
Incall: dresser where the tv is or by the bed or desk works but ...
TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 553 reads

...i'll only expect it in the bathroom during an outcall because that's where I go to freshen up again and change into something much more comfortable anyways.

How many providers prefer donations left in envelopes?

If in a hotel, how many prefer the donation be left in the bathroom?

I normally just drop cash somewhere conspicuous.... Desk, table, dresser.  

I had one provider respond when I said I needed to use the restroom... "What? to leave the donation. don't worry, just put it anywhere.?" Actually, I had to use the restroom, and prefer to always at least wash my hands, whether i need to go or not

I prefer my consideration to be placed in eyesight- no envelope required :)

You can leave an envelope sitting on a counter or table in my place
You don't need to go to the bathroom to leave it there
I read that all the time
In fact you related a story in your post that I just experienced.
If you don't have an envelope it is not a deal breaker of course...don't let it worry you

Posted By: SCBodyRub
How many providers prefer donations left in envelopes?  
 If in a hotel, how many prefer the donation be left in the bathroom?  
 I normally just drop cash somewhere conspicuous.... Desk, table, dresser.  
 I had one provider respond when I said I needed to use the restroom... "What? to leave the donation. don't worry, just put it anywhere.?" Actually, I had to use the restroom, and prefer to always at least wash my hands, whether i need to go or not.  

I always go to a gift card section before hand and pick out a card that has some pretty words inside expressing appreciation for the gift of her TIME(life's most precious possession) , and I usually add some words of my own:))  When I am lucky enough to want to spend some of my TIME with the lady over and over, I never let her leave without acknowledging that she was appreciated more than words can say.

I also use cards (thank you cards) instead of envelopes. I've only seen one provider actually read the card in the 5 years I've been doing it, but I think it's because it's unexpected. I usually grab a few cards at a time, which reminds me  ... I need to get more.

Just experienced... LOL... ;-)

Yes, I know you did... One of the reasons I'm asking.

I've never left donation in bathroom, and I am sure that leaving it in open un-enveloped would not be a deal breaker.. What the provider is going to say... Sorry, take your money and leave? But just curious how strong the opinions were..

And your subject says you would prefer an envelope.

-- Modified on 1/12/2015 11:30:53 AM

I prefer the donation to be placed on a dresser/desk upon arrival. I prefer to have the business taken care of first and out of the way before we enjoy our candlelit time exploring each other.:)

dresser or table. If outcall, please leave it on the bathroom counter.  

Then all bets are off the table, you're all mine (licking my lips) ;)

Most of the time I put the donation in a thank you card and leave it on a table or next to the tv, so that the lady can see it.  Only once have I ever laid out the donation without it being in at least an envelope, and I wasn't comfortable doing that.

Now I do not sign the card or add any extra words.  I figure the lady can re-gift it if

AuggyDoggy570 reads

I'm actually surprised by the opinions here. I have read on numerous provider websites that they want the donation in an envelope and placed in an obvious place before getting down to pleasure. I had come to assume that any other procedure would be frowned upon.  

When I was a newbie I actually forgot to put the envelope down, and sat down with the girl to chat a kiss a bit, and she said to me, "Don't you have something for me?"  

I can tell you, it took me a long moment to figure out what she meant by that.

...i'll only expect it in the bathroom during an outcall because that's where I go to freshen up again and change into something much more comfortable anyways.

It looked like a late breakfast going through the lobby, take out soft drinks and a bag on a carrier. Not even a glance from the others in the lobby, just glad they did not check the hash browns.

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