
Re:Myrtle Beach Strip Clubs
meandmine 34 Reviews 7397 reads

The Masters is not bad. It is a large club and the dances are strictly YMMV, it all depends on the girl.

SteveLake6547 reads

Can anyone give me the scoop on the Myrtle Beach Strip Club scene?  I would like to know rules, VIP room info, type of dances, all the basics.  If you had one night to hit one of the clubs which would you pick?  Understand that I like contact.

The Masters is not bad. It is a large club and the dances are strictly YMMV, it all depends on the girl.

and contact one of the ladies on this board!

You could go to the Masters Club, then go and see Kobe!!
Make your reservation with Kobe before you get to MB. Kobe can be your "Feature Entertainer".

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