
Showing my appreciation *threAD
AvaRay See my TER Reviews 400 reads

Thank you Tabu for reminding us all to take a moment on this holiday weekend to show appreciation for those who have paid the ultimate price for serving our country, even indirectly. My heart goes out to the families of the men and women who so recently lost their lives, not on a battle field, but while delivering life-saving food and equipment to the Nepalese earthquake victims.  

On a lighter note I'd like to show extra appreciation to our war vets. I'm in RDU tonight...

in every way.

Remember our heroes, past and present-- (thank you, Dad, for your service! I'm proud to to be the daughter of one of the Greatest Generation.)

Remember to play safely and enjoy our blessings, large and small.

kisses from the coast,


Thank you Tabu for reminding us all to take a moment on this holiday weekend to show appreciation for those who have paid the ultimate price for serving our country, even indirectly. My heart goes out to the families of the men and women who so recently lost their lives, not on a battle field, but while delivering life-saving food and equipment to the Nepalese earthquake victims.  

On a lighter note I'd like to show extra appreciation to our war vets. I'm in RDU tonight...

Did You Know?
Each year on Memorial Day a national moment of remembrance takes place at 3:00 p.m. local time.

Too many holidays have become all partying and shopping. People loose site about why these days exist in the first place.

My heart goes out to all the family's that have lost, the vets and their family's that have returned but are still suffering.  
Thank you to everyone who is or has served!

Did you know an average of 22 vets a day commit suicide?

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