
I totally agree
mconnection 58 Reviews 535 reads

Have been doing the same for almost a year now. So much more comes from the first encounter and the repeats. It becomes much more of a budget line item and you may not be able to date as often, however the dates are incredible and the memories are everlasting!
I think as I have matured in both years and hobby even the two hour date feels rushed and less than a dream date.

Posted By: SouthernGent51
Perhaps it is just a stage in life, but personally I've reached a point where a quick hour meeting just doesn't "cut the cake."  Yeah, at one time I probably considered it a blast!  
 Today, my fantasy is a 4, 6, or 8 hour date: dining in a restaurant or cooking out in a discrete location, conversation, touching, smiles, laughter, sipping wine, sensual embracing, exploring, love, pillow talk, sipping wine, more conversation, perhaps frolicking in nature or outside, deep kisses, passionate embracing, more love, excitement, etc.  of course an intelligent, fun, beautiful, and outgoing lady is a requirement.  
 Perhaps it will happen, and happen very soon.    
 Anyone else on my page, especially ladies?
-- Modified on 8/10/2014 6:54:23 AM

-- Modified on 8/10/2014 6:56:12 AM

Perhaps it is just a stage in life, but personally I've reached a point where a quick hour meeting just doesn't "cut the cake."  Yeah, at one time I probably considered it a blast!

Today, my fantasy is a 4, 6, or 8 hour date: dining in a restaurant or cooking out in a discrete location, conversation, touching, smiles, laughter, sipping wine, sensual embracing, exploring, love, pillow talk, sipping wine, more conversation, perhaps frolicking in nature or outside, deep kisses, passionate embracing, more love, excitement, etc.  of course an intelligent, fun, beautiful, and outgoing lady is a requirement.

Perhaps it will happen, and happen very soon.  

Anyone else on my page, especially ladies?

They are superb!  Of course having a hot lady nearby raises the temperature, so "some things" may have to be observed much more clothes-ly, er-r, closely :-)

A true southern gentleman, perfect handle by the way. Most men these days only want an hour and want to try and cram everything in a one hour window, that has always made me laugh. They want a gfe experience but only want to see the lady for a short period of time and chances are you won't see them again for a long period of time. Tell me how that's a connection?
You my dear sir seem like you know what you want and how to treat a lady. Good luck on your search and to the lucky lady that may end up on a date with you...Treat him exceptionally well!

There are many to be had and I have had many and continue to have them.  

Many many of the ladies here on ter have wonderful experiences dates dinners lunches weekends and even hours that they could share.

We are some lucky gals and I am thankful for the many Os!

OhMe!!!!651 reads

I don't think the OP is that rare especially from what I have seen posted by the Carolina gentleman here. Not throwing you under the bus but I think you are marketing in the wrong places. Expand you're menu and change you're marketing tactics then you may attract a better class of clientele. I have never met you but you seem like a nice enough lady but the limited menu options and details from reviews wouldn't exactly entice me to book a longer engagement. If certain things are not comfortable for you that's fine and any gentleman including myself should respect that, shame on him if he doesn't. But marketing and available "activities" will open you up to a different class of hobbyist.

Im getting tired of the hourly dates... I may start my first time meetings with a minimum of 2hours. I like to be passionate, fully enjoy exploring eachohter,  and have intelligent conversation, all along with some laughs.... This IS what makes a great date, when you arent rushed to include all these activities within an hour. An hour is hardy enough, especially with a woman like me!! Your just gonna want more time!!

One lucky lady to have a date with you SoutherGent!!! Hope ya'll have fun!!!


I totally agree with what you are saying. But to be honest I don't always like to invest in a 2 hr date with someone I've never met.  Even with ladies with great reviews. I mean the chemistry factor is such an unknown  but yet , a critical factor.

To me 1 1/2 hrs is perfect for that initial enounter. It is ample time to share a bottle of wine and enjoy a good romp !  Then if we fall in love I'll look forward to multiple hr dates in the future.

BTW gents , if you've not met LB I strongly suggest 2 hrs or more.  You will have a great experience but you are also going to need time to recover.  I think it took me 15 or 20 minutes before I got my heart rate back to normal and was able to walk without my knees buckling!

I think I read a post you made that said you were doing just what you posted
So it is

And happening very soon

I think Steph is on your page! Woohoo! I'm just guessing!!

I'm going to have a few of those myself! HOTSEXHOTSEX :)

Might switch the wine out with some delicious Vodka!

I have 3 dinners I am preparing this month that are mouthwatering and the sweet dessert is to dive for!
Xoxo I like nothing better than to make a guys mouth the table or in the bedroom!!

Have fun..Good to read that you don't need the oxygen tank...etc

-- Modified on 8/10/2014 12:22:31 AM

Have been doing the same for almost a year now. So much more comes from the first encounter and the repeats. It becomes much more of a budget line item and you may not be able to date as often, however the dates are incredible and the memories are everlasting!
I think as I have matured in both years and hobby even the two hour date feels rushed and less than a dream date.

