
I feel bad for Drew
Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 533 reads

I only wish the ladies could write reviews
Boy what a different story we would see painted
Let him live in his fantasy while he can still sit up

-- Modified on 10/5/2015 12:42:07 PM

Rufus-T-Firefly1058 reads

Is there a good reason, in your mind, to prefer local girls over visiting girls, or vice-versa?  

Is it the case that visiting girls are going to ask for a higher donation, everything else being equal, because they have more expenses to cover?

There are a few ladies in my area but visiting ladies add the variety.  I do not think cost is any different, from my experience prices are comparable.  I've seen some visiting ladies that prices are the same as local.  My assumption is that if a visiting lady gets a certain number of bookings her expenses will be covered but then again it depends on the area she is visiting.  I know some have different donation amounts for areas that have a higher cost of living which I think is fair.

I think visiting is far better than local here in the RDU area. For example, I just met Marinara the Muse out of NYC,ID=242482 , on her Raleigh tour and we don't have any local providers like her in the area. She is smoking hot and her performance out of this world! I may give out my first 10 review AND I've never had a 10 before. Close.

We certainly have a few "rock stars" here in the local area, Bella Maytresse and Aria Rocchi come to mind and they are hard to beat as performers, but I'm pretty sure that the visiting talent is better than the average "local" provider in the RDU area. Man, am I going to get "shit" for saying that, but it's my opinion.

Posted By: Rufus-T-Firefly
Is there a good reason, in your mind, to prefer local girls over visiting girls, or vice-versa?  
 Is it the case that visiting girls are going to ask for a higher donation, everything else being equal, because they have more expenses to cover?

Behringer804 reads

I would never take the Carolina girls for granted.

So this Marinara the Muse you speak she Italian? Did she teach you how to make spaghetti sauce? Carolina girls can do that!

Seriously though, I'm sure Marianna is an exceptional woman in her own right. I mean, you just said you're considering giving her your first 10 rating. Obviously she's not representative of the "average" touring provider yet you seem to want to make her their representative before comparing them to the average local provider. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that woman still has your head spinning! Once you come back down from the high she gave you, maybe you'll see your post in a different light.  

Then again, you're expecting shit, so maybe not.

Well let's see on the visiting team ... Ava Ray from SC, And Keen, Sloan, and I couldn't forget Molly Daniels, so I have a tough time comparing the visitors from the locals. The visitors are a hot crew.

BTW she's a Russian/Israeli who served in the Israeli Defense Force ... she taught me to "shut up" and let her worry about the time as she took me from the bedroom to the living room. Picture a tan Sara Jessica Parker (but hotter) with a Russian accent and a serious oral fetish.

Yes, my head is spinning, both of them.  

Posted By: Behringer
I would never take the Carolina girls for granted.  
 So this Marinara the Muse you speak she Italian? Did she teach you how to make spaghetti sauce? Carolina girls can do that!  
 Seriously though, I'm sure Marianna is an exceptional woman in her own right. I mean, you just said you're considering giving her your first 10 rating. Obviously she's not representative of the "average" touring provider yet you seem to want to make her their representative before comparing them to the average local provider. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that woman still has your head spinning! Once you come back down from the high she gave you, maybe you'll see your post in a different light.  
 Then again, you're expecting shit, so maybe not.

Behringer659 reads

This isn't a contest. Nobody else is naming names. Let's say you like variety and leave it at that before you disrespect anyone else. That's all you had to say in the first place.

I'll let you write my next "opinion" for me. My post wasn't all inclusive, nor was it intended to be so if anyone felt disrespected it was kinda foolish. Just critiques on opinion.  

Posted By: Behringer
This isn't a contest. Nobody else is naming names. Let's say you like variety and leave it at that before you disrespect anyone else. That's all you had to say in the first place.

