
Bicycling + Gym.
L.Guapo 668 reads

It's hilly around me and I do intense bike rides lasting about 1 1/2 hrs.  I alternate those with visiting the gym, where I use an exercise bike and lift, mostly upper body, for all major muscle groups.  I'm buff!

What's your favorite type of work out?  What do you do to stay in shape?  Any recommendations for someone who needs to get back into the gym or in a fitness routine

I do hydraulic resistance...30 mins a day...5 days a week...they ain't open on weekends :(

Posted By: scazdude
What's your favorite type of work out?  What do you do to stay in shape?  Any recommendations for someone who needs to get back into the gym or in a fitness routine?  

I know you would!  You've always provided some great cardio..he he

And I am in the gym at least twice a week
The workout I do is extreme/hardcore
Lots of squats lunges push-ups crunches sprints suicides burpees  bear crawls walking push-ups jumping jacks jump rope
Dips 6 inches leg ups  
Continuous for an hour and often the above is done with weight

hey Scaz, I've been lifting weights for a little over 30 years and I can tell you that any activity you do is good for you, particularly the activities we discuss on this board, it's good for body and soul :-)

If you haven't been to the gym in a while, start slow, you don't want to get too stove up.  But, go!  I've had to drag myself in many times and feel better when I leave.  Sometimes it's the release of endorphins;  sometimes it's just the accomplishment of getting that workout in.  I've worked with many guys my age whom have wanted to get into shape.  Start slow, use high reps and light weights.  Pain tells you to slow down.  The burn tells you it's good for ya.  

People say "I bet you don't have any aches and pains."  I do, but they're different from normal.  Instead of back pain from a gut, I have tendonitis.  Sux getting old...

I do a split-routine, four days a week.  Chest, back, and shoulders on Monday and Thursday.   Arms and legs on tuesday and Friday.  Wednesdays and weekends are off.  Eat right and take some protein, drink plenty of water.   Best of luck, and remember:  "Sun's out, guns out."

and a lot of good sex! :D
Now about some weight training,  you don't need to be able to push 200lbs to get in shape.  I use very little weight on my upper body n I can already see results.  I use more on my legs because they are just strong anyway.  
I only do 30 minutes of cardio but at least an hour with the weight training and I use all kinds of positions when having sex :)
Best to you on your fitness journey :)
Hugs and kisses

What I do is a minute of cardio then 10-20 reps on one exercise. I do this non stop for a total body workout doing 2-4 exercises per body part. Keeping the heart rate up the entire time. PM if you would like a a copy of the workout I do.

L.Guapo669 reads

It's hilly around me and I do intense bike rides lasting about 1 1/2 hrs.  I alternate those with visiting the gym, where I use an exercise bike and lift, mostly upper body, for all major muscle groups.  I'm buff!

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