Posted By: SouthernGent51
Perhaps it is just a stage in life, but personally I've reached a point where a quick hour meeting just doesn't "cut the cake."  Yeah, at one time I probably considered it a blast!  
 Today, my fantasy is a 4, 6, or 8 hour date: dining in a restaurant or cooking out in a discrete location, conversation, touching, smiles, laughter, sipping wine, sensual embracing, exploring, love, pillow talk, sipping wine, more conversation, perhaps frolicking in nature or outside, deep kisses, passionate embracing, more love, excitement, etc.  of course an intelligent, fun, beautiful, and outgoing lady is a requirement.  
 Perhaps it will happen, and happen very soon.    
 Anyone else on my page, especially ladies?
-- Modified on 8/10/2014 6:54:23 AM

-- Modified on 8/10/2014 6:56:12 AM

Afford to do that on a regular besis, but in my current situation, I can neither afford the time or money to spend 6 to 8 hours with a lady. I do agree though, that it would be a great situation and a much more enjoyable experience. Maybe someday

Those summer overnights, dinners, boat rides, sitting on the dock enjoying the moon rising(that ain't all that was rising;P~~~).
But most of all, the number one memory, is that of the lil ladies lying all au natural and tangled up with me, resting after the evenings activities all tuckered out and asleep with their heads resting on my chest, hair all around. Making lil cooing sounds, kinda, sorta like they were dreaming of something, and the firelight from the electric fireplace reflecting off their smooth, flawless skin;P~~
I was afraid to move for fear of breaking that magical moment in time that I was committing to memory. But boy was my arm killing me that was under her, holding her close---LOL!  
"O, how I remember!")~~~

Dinner ,drinks,dessert Dream dates ,are fun ,relaxing & for the gents that truly love fine female companionship.Moore & moore mature gents with extra time & funds available know about the extended dream dates.

My intro into this arena was a 1.5 hour because I just felt like 1 hour wouldn't be enough.  It turned out I was right with this particular lady and the overall experience had me hooked.  Yep, that was the "newbie" in me at that point but it helped me learn a lesson for me.  

I've never done less than 2 hours since as 1 hour just wouldn't leave me feeling how I want to feel at the end of our time.  I've certainly had some luck on my side in having good experiences and I know there will be a bad one out there some day simply with the law of averages.  I'm a meticulous type of person when it comes to doing research and details (no not anal retentive, I just like to be well informed).  I like to think that the time I spend in learning about a young lady via website/reviews etc has played a significant role in my good fortunes and having successful 2 hour initial meetings.  I've usually gleaned from these sources of information some indication as to whether or not there will be a mental/personality connection.   The physical is easy for me assuming the photos are accurate

I've done several 4+, and a couple of 12 hour ones too for the exact reasons you have mentioned.  I really enjoy the interaction and all of those little things.  Believe it or not I've had two 4 hour dates as a first time meeting.  In both cases I had done a considerable amount of research, had chatted with the ladies, and though no guarantee, I felt comfortable that we would do well both physically and mentally.  I immediately booked a follow up 4+ date the following evening with one of them and the other I've seen since then for an overnight.  Both worked out extremely well and are very memorable for completely different reasons to me.  

The 12's were with people I had seen previously for at least 2 or 3 hours in our first date.  A two hour previous meeting is time well spent before taking the plunge for the really extended date if you go down that path.  

I guess my next "extended fantasy" will either be a full 24 or maybe a weekend get away.  Or maybe it's a 3-4 day trip to Vegas where I do multiple 12's?  Hmm..  Some food for thought there.  I do enjoy Vegas and all of the options it brings to the table.  

As someone else has pointed out it is the age old question of time and funds.  Usually one of them is not readily available when the other one is!!  This is yet another I reason I continue to play the lottery.  Damn it, someone has to win and if I don't have a ticket, I won't.  

Ah the life we live and the choices we have to make.  Thanks for the thread and a way for me to enjoy my cup of coffee this morning while watching it rain out the back window

Two hours with the right provider is AMAZING! I have found out (recently) that two hours with the "right"-provider is optimal. One hour with the wrong provider can be hell. Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out which category the provider is "really" in.

I don't do overnights because I absolutely hate sharing my bed. One thing I really like about the hobby "life" is that you (the client) get to be left alone between sessions. A longer date equates to a longer alone period between sessions. I don't think I would want quite that much solitude that an 8 hour date would require. Eight hours would be about my monthly "allowance" to maintain some semblance of a budget. I'd rather savor the experience with a few different woman a few times a month rather than "blow" it all at once. Just my 2 cents.

I can't hang around a person much after two hours. Even people I enjoy to be with starts to wear on me after awhile.