Behringer624 reads

When you end a post with, "Man am I going to get shit for saying that but it's my opinion" you're admitting that you expect to piss someone off but you feel your opinion is so valuable that you're going to share it anyway because you don't care. You know damn well it was disrespectful but you seem to think that your thoughts are far more important than the feelings of anyone you disrespected when you started spouting out the names of those you think are better. There's only one person in this thread that's foolish. But I gather it's been a long long time since he's looked in a mirror. Is it that difficult to think about someone else for a change? Is it???

How about turning the tables for a minute. How would you like it if someone you met and liked started naming the names of clients in other towns that were so much better than the guys in the Raleigh area? How would you like it if Marianna got home and posted how glad she was to be back? Her hometown gents are so much better than durhamdrew. Not cool, huh?Does that not seem ridiculous and unnecessary to you? Because that's exactly what you did.

Go ahead and stick with your "It's all about drew" theme if you must. But don't act like it's not tacky. And that's putting it mildly.

He responded to the original post in a straightforward manner.  Stated his opinion and why he feels that way.  Even before I got to the end of his comment, I thought to myself, "Man, he's going to catch shit for that".  Some view responding to threads like this as an opportunity to help keep things real.  Others see it as a chance to curry favor with the local talent by defending their honor or something.  Let the man state his preferences without attacking him for doing so.  In the end, it helps us all to hear a variety of opinions.  Certainly you're free to state your own opinion, but why the vitriolic attack?  Just a thought.

I only wish the ladies could write reviews
Boy what a different story we would see painted
Let him live in his fantasy while he can still sit up

-- Modified on 10/5/2015 12:42:07 PM

That's one review you would never be able to write. Perhaps, that's were the anger is coming from? Don't tell me you're still upset that I said BP ladies were not as good as the TER ladies?  

Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I only wish the ladies could write reviews  
 Boy what a different story we would see painted  
 Let him live in his fantasy while he can still sit up

-- Modified on 10/5/2015 12:42:07 PM

I have been a member here on ter since 2004
You have reviewed providers that have advertised on bp
Whats your point?

 That's one review you would never be able to write. Perhaps, that's were the anger is coming from? Don't tell me you're still upset that I said BP ladies were not as good as the TER ladies?  
Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I only wish the ladies could write reviews  
  Boy what a different story we would see painted  
  Let him live in his fantasy while he can still sit up  
 -- Modified on 10/5/2015 12:42:07 PM

Sounding very defensive ...

Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I have been a member here on ter since 2004  
 You have reviewed providers that have advertised on bp  
 Whats your point?  
  That's one review you would never be able to write. Perhaps, that's were the anger is coming from? Don't tell me you're still upset that I said BP ladies were not as good as the TER ladies?    
Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I only wish the ladies could write reviews    
   Boy what a different story we would see painted    
   Let him live in his fantasy while he can still sit up  
  -- Modified on 10/5/2015 12:42:07 PM


Sounding very defensive ...  
Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I have been a member here on ter since 2004  
  You have reviewed providers that have advertised on bp  
  Whats your point?  
   That's one review you would never be able to write. Perhaps, that's were the anger is coming from? Don't tell me you're still upset that I said BP ladies were not as good as the TER ladies?    
Posted By: Sexy Carolina
I only wish the ladies could write reviews    
    Boy what a different story we would see painted    
    Let him live in his fantasy while he can still sit up    
   -- Modified on 10/5/2015 12:42:07 PM
-- Modified on 10/6/2015 8:32:14 AM

Behringer449 reads

Before you finished reading his post you thought he was going to catch shit. Before he finished writing it he thought he was going to catch shit. So why the hell would you think anyone's being rough on the boy when the shit delivery arrives? He wanted it. He got it. He absolutely deserved it. There are plenty of ways he could have shared his opinion in a more tasteful manner. Like I already said, he could have simply stated that he likes variety and left it at that instead of giving us a list...

