
I am a hoosier, so I never embraced any inner Yankee
Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 573 reads

Growing up in corn country, will have hopefully prepared me to get along just fine in the south.

I recently took a trip down through North Carolina and South Carolina, and am now in love with the whole area. I also got an opportunity to spend some quality time with several native Carolinans (sp?). The way of life seems much better than “crazy DC”, and the people seem to me to be very nice and very genuine. Thus, I am now plotting a plan to figure out how to get myself a wonderful job and move to the area. In the meantime, I thought I would participate in your board and pretend my move to area is happening quicker than it is probably actually going to happen, if I can make it happen at all. I hope you will all welcome my comments and not think “why is that crazy ass DC guy, always posting on our board?”.

I moved to DC after college because I really thought that it would be great to live there.  And after 4 years, I realized I hated it.  It is a great place to visit, but commuting and paying rent was a whole different story.  So I looked at a map, decided that NC was the best place I had ever been, and I started applying for jobs here.  The job I found paid about the same as what I was making there, but my rent was significantly less, and my commute was much easier as well.  And I like the lifestyle much better as well.  So, yea, it worked out well.  Good luck to you!

Oh , I suppose we can find room for one more DC refugee. But only because you are a stand up guy.

I've been here 1 year this month. No regrets. Except I do miss some of my fave DC ladies and restaurants .

BTW....I've always heard it is much easier to snag a job if you already live here than seaching for employment in order to relocate. At least as far as Raleigh Triangle area goes.

Also, be assured you will be welcomed to the community.

Good luck!

I am sure they miss you as well.

With my new ATF being a lady who travels out of ATL, Carolina is even more appealing

Direct quote from my neighbor. He is from Kendall, NY. So come on down, just leave the drama and inner Yankee there! lol
My family came here from Southeast PA. In 1752.

Growing up in corn country, will have hopefully prepared me to get along just fine in the south.

I am sure you will do fine. (big grin) I had a real belly laugh in his presence at that comment though. As others have suggested, you can do a lot to control your cost and live better here for less. Have fun and keep on smiling.

I grew up in the land of herbicide hats too. Just remember it's YOU who has the accent. You'll find the folks here are a lot like the folks in the Midwest and the women far more beautiful. Welcome y'all.

Panthera12551 reads

Of course with a name like "tweeder" I think you will fit in just fine.  

What's the difference between a Yankee zoo and a Redneck zoo?
On the cage in a Yankee zoo, it will have the name of the animal and the scientific name in Latin.

A Southern zoo will have the name of the animal and a recipe.

In reality, if you go as little as 20 miles in the rural south, you are no longer a local. You can fit in and be accepted in many communities by just trying to adapt to your surroundings and not to change them to what you despised and left behind. Yes, locals can be clannish, but just not around here. They can also be kind and accepting, again not just here. I guess that we all need take the neighbor test. If a person moves three times and still has bad neighbors, guess what?

skarphedin560 reads

And my people are from the Appalachias: SW PA, SE OH, Northern WV and NW Maryland. So, I know clannishness when I see it! It is what it is and not all bad...  

I just try and tell everyone moving down here that the smiles and surface kindnesses are just that... True friends can be made, but it takes a lot longer than people from the North East and West are used to..

And none if them say they want to move back.

Glad ya enjoyed you're visit and hope ya find a place in our state that suits ya. NC is great ya can be in the blue ridge mountains and later in the same day be sitting on the beach. I transplanted here myself about 20 years ago from WV, explains why I talk funny, mix of Appalachia and the local NC twang.This is home though a great place and for the most part I've found folks are pretty willing to open up and accept ya. You'll love it here. Just don't debate BBQ with anyone and you'll be fine

The Yankee came to visit and the damned Yankee decided to stay.

--2labman  (originally a Yankee, too - but have become a converted Suthren boy)

BTW, you will find a wonderful selection of providers here, and rates are probably significantly lower than you are used to.

I watched "My Cousin Vinny" & "'Deliverance" before moving to NC as homework to prepare for the move. I like sweet tea, but grits ....

...and I don't swanney much.  Ever been stuck on I95 in Balt/DC?  Much worse than 77!

Posted By: Charlie Tweeder
I recently took a trip down through North Carolina and South Carolina, and am now in love with the whole area. I also got an opportunity to spend some quality time with several native Carolinans (sp?). The way of life seems much better than “crazy DC”, and the people seem to me to be very nice and very genuine. Thus, I am now plotting a plan to figure out how to get myself a wonderful job and move to the area. In the meantime, I thought I would participate in your board and pretend my move to area is happening quicker than it is probably actually going to happen, if I can make it happen at all. I hope you will all welcome my comments and not think “why is that crazy ass DC guy, always posting on our board?”.

We go with the flow, like a steady mountain stream!! (no pun intended).
Kick off your shoes and stay awhile!!

So I look forward to now admiring your posts on both boards! ;-)

Steph xoxo

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