
The $1,500 Per Hour Debateteeth_smile
loarthan 4 Reviews 5071 reads

Guess it depends on what you are after.

If you are looking to have the pornstar experience, then you are in that price range.

If you are looking for the fashion model experience, then you are close to that price range.

If you are looking for a good/great time with a real woman of beauty (inner and/or outer), then you are probably in the $250-$400 price range.

If you just want to pork a skank, you probably are talking about $50-$100 price range.

Dad had a saying.  If you're feeding the horse and you want to use nice, fresh oats, you're gonna pay a fair price.  If you don't care that the oats have already passed thru another horse first, you are gonna pay a lot less.

It's all a matter of degree.

-- Modified on 12/18/2003 9:11:21 AM

Vicki Nicole6428 reads

is there any female worth $1,500 a hour?.
For instance say pamela anderson or j.lo

What girl would be your ultimate fantasy hobbyist experience?
and what would you be willing to pay for that encounter?
oh oh and what is the minimum she would have to do during that encounter.

I'm just curious and think the responses would be interesting,

BTW this friggin review board is addicting, I've been up for like 8 hours now just reading posts and reviews and crap.
Argh!!  I need to sleep.

Guess it depends on what you are after.

If you are looking to have the pornstar experience, then you are in that price range.

If you are looking for the fashion model experience, then you are close to that price range.

If you are looking for a good/great time with a real woman of beauty (inner and/or outer), then you are probably in the $250-$400 price range.

If you just want to pork a skank, you probably are talking about $50-$100 price range.

Dad had a saying.  If you're feeding the horse and you want to use nice, fresh oats, you're gonna pay a fair price.  If you don't care that the oats have already passed thru another horse first, you are gonna pay a lot less.

It's all a matter of degree.

-- Modified on 12/18/2003 9:11:21 AM

Vicki Nicole5665 reads

sure had a way with words

I think the answer to your question is YES , most everyone that truly provides a real GFE is worth $1500 and probably MORE. The real question is can clients afford $1500. That is a different question and the answer is very few clients can. If we look at this from a business perspective - men, especially married men should not be budgeting more then 5% of there disposable income to a  ‘hobby’ . If you check the national market the average runs (for a GFE) between $250-300. If a client would like to participate once a month  that means $300x12 or $3600 which would require a disposable incomce (after taxes) of  $72,000 . If he wants to particpate twice a month they should have a disposable income of $150,000.

Now you can agrue the 5%, but even if you move the 5% to 10% it would not matter because this man (I can only talk for me) would not spend $600 once a month vs spending $300 twice a month. This man would rather increase the number of times he sees someone (especially since it has been proven men have a sexual thought every 5-15 secs). Now you could argue that someone might pay $1500 and forgo seeing another provider for 5 months. They may do it once, but there would definitely be buyers remorse. The final reason I would not spend $1500 is because there are many many excellent providers today that provide a very memorable experience for $300(thank god for TER). A credit to our competitive marketplace. The ladies today who provide this experience are worth $1500 and many of us would love to pay them that , but the economics don’t allow it.

Vicki Nicole5121 reads

If I made over $500,000 a year I wouldn' mind spending $1,500  on my dream guy if he was available,

On my lists currently for that encounter are:
Carey Hart (motor cross racer)
Ethan Embry (actor)
Ben Afflek (of Bennifer fame)
Ryan Phillipe (actor, would love those lips on me)
Lenny Kravitz (sexy musician)
Sully of Godsmack (musician)

-- Modified on 12/18/2003 1:31:44 PM

I have paid 1500$ an hour, and a little more when I first started in this Hobby.  I can tell you this, there are more young ladies in the 300-400 dollar range that "rocked" my world and provided a true GFE or PSE depending on my prefernce, then any of the high priced Ladies. For me paying the Big bucks was an oppertunity to be with someone I had fantized ( porn stars) since I was young.  And the time spent was great.  But not worth the 1500-3000 dollars I spent, at least it did not seem to be worth it once it was over. My truly memorable experiences were spent with lovely ladies from here in Boston---for 300-400 dollars.
My 2 cents

Lubedrod5274 reads

Vanessa Del Rio in her prime.  She was AWSOME! Probably the only woman I think would be worth $1500 smackers/ hour because she was great looking and she obviously had a LOT of skill with a d*ck!  There has been noone to match her!

Vicki Nicole5158 reads

I've been checking out Vanessa Del Rio's official website off and on for the past few years, she's a pretty sexy lady.

dc53746 reads

There was a pornstar Flame, now retired as I understand, and I would have paid any amount of money I could have come up with.  There was a stripper I fell in love with who I once offered $1500 (she turned me down on the unreasonable ground that she was happily married).  There is a problem with the question though, which is that it depends on the spender's income.  If I had millions, I'd spend thousands for a night with the girl of my dreams, perhaps a fabulously beautiful celebrity, maybe someone who just struck my fancy.  Fame or status would be worth extra.  At that price, I would expect exotic treatment.  Since I am an ordinary guy who works for a living, there are are many lovely providers offering real delight at $300- $400 per hour and I don't feel too bad about limiting myself to the pleasures they offer.

Vicki Nicole5266 reads

did she work out of new orleans?

Sully lives in Mass, he's easy to find.

Vicki Nicole6513 reads

LOL, yea I know but he lives with his baby momma

If I had so much money that I could literally burn $1500 without it meaning anything to me, then yes I'd spend it on someone I'd like to spend time with.  However, I can not see spending $1500 per hour on any escort as being practical, prudent or something I'd consider doing.  THere are so many other ways to spend that kind of money that would be more enjoyable and worthwhile.  One can easily find more beautiful, down to earth and sensual women for 1/3 that cost.  That being said, I went out for drinks with some lady friends from work the other night and we all had to list 3 people we'd love to ... "ahem"... "Make Whoopi with" lol.   I will spare you their responses (George Clooney, et al).  Mine were: Britney Spears; Pamela Anderson; and Salma Hayek.   I would have said Amber Lynn back in her prime, but heck I was in the company of women and I'll be damned if I was going to admit to watching porn in front of my co-workers. lol

Sandra Bullock, Gina Gershon, Stacy Kiebler,  Jessica Simpson, and hmmmmm.....

HMMMM....demi moore, brooke burk, anna kournikova, now that I think of it I could name over a hundread women mostly hollywood becausem they are out of reach. any gfe will do with any of them
, and greek would be a bonus lol

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