You act like I'm attacking him for the sport of it. If you'll notice, I started out trying to keep things civil and respectful. I didn't say how I really felt until he started playing Mr. Innocent and acting like nobody has any reason to feel disrespected. We all know otherwise. You, him, me...anyone with the slightest amount of sense.  

Now, think what you want. I'm not trying to win any brownie points with anyone. I see nothing wrong with speaking up when I see anyone being disrespected. Is it really unacceptable to stand up and say, "Hey man, what you're doing/saying...that's not OK." If you choose to sit there and accept it, ignore it, look the other way...go ahead and take your seat. I won't be joining you.

It's the internet ... Nobody cares

get over it, and yourself.

-- Modified on 10/5/2015 6:41:11 PM

Behringer372 reads

You care. That's why you keep coming back. Duh!! And you'll keep coming back to read every word I write. See ya later!

It's the internet ... Nobody cares  
 get over it, and yourself.

-- Modified on 10/5/2015 6:41:11 PM

A few of the hobbyists have mentioned that you write just like a provider ... One that has a history of this kind of shit in fact. Duh!

Posted By: Behringer
You care. That's why you keep coming back. Duh!! And you'll keep coming back to read every word I write. See ya later!  
It's the internet ... Nobody cares  
  get over it, and yourself.  
 -- Modified on 10/5/2015 6:41:11 PM

Johnny3Balls488 reads

Ain't nobody else bitching but you. He had a right to an opinion and he stated it without being rude or crass. It wasn't crap from another monger he was expecting. Look at you, white knight defender of those without a voice.

Behringer463 reads

drewpid has a fanboy! Or...or maybe...drewpid, is that you?

I never use an alias to post. It's about not being a coward. Just like a hooker who pretends to be a hobbyist to make BS posts ... got a history of that don't ya? Yeah, the internet is forever ...

Posted By: Behringer
drewpid has a fanboy! Or...or maybe...drewpid, is that you?

Behringer489 reads

You know, I would've dropped this a long time ago had you just taken some ownership in your offensive ways. I really didn't expect this to go on this long. But you're so far out of touch with reality.

I've never seen someone all over the board with their thoughts the way you are. You started out from square one admitting that you knew you would offend someone. Then you acted like a child in denial when they spoke up. One minute it's the internet, nobody cares. Next minute you're back to see what I have to say. Yesterday I was a white knight. Today I'm a hooker. You're scratching for anything you can get to try to divert the attention away from yourself. It's not working.

What do know about not being a coward? A couple of weeks ago you posted that you retired early. That's not true. There's a word for your current status but 'retirement' ain't it! You're struggling. And that's fine. You can't always help the hand of cards you're dealt. You do the best you can with what you've got. That doesn't mean playing the sympathy card. I would think being dependent on others would make a man more humble, thankful, grateful and respectful. So what's your excuse? If you really weren't a coward, you would own it, and that alone would earn you some respect.

There's no reason for me to continue on with you anymore. You've shown your true colors. You've shown that you're too close minded to self evaluate. And while your deception has worked for a while, the truth is, Everybody Knows...

Does this mean I have to give my pension back?

Posted By: Behringer
You know, I would've dropped this a long time ago had you just taken some ownership in your offensive ways. I really didn't expect this to go on this long. But you're so far out of touch with reality.  
 I've never seen someone all over the board with their thoughts the way you are. You started out from square one admitting that you knew you would offend someone. Then you acted like a child in denial when they spoke up. One minute it's the internet, nobody cares. Next minute you're back to see what I have to say. Yesterday I was a white knight. Today I'm a hooker. You're scratching for anything you can get to try to divert the attention away from yourself. It's not working.  
 What do know about not being a coward? A couple of weeks ago you posted that you retired early. That's not true. There's a word for your current status but 'retirement' ain't it! You're struggling. And that's fine. You can't always help the hand of cards you're dealt. You do the best you can with what you've got. That doesn't mean playing the sympathy card. I would think being dependent on others would make a man more humble, thankful, grateful and respectful. So what's your excuse? If you really weren't a coward, you would own it, and that alone would earn you some respect.  
 There's no reason for me to continue on with you anymore. You've shown your true colors. You've shown that you're too close minded to self evaluate. And while your deception has worked for a while, the truth is, Everybody Knows...

