patience is a virtue I have been told........HuH, HuH? Do you know how long it takes me to get somebody off sometimes????? Patience. LOL

Posted By: GaGambler
It's her brain that seems NEVER to be in the right place. As I said before, Steph and I are buddies, if Steph wants to explain my little joke to Kelley, she can be my guest. I am tired of explaining everything to Kelley that she gets wrong. It took me half a day to try to explain to her the difference between tree mode and flat mode, and even after several hours, I still don't think she ever got it.

Einstein created the Theory of Relativity, a rather different thing.

GaGambler607 reads

For some unknown reason, I have taken it easy on Kelley, which I think you will agree is out of character for me. You of all people know how little tolerance I have for stupid people, and speaking of light bulbs, Kelley has to be the dimmest bulb in the drawer.

I think since Kelley combines all of the qualities that make for a good piñata, she is simultaneously  stupid, opinionated, stubborn, BSC, lame, and just flat out WRONG about everything. Maybe she can replace our little tidwit while he is on hiatus?

I guess I have more pity in me than you do, you pig.  LO!
As for being a replacement for Tiddles, she's not even close.  His distortions and lies are actually planned, though being poorly executed.
Also, he permits himself to be used by others, has tried to "out" people and has leaked info from the RO Board.  I doubt Kelley is capable of anything worse than being ditzy.

GaGambler491 reads

"The Kelley" is yet another BSC hooker who when it suits her pleads for civility and then like in the post she had removed this morning, in the very same breath she blasts some guy for an ISO where he specifies exactly what kind of screening information he is and is not willing to provide. Even the other ladies here supported the guy, whose OP is still there, and told her to lighten the fuck up.

Yep it did, Kelley

Posted By: GaGambler
Steph is my buddy, I'll let her explain it to you. Like most things, the joke went right over your head. You really do put the "B" into BSC.

Crusing the regional boards looking for BSC and I came across this gem.  Thanks for the hahas, it had me laughing out loud!

Are you familiar with Tenacious D "low hanging fruit"?!  

Posted By: GaGambler
and you know how I am about "low hanging fruit" but for some reason I decided to be "nice" today. but boy I could have had a lot of fun with this thread. lol
-- Modified on 3/25/2015 5:44:52 PM

I really appreciate someone who is on top of things Hotels and boards included.Kelley White

Posted By: MatureGFE
However IMO there are only abut 3-4 I consider high end. The choices are limited here.


I think it's awesome that you are making an effort to support fellow providers Kelley, this business can become way too cut throat sometimes so it's always refreshing to see a provider sticking up for another provider.  However, in this particular case I think there's a fairly good chance that the gentleman referring to "low hanging fruit" was actually making a tongue in cheek reference to law enforcement.  

Basically, law enforcement as it relates to the hobby is fairly unimaginative and has developed a reputation for "going after the low hanging fruit"-i.e the people it is easiest to bust and successfully convict.  Ordinarily in this hobby the "low hanging fruit" are usually street walkers...they are more visible and often have personal issues that make them less vigilant about screening.  However, cops don't generally like to deal with pounding the pavement in hot pursuit of pay for play between consenting adults...probably because they'd rather work online indoors(much like we would!) while making the same amount of busts for far less effort. Unfortunately for them, cops are not generally known for their intelligence, plus they must deal within the confines of whatever guidelines their state/precinct/unit have determined is lawful.  So you get a bunch of police officers just trolling the adult sites trying to gather information.  One of their favorite tactics is to pose as a provider or hobbyist on sites and ask seemingly innocent questions like the OP posted "What's an upscale hotel in ___ area?" in either a dim witted or perhaps just blissfully optimistic hope that real members here will be dense enough to tell them our favorite hotels.  LE is just hoping to use our comfort level with that hotel to run a sting operation to threaten us with jail if we don't pay our court fees...and if we didn't have a job/reliable income outside of the hobby then all the cops are doing is insuring that a prostitute has no choice but to keep doing it so she can pay off her fines.

Hannah, thank you so much for your words of wisdom, Kelley White

Posted By: HannahHeresy
I think it's awesome that you are making an effort to support fellow providers Kelley, this business can become way too cut throat sometimes so it's always refreshing to see a provider sticking up for another provider.  However, in this particular case I think there's a fairly good chance that the gentleman referring to "low hanging fruit" was actually making a tongue in cheek reference to law enforcement.    
 Basically, law enforcement as it relates to the hobby is fairly unimaginative and has developed a reputation for "going after the low hanging fruit"-i.e the people it is easiest to bust and successfully convict.  Ordinarily in this hobby the "low hanging fruit" are usually street walkers...they are more visible and often have personal issues that make them less vigilant about screening.  However, cops don't generally like to deal with pounding the pavement in hot pursuit of pay for play between consenting adults...probably because they'd rather work online indoors(much like we would!) while making the same amount of busts for far less effort. Unfortunately for them, cops are not generally known for their intelligence, plus they must deal within the confines of whatever guidelines their state/precinct/unit have determined is lawful.  So you get a bunch of police officers just trolling the adult sites trying to gather information.  One of their favorite tactics is to pose as a provider or hobbyist on sites and ask seemingly innocent questions like the OP posted "What's an upscale hotel in ___ area?" in either a dim witted or perhaps just blissfully optimistic hope that real members here will be dense enough to tell them our favorite hotels.  LE is just hoping to use our comfort level with that hotel to run a sting operation to threaten us with jail if we don't pay our court fees...and if we didn't have a job/reliable income outside of the hobby then all the cops are doing is insuring that a prostitute has no choice but to keep doing it so she can pay off her fines.  

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