
To each it’s own!
Seductivekelly See my TER Reviews 176 reads

Although I respect you opinion...sir please do keep in mind that any opinion is just that ONE opinion coming from a particular PERSPECTIVE...Do note that there are an abundance of men with your same perspective ...however their are also an abundance of men who are in ALIGNMENT  with honoring ladies rates. I can assure you the difference between the guy with your mindset , and the mindset of a gentleman who will pay over $400hr those type of men RESPECT our requirements...their not plotting so ways to devalue US and manipulate women into lowering their expectations...Those rates are aimed at a PARTICULAR type of clientele. Who is more than capable and WILLING to pay.  If your not willing...then simply ignore the ad bc she’s clearly not even targeting

What is going on charging $600-$1000 for an hour? The only way this is going to stop is if you guys stop paying those astronomical rates. Seriously $800 for one hour! I’ve been in the hobby a long time and I’ve just noticed a 200% increase. Stop booking them at this rates and the rates will go back to normal! Just my opinion ;)

I agree with Alli. It's capitalism. Charge what the market will bear. If they can get those numbers, good for them. There certainly are guys who are comfortable with that range, so let them enjoy.
While I also agree that 800-1000 is awfully high (for me), it's certainly not up to us guys to determine anyone's donation.  
While I would love to see some of the ladies that have those rates,  that level is well beyond my limits. However, I have never had a problem fining someone who is fucking awesome within my comfort level.  
You can find beautiful ladies in all ranges.

Way to go monger,  Lol ! Thanks for the c*ck block! Wow !!!

LAMO, his "truth is not your truth, get over it. And Happy New year to you!

I completely disagree. The market 12 months ago was  
Skip the Games (most are junkies) 50 to 200 in undesirable location. Most belong to the “Lee” family ... Ug-Lee it has not changed. For the most part it has been  
Eros Tryst 200 to 300 with a TER average of 6-8
Eros Tryst 300 to 500 Max with a TER average of 8-10

Well as long as they paying 800-1000 it will never change. So be it den :) but you can shoot a porn for $1000 a day, and you get all day. Lol ! I’m starting a porn company!!! Lol

As someone who has several highly successful friends in porn industry...I can assure you MOST porn videos shoots pay between 200-500 per video ...$1,000?? I laugh at that bc it’s a very difficult industry and the pay is often poor even with great management...

How about not worrying about other people pockets....I spend what I want to spend on who I want to spend it on.  If you can't afford it find someone you can and keep it moving.  Oh yeah and keep the negativity on the other usa forum

....and hasn't taken it anywhere else actually.
These "rage against rates I'm not going to pay anyways" type of threads are always very funny.

Baron56179 reads

As always premium products require a premium price. That's why there are chevys, fords, and mercedes. In this hobby there is a price point for everyone. And as always those who can afford  the best  get the best. Most of these premium girls put in a lot just for you, they take care of them self to give you the best experience possible.

WICardinalfan157 reads

I tend to view it this way.  

1) COVID.  All providers are taking great risks at this time.  It is not unfair to consider part of the donation as protection money in case of illness.  Protection in the context of money saved if out of work, medical bills, etc.  

2) In a non COVID world, those that are at a premium level, and have the reviews to back the pricing up. (Thinking of you, Steph). deserve to charge at a premium rate.  I am a $400 level person, but there are times it is worth spending a little extra as a treat to oneself.  

3) Going back to  today's world.  In my location, and lack of travel options, if a premium provider is in the area I will take advantage and pay more.  Not routinely, but when someone who is well reviewed and has that X factor  comes to my geography, I will pay a higher price.

Just my two cents worth.

Rates do not always reflect performance.
Been all over the rates paid universe over the years.
Some expensive ladies have been duds while
others less expensive have been wonderful.
Chemistry on both sides is always a factor.
"box of chocolates" syndrome:)

The lady's can/will charge whatever they want. Their premium prices do not mean they will offer premium service. In most cases , premium / elite service is not attainable because the lady is incapable or does not want to provide it.