Some people here just aren't happy unless they can crucify someone, anyplace, anytime ... says a lot about their own happiness... or lack of.

Posted By: Olderguy
He responded to the original post in a straightforward manner.  Stated his opinion and why he feels that way.  Even before I got to the end of his comment, I thought to myself, "Man, he's going to catch shit for that".  Some view responding to threads like this as an opportunity to help keep things real.  Others see it as a chance to curry favor with the local talent by defending their honor or something.  Let the man state his preferences without attacking him for doing so.  In the end, it helps us all to hear a variety of opinions.  Certainly you're free to state your own opinion, but why the vitriolic attack?  Just a thought.

Behringer423 reads

See what I mean? You still want to make this all about how you're being done wrong. Still can find that mirror, eh? You can dish it out but you sure don't take it very well. Enjoy your pity party, selfish boy. I'm sure it's a lot of fun.

Some people here just aren't happy unless they can crucify someone, anyplace, anytime ... says a lot about their own happiness... or lack of.

Did I name anyone in a disrespectful way? No.  

You are really reaching, perhaps for that stick up your ass?

I've seen White Knights on here before, but you are taking it to a whole new level.

Posted By: Behringer
When you end a post with, "Man am I going to get shit for saying that but it's my opinion" you're admitting that you expect to piss someone off but you feel your opinion is so valuable that you're going to share it anyway because you don't care. You know damn well it was disrespectful but you seem to think that your thoughts are far more important than the feelings of anyone you disrespected when you started spouting out the names of those you think are better. There's only one person in this thread that's foolish. But I gather it's been a long long time since he's looked in a mirror. Is it that difficult to think about someone else for a change? Is it???  
 How about turning the tables for a minute. How would you like it if someone you met and liked started naming the names of clients in other towns that were so much better than the guys in the Raleigh area? How would you like it if Marianna got home and posted how glad she was to be back? Her hometown gents are so much better than durhamdrew. Not cool, huh?Does that not seem ridiculous and unnecessary to you? Because that's exactly what you did.  
 Go ahead and stick with your "It's all about drew" theme if you must. But don't act like it's not tacky. And that's putting it mildly.

-- Modified on 10/8/2015 7:42:56 AM

I think visiting is far better than local here in the RDU area. For example, I just met Marinara the Muse out of NYC,ID=242482 , on her Raleigh tour and we don't have any local providers like her in the area. She is smoking hot and her performance out of this world! I may give out my first 10 review AND I've never had a 10 before. Close.  
 We certainly have a few "rock stars" here in the local area, Bella Maytresse and Aria Rocchi come to mind and they are hard to beat as performers, but I'm pretty sure that the visiting talent is better than the average "local" provider in the RDU area. Man, am I going to get "shit" for saying that, but it's my opinion.  
Hey Now!  I live in Carolina.  So technically, I'm not a touring gal down here.  I'm just not home that much, right, Drew?

I named you as part of the Visiting team, but you have a point, or two.

Posted By: MollyDaniels
I think visiting is far better than local here in the RDU area. For example, I just met Marinara the Muse out of NYC,ID=242482 , on her Raleigh tour and we don't have any local providers like her in the area. She is smoking hot and her performance out of this world! I may give out my first 10 review AND I've never had a 10 before. Close.  
  We certainly have a few "rock stars" here in the local area, Bella Maytresse and Aria Rocchi come to mind and they are hard to beat as performers, but I'm pretty sure that the visiting talent is better than the average "local" provider in the RDU area. Man, am I going to get "shit" for saying that, but it's my opinion.  
 Hey Now!  I live in Carolina.  So technically, I'm not a touring gal down here.  I'm just not home that much, right, Drew?

