
Absolutely! This is very, very common (eom)regular_smile
natashalynne See my TER Reviews 533 reads


I visit a provider every once in a while. I go to AMP about once a month. I am married and love my wife. However, our intimacy is not what I was used to prior to meeting her. I thought it would get better with time, but it hasn't. Prior to my wife, I was having sex 2 or 3 times a day 3-4 days a week.

Instead of having an affair with someone i know, I choose to have an experience that meets my physical needs without the emotional commitment of a relationship. Dont' get me wrong, the ladies I have seen are wonderful. Some are only about the $ and getting it done, while others are sensitive GFE's (my preference).

Do you ladies realize you may actually be helping to keep families together by providing what may be missing in a relationship? I thank you all. I also ask for feedback on this.

No matter how much we have fun or enjoy ourselves, it IS what IT IS.... Kudo's to men for not walking away from their SO bc they dont get it... If a client of mine was even upset about wife, Ive even tried to help give pointers on how to get their spark in their bedroom... Hey you could always try!!

If your in a marraige (Ive never been married) but if I was I would think sex would be expected.. Afterall this is the oldest proffesion in the world..  If you dont give it to your honey then your mans gonna find the sugar  somewhere else!!

Happy Hobbying


Here are my thoughts on this:

We all know that men are sexual creatures (said with pure affection). Therefore, if their needs arent being satisfied, they will eventually go looking. Whether its for "just" sex or affection they are craving. When a man has an affair with a co-worker, etc, it ALWAYS gets messy! Someone's feelings are going to get hurt. Usually in a BIG way!

However, when a man comes to see one of US, while there IS affection, friendship, etc, there are NO (or DEF shouldnt be!) deep feelings involved! Both parties can have fun and then simply walk away. No feelings hurt! AND we fulfill their needs.

I've had gents tell me that because they came to see me, they went home a happy man, which makes them a happy hubby! Which, in turn, keeps the SO happy! They are less frustrated, grumpy, etc.
One even told me his wife said he needed to go "play golf" more often because he was always so chipper when he got home! LOL!

MOST of us LOVE what we do and see it as a "public service" because we love knowing we brought joy, affection, etc to YOU even if only for an hour or two at a time.

I hope this makes sense. I kinda stepped out on a limb here cause Im a MUCH better speaker than writer! LOL!

I totally agree that meeting with an escort is MUCH safer than having a girlfriend on the side.

We providers are experts in our field. We give you what you crave...what you've been missing at home....and without the DRAMA oof a girlfriend. Plus, good providers will help you stay out of trouble with the wifey by NOT sending you home smelling like strange perfume, with makeup smudges on your clothing, or with hickeys on your neck or scratches on your back. Like one of the other gals stated, I too have offerred bedroom advice for my gents to practice at home.

Yes, we do provide a much-needed public service. We keep the men folk happy so that they don't feel they have to stray emotionally to get what they need. I just wish they'd make our profession legal.....

Thanks to you ladies for your understanding! I hope to meet each of you. You seem to be beautiful people that I would want to meet.


My wife and I too became less intimate as time went by and I too rationalized seeing providers as having needs met without any chance of an emotional entanglement.  I even convinced myself I was doing my wife a FAVOR by doing this and by not pestering her with my needs.  Well, I'm the biggest idiot in the world and you, my friend, are right behind me.  If you truly love your wife, you will stop and stop now.  Do you realize how much she is going to be hurt?  Do you really think she is going to say "Thank you darling for doing that'?  REALLY????  And how about your kids.  How old are they?  
My wife filed for divorce the very next day after discovering my escapades, and here we are 3 years later and I've not once had the opportunity to explain any of it.  My step-daughter and son have not spoken to me once in these 3 years since even though I send e-mails weekly.  My step-daughter has had a child during this time and do you think I get to be involved?  Not hardly.  So, here I am, after 25 years of marriage divorced, alone, with no family.  Like I said, I too loved my wife with all my heart.  She was the only relationship I ever had.  Just yesterday I was told she has remarried and I just want to kick myself.  She was a great wife and even better mother and will be a fantastic grandmother.  Too bad I'll never get to see her face light up again.

So take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself....why am I doing this?  I suggest you simply confront (not angrily of course) her and work it out with her.  You are on a bad path and you will be found out eventually.

...And you are on the TER board? Why? Thanks for the advice of talking with my wife! I never thought of that! How did you get caught? My wife doesn't care enough to be concerned. thus

Posted By: scb19
My wife and I too became less intimate as time went by and I too rationalized seeing providers as having needs met without any chance of an emotional entanglement.  I even convinced myself I was doing my wife a FAVOR by doing this and by not pestering her with my needs.  Well, I'm the biggest idiot in the world and you, my friend, are right behind me.  If you truly love your wife, you will stop and stop now.  Do you realize how much she is going to be hurt?  Do you really think she is going to say "Thank you darling for doing that'?  REALLY????  And how about your kids.  How old are they?  
My wife filed for divorce the very next day after discovering my escapades, and here we are 3 years later and I've not once had the opportunity to explain any of it.  My step-daughter and son have not spoken to me once in these 3 years since even though I send e-mails weekly.  My step-daughter has had a child during this time and do you think I get to be involved?  Not hardly.  So, here I am, after 25 years of marriage divorced, alone, with no family.  Like I said, I too loved my wife with all my heart.  She was the only relationship I ever had.  Just yesterday I was told she has remarried and I just want to kick myself.  She was a great wife and even better mother and will be a fantastic grandmother.  Too bad I'll never get to see her face light up again.