As I stated in a previous post (in which I was attacked) the quality of service in Seattle and Kansas City as opposed to here (for the most part) is not at all the same. Out there, average donation for an hour is $200-250 and comes with excellent service, showers on the front and back ends, and coherent conversation. Here the average donation is north of $300 and, in my opinion, mechanical.

As folks have said ask what you want.  To use the analogy about cars, sure there are Fords and BMWs but I sure as hell ain’t paying a premium for a BMW if it isn’t in pristine condition

Although I respect you opinion...sir please do keep in mind that any opinion is just that ONE opinion coming from a particular PERSPECTIVE...Do note that there are an abundance of men with your same perspective ...however their are also an abundance of men who are in ALIGNMENT  with honoring ladies rates. I can assure you the difference between the guy with your mindset , and the mindset of a gentleman who will pay over $400hr those type of men RESPECT our requirements...their not plotting so ways to devalue US and manipulate women into lowering their expectations...Those rates are aimed at a PARTICULAR type of clientele. Who is more than capable and WILLING to pay.  If your not willing...then simply ignore the ad bc she’s clearly not even targeting

Obviously they're making money, or they would not offer. I need to re-evaluate the market. Know your worth.

I am a little thick these days but when I was thinner I could get much more. All models are allowed to get what they want. It is what it is.

Honestly, most of the providers I see commenting in this thread and looked up don't have rates today that are unrealistic given the conditions in the world today with the pandemic situation, travel challenges, and what they have to offer during time with them. They have every right to choose their own rates for many reasons. If their rates are a bit much to someone even after considering the challenges in the world today, maybe it's time to look in more sketchy corners and they might get lucky finding one there who fits your expectations. I'd rather just pay a little bit more and stick to the more quality ones myself.

And it is this attitude that makes me want to raise my rates even

Dfusethesituation175 reads

That's the game these days.  Charge 800 for the hour, talk your ear off with "get to know me" time for 15/20 minutes, bang for 5 mins then offer a shower... hint hint, it's time for you to leave.  No pussy is worth 800 bucks an hour, but supply and demand drive the market and girls wouldn't charge it unless guys were willing to pay it.  

..... if we apply his economic model to new cars I might be able to get that 2021 red Ferrari I've been eyeing for only $25,000!

Posted By: Jimmystevens69

What is going on charging $600-$1000 for an hour? The only way this is going to stop is if you guys stop paying those astronomical rates. Seriously $800 for one hour! I’ve been in the hobby a long time and I’ve just noticed a 200% increase. Stop booking them at this rates and the rates will go back to normal! Just my opinion ;)

Many cars , old or new , have less miles on them than these women do. Do your research people !! Do you REALLY want to see a lady charging $800 + / hour who has seen 100 , 200 or 400 other clients ?

Just gonna add... What's NOT ok is when you go with the higher rate lady and service is sub par.   Charge what you will but damn, offer a good service of charging $800!

There is one for every one  
No need to put down higher rates  
If you can't pay then find someone in your price range ..

It Is What It Is ....

I’ve had tons of fun at 3-500 an hour with few regrets. The ladies who know me I never complain or even mention their rates. A good reputable gal will have her rates posted somewhere. If I see a rate that’s out of my budget I’ll sure enjoy the eye candy of her pics then look elsewhere.  

It’s like a trip to the Ford dealership man, I’ll admire the hell out of that Bullit Mustang in the showroom but I
 leaving in an F150, which still is out of some folks price comfort range but fits my needs. Sure I could go grab a half worn out used Ranger cheaper but why?

 But to further compare the price ranges of gals rates to vehicles I’ve tried a Focus ( budget priced gal) a couple times and found the ride to not be near as satisfying.

No disrespect intended gals, those that know me know I don’t view y’all as mere objects, figured this be a good analogy.

! want a house in the Hollywood Hills or South Beach.  So I'll bitch and moan that the people in those areas stop paying over 1 million dollars for the those properties so I can get in on the action.  If you cannot keep up with what the market is wiling to pay that is YOUR problem.  Just like anything, you can get priced out of the game if the supply is limited and the demand is high enough.  Vote with your wallet, but don't opine to everyone else to not appraise things on their own terms so that you won't be left behind.

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