Rufus-T-Firefly529 reads

One issue that I've tried to consider is that it's easier to repeat with local girls, and by doing so build a personal relationship. One or two traveling girls that I've really hit it off with either haven't come back at all or only come around once or twice a year, and that makes it hard to benefit from the connection we've made, especially if that one or two times she does come this way I'm not able to arrange a date with her.

I totally agree with you. I love my repeat friends. It might be a few months or like Sexy said she started in 2004, so did I. I find it completely soul satisfying to catch up with the people I have met over the years.

Not that I do not like meeting new people. It is kind of like seeing an old friend and where the heck did the time go. Kelley

I'll answer your 2nd question first with regard to donation.   My experience has been that the Carolina's are very reasonable compared to some other locations at the local level.  My experiences on the West Coast with donation levels for the locals is typically a little higher than here but not necessarily out of this world.  I'm also starting to take a look at Atlanta and hope to be making some connections down that way soon.  Local donations in Atlanta are very comparable to the Carolinas and I don't mind hanging out in Atlanta for a long weekend complete with some fun.  I guess I become the visiting in that scenario.  

Traveling ladies seem to often have donation ranges that fall within the local economy so to speak.  These often include higher donations if you see them in say NYC, DC, Boston maybe, etc.  So I think donations for travelers fall in line with the locals.   Sure there are ladies that come through that are out of my range as they don't change their donation levels from their home state or city, but that's okay.  There's something here for everyone's taste and budget.  

With regards to preferring locals versus touring... I honestly enjoy both, but give an edge to seeing any of a vast number of locals.  There is great variety of options, but keep in mind local to me means within about a 100 mile radius due to my location.   A couple of folks have made the point of recurring appointments and the chemistry that builds over time and I agree completely.  I'm one who typically does multi hour and I've done repeats with many ladies.  Maybe I've been a little bit lucky but in my 2+ years there has really only been 1 or 2 that there just wasn't any type of a connection

I very much enjoy traveling ladies as well because "Variety is the spice of life" and big part of this hobby.  I'm okay if it's 6 months before I get to see them again and am always a little amazed at just how much they remember from our previous encounter.  

My 2 cents on a rainy Saturday..

they all taste the same to me..

I come to NC quite often to visit my family and when I do, I keep my visiting rates the same as my rates in Vegas which by Vegas standards, is very reasonable.  I know some girls will jack their rates up because of all of the traveling expenses (which can get quite high) in order to justify their visit.   Rooms, air fare, eating out, rental cars, etc. can really add up.  Yes, it can cost you a little bit more but it is always your choice as to whether or not you want to shell out the extra funds to see one of these lovely visiting ladies.  I believe more ladies would visit the Carolinas if they were willing to drop their rates to correspond with the area they are visiting.   Carolina girls rock though!!!


-- Modified on 10/5/2015 4:01:09 PM

Slightly higher is understandable, but when someone is set a double, or triple the local rate I just scratch my head and wonder at the logic. As you said, it's expensive to tour,but at times the rates are so high for touring ladies that it's really hard to understand how they did their market research.

castiron422 reads

It's called hooker maths. :)

Posted By: Rufus-T-Firefly
Is there a good reason, in your mind, to prefer local girls over visiting girls, or vice-versa?  
 Is it the case that visiting girls are going to ask for a higher donation, everything else being equal, because they have more expenses to cover?
It just seems to me, as an observer here, that Behringer just might have PMS. Cut her a break Drew. As far as sexycarolina goes, a bit of research will tell you all you need to know.

She's pushing 60 hard so PMS is unlikely. Just BSC. And you don't have to research when fellow hobbyists send you all the information that is needed and then some. Funny about the Net. Shits on there forever.  

-- Modified on 10/9/2015 5:57:13 PM

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