About 5 years ago I tried a 12 hour date in Albuquerque. The sex was great, back in the day when I could do multiple pops. We toured Albuquerque, she gave me a massage, ate at nice restaurants, went back and had sex again. As good as it was, I was dying for the date to end. I felt so smothered, I vowed I would never do that again. Two hours is about right, three if we have dinner, but no more.

Posted By: SouthernGent51
Perhaps it is just a stage in life, but personally I've reached a point where a quick hour meeting just doesn't "cut the cake."  Yeah, at one time I probably considered it a blast!  
 Today, my fantasy is a 4, 6, or 8 hour date: dining in a restaurant or cooking out in a discrete location, conversation, touching, smiles, laughter, sipping wine, sensual embracing, exploring, love, pillow talk, sipping wine, more conversation, perhaps frolicking in nature or outside, deep kisses, passionate embracing, more love, excitement, etc.  of course an intelligent, fun, beautiful, and outgoing lady is a requirement.  
 Perhaps it will happen, and happen very soon.    
 Anyone else on my page, especially ladies?

I agree. Smothered is how I feel also, which explains why I'm single and would rather do this than get married again, or even date. This life is so much better. Plus I find that people are at their best for the first date and then the law of diminishing returns kicks in ... just an observation.

Posted By: oldted
I can't hang around a person much after two hours. Even people I enjoy to be with starts to wear on me after awhile.  
 About 5 years ago I tried a 12 hour date in Albuquerque. The sex was great, back in the day when I could do multiple pops. We toured Albuquerque, she gave me a massage, ate at nice restaurants, went back and had sex again. As good as it was, I was dying for the date to end. I felt so smothered, I vowed I would never do that again. Two hours is about right, three if we have dinner, but no more.  
Posted By: SouthernGent51
Perhaps it is just a stage in life, but personally I've reached a point where a quick hour meeting just doesn't "cut the cake."  Yeah, at one time I probably considered it a blast!  
  Today, my fantasy is a 4, 6, or 8 hour date: dining in a restaurant or cooking out in a discrete location, conversation, touching, smiles, laughter, sipping wine, sensual embracing, exploring, love, pillow talk, sipping wine, more conversation, perhaps frolicking in nature or outside, deep kisses, passionate embracing, more love, excitement, etc.  of course an intelligent, fun, beautiful, and outgoing lady is a requirement.  
  Perhaps it will happen, and happen very soon.    
  Anyone else on my page, especially ladies?

It's me. I have nothing to offer a woman after two hours. Most of the time I can only pop once, I am not romantic, not a great conversationalist. After giving them a good licking and pounding, I got nothing left for them.

I agree. Smothered is how I feel also, which explains why I'm single and would rather do this than get married again, or even date. This life is so much better. Plus I find that people are at their best for the first date and then the law of diminishing returns kicks in ... just an observation.  
Posted By: oldted
I can't hang around a person much after two hours. Even people I enjoy to be with starts to wear on me after awhile.  
  About 5 years ago I tried a 12 hour date in Albuquerque. The sex was great, back in the day when I could do multiple pops. We toured Albuquerque, she gave me a massage, ate at nice restaurants, went back and had sex again. As good as it was, I was dying for the date to end. I felt so smothered, I vowed I would never do that again. Two hours is about right, three if we have dinner, but no more.  
Posted By: SouthernGent51
Perhaps it is just a stage in life, but personally I've reached a point where a quick hour meeting just doesn't "cut the cake."  Yeah, at one time I probably considered it a blast!    
   Today, my fantasy is a 4, 6, or 8 hour date: dining in a restaurant or cooking out in a discrete location, conversation, touching, smiles, laughter, sipping wine, sensual embracing, exploring, love, pillow talk, sipping wine, more conversation, perhaps frolicking in nature or outside, deep kisses, passionate embracing, more love, excitement, etc.  of course an intelligent, fun, beautiful, and outgoing lady is a requirement.    
   Perhaps it will happen, and happen very soon.      
   Anyone else on my page, especially ladies?

A few hours to a few days with someone special. It was wonderful being able to have dinner whenever, spend time in conversation (you guys know I can talk to a brick wall) & even ditch plans and be spontaneous or nap--fuck yeah naps.

weekend date that included a 10k

A weekend making maple syrup in Vermont

4 days windsurfing in Montauk

Dinners and shows in NYC Boston Chicago

the whole ACC tournament in Atlanta

Redsox v Yankees at Fenway

Adult clubs in NYC and Philly

Abby Road on the River in Louisville weekend

The Borgata in Atlantic City weekend

I have some wonderful memories
Not to mention overnights, fantasy fests dinners
It's been awesome and I have loved every minut

Naps are glorious. It is the only time I'll share my bed for sleep. I know, I'm a bastard.

2 or 3 hr is great.  It takes 20 minutes to get really comfortable(kissing, laughing, touchy-feely), and at least a 20-30 min french lesson on my date. (If you can tell, I like to do that).
 The the next hour or two we can have passion then a meal.

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