So take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself....why am I doing this?  I suggest you simply confront (not angrily of course) her and work it out with her.  You are on a bad path and you will be found out eventually.

I'm single now and am not in any relationship. Should I meet someone new, I'll stop.  I'll take the shot of sarcasm, but please note my advice is well intended.  I got caught trying to do the right thing.  My wife found some very very very old bookmarks for porn that were buried on my bookmarks.  I had forgotten they were there or would have deleted them.  I kept other bookmarks on on-line sites like yahoo under an alias.  Long story short is she found the bookmarks-went ballistic just over the porn and was considering leaving me.  My adult son talked to her and she came around.  When I saw how bad just porn bothered her, I went into the computer and deleted every "membership" I had, some of which were to places like this, , etc.  I told her that evening that I had gotten rid of all the "porn stuff" and it was all over-and it was.  She got up the next morning at 5am and searched my history (no, I don't know why I didn't delete it, I had every other time before) and saw the escort sites and really hit the ceiling.  There was no talking to her after that.  She took my computer, had someone hack into my on-line email and many of these accounts and the rest is history.  I'm sorry you feel your wife doesn't care enough to be concerned.  That is sad in itself.  Good luck to you.

Posted By: ed6163
...And you are on the TER board? Why? Thanks for the advice of talking with my wife! I never thought of that! How did you get caught? My wife doesn't care enough to be concerned. thus
Posted By: scb19
My wife and I too became less intimate as time went by and I too rationalized seeing providers as having needs met without any chance of an emotional entanglement.  I even convinced myself I was doing my wife a FAVOR by doing this and by not pestering her with my needs.  Well, I'm the biggest idiot in the world and you, my friend, are right behind me.  If you truly love your wife, you will stop and stop now.  Do you realize how much she is going to be hurt?  Do you really think she is going to say "Thank you darling for doing that'?  REALLY????  And how about your kids.  How old are they?  
My wife filed for divorce the very next day after discovering my escapades, and here we are 3 years later and I've not once had the opportunity to explain any of it.  My step-daughter and son have not spoken to me once in these 3 years since even though I send e-mails weekly.  My step-daughter has had a child during this time and do you think I get to be involved?  Not hardly.  So, here I am, after 25 years of marriage divorced, alone, with no family.  Like I said, I too loved my wife with all my heart.  She was the only relationship I ever had.  Just yesterday I was told she has remarried and I just want to kick myself.  She was a great wife and even better mother and will be a fantastic grandmother.  Too bad I'll never get to see her face light up again.

So take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself....why am I doing this?  I suggest you simply confront (not angrily of course) her and work it out with her.  You are on a bad path and you will be found out eventually.


I don't mean any disrespect at all,  but what state allowed her to file the next day for divorce?  I might want to move there :).

Thanks in advance and sorry to hear your story and I hope you find happiness!


Posted By: scb19
I'm single now and am not in any relationship. Should I meet someone new, I'll stop.  I'll take the shot of sarcasm, but please note my advice is well intended.  I got caught trying to do the right thing.  My wife found some very very very old bookmarks for porn that were buried on my bookmarks.  I had forgotten they were there or would have deleted them.  I kept other bookmarks on on-line sites like yahoo under an alias.  Long story short is she found the bookmarks-went ballistic just over the porn and was considering leaving me.  My adult son talked to her and she came around.  When I saw how bad just porn bothered her, I went into the computer and deleted every "membership" I had, some of which were to places like this, , etc.  I told her that evening that I had gotten rid of all the "porn stuff" and it was all over-and it was.  She got up the next morning at 5am and searched my history (no, I don't know why I didn't delete it, I had every other time before) and saw the escort sites and really hit the ceiling.  There was no talking to her after that.  She took my computer, had someone hack into my on-line email and many of these accounts and the rest is history.  I'm sorry you feel your wife doesn't care enough to be concerned.  That is sad in itself.  Good luck to you.
Posted By: ed6163
...And you are on the TER board? Why? Thanks for the advice of talking with my wife! I never thought of that! How did you get caught? My wife doesn't care enough to be concerned. thus
Posted By: scb19
My wife and I too became less intimate as time went by and I too rationalized seeing providers as having needs met without any chance of an emotional entanglement.  I even convinced myself I was doing my wife a FAVOR by doing this and by not pestering her with my needs.  Well, I'm the biggest idiot in the world and you, my friend, are right behind me.  If you truly love your wife, you will stop and stop now.  Do you realize how much she is going to be hurt?  Do you really think she is going to say "Thank you darling for doing that'?  REALLY????  And how about your kids.  How old are they?  
My wife filed for divorce the very next day after discovering my escapades, and here we are 3 years later and I've not once had the opportunity to explain any of it.  My step-daughter and son have not spoken to me once in these 3 years since even though I send e-mails weekly.  My step-daughter has had a child during this time and do you think I get to be involved?  Not hardly.  So, here I am, after 25 years of marriage divorced, alone, with no family.  Like I said, I too loved my wife with all my heart.  She was the only relationship I ever had.  Just yesterday I was told she has remarried and I just want to kick myself.  She was a great wife and even better mother and will be a fantastic grandmother.  Too bad I'll never get to see her face light up again.

So take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself....why am I doing this?  I suggest you simply confront (not angrily of course) her and work it out with her.  You are on a bad path and you will be found out eventually.

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