
Re:Review thoughts, enjoy
smitty2 8 Reviews 8780 reads

Magnum and I have back channeled several times.Although I haven't
met him in person yet,I consider him a friend and have always appreciated his advice and candor.In private he is the same as he presents himself on these boards.Honest and a real gentleman.

If you don't like his reviews or posts then don't read them. Just don't be a jealous coward,hiding behind some alias.
Speaking of aliases,I have used them on the national board a couple times for personal reasons.Dappa is full of s#*+.You have to log in your regular user name and password.You then choose your alias which appears below your user name.Click that on and away you go.I don't see how you are any safer from hackers.
Maybe Thirsty could clarify this, but I also think the moderator knows who you are.

Hello All, I was going to let this pass on by, but as I thought about it I came to the conclusion that by not addressing the issues concerning my reviews I am allowing those that disagree with me to run me off the board. That, I can’t allow.

My opinion on reviews was, is and will continue to be that they are all subjective to the opinions of the reviewer. All are influenced by the moods of both parties at the time the session takes place. The ratings assigned to a review for appearance are subject to the individual gentlemen’s taste in women and influenced by the ladies appearance at the beginning of the session, they are totally subjective. The ratings for performance are no less subjective. You could have had the most exciting single 30 minute cup, complete with moaning, groaning and totally mind blowing satisfaction for both parties, or you could have had the most mechanical two 20 minute cups where you enjoyed yourself but didn’t get a single reaction from your partner. Depending on whether your preference is for a totally mind blowing mutually satisfying session or for as many cups as possible, either could earn a 7 or a 9 rating. Additionally, what happens between a man and a woman during a session may not be consistent from session to session. Each partner has the option to participate or not in any particular activity. Neither is obligated to the other to perform any activity that either finds objectionable or offensive, and what is objectionable or offensive can be different from one set of partners to the other. There are no guarantees that what happens with me in a session will happen with you. None whatsoever. Gentlemen, we pay for the ladies time, nothing more and nothing less. Anything else that happens is purely with the agreement of both parties and is dependent on the moods, whims and attitudes at the time of the session. A review is a reflection of that session. Of the ladies I have reviewed, I have been very fortunate to have, what is in my opinion, great sessions.

As for commenting on another particular gentleman’s reviews, even in jest, I would never instigate any such thread unless I knew the review was a vicious, personal attack on a lady without a shred of truth in it. I pride myself on being intelligent enough to read others reviews and decide for myself whether or not they are useful. I happen to find graphic, men’s magazine types of reviews objectionable and tasteless. I actually read some of them and believe them to be the result of overactive imaginations and as a result I discount them. I know the reviewers that write like that and I avoid reading their reviews. However, I don’t comment on them by screen name on the board. They are entitled to write what they want, how they want to write it. I have the option to not read it. Additionally, if I were to comment on one of those individuals reviews, even in jest, I would certainly have the courage to do so from my real screen name and not take potshots at them from behind an alias.  If I felt strongly enough to comment on another’s reviews, I feel that it is only fair that I allow them to respond in kind by being open and honest enough to let them see who I am.  

I don’t hold grudges. I enjoy this community and I find that the ladies are very special and deserve our respect, understanding and consideration. I find that most of the people that I have met in ‘the hobby’ are fun loving people all looking for a good time. It is unfortunate that in this community, a community that should reflect the highest levels of toleration for others, there are those that wish to provoke others for their own enjoyment.

I will no longer respond to suspected aliases or people that appear to be non-members unless I know them. Thank you for taking the time to read this.    



Aphrodisia12486 reads

Kudos my friend!  The only thing I "Loathe" :-) more than being reviewed at all are individuals who critique and criticize others' reviews.

Most of the gentlemen I see are just like my friend Magnum; intelligent, even tempered and most importantly respectful and gracious towards the women they engage.  The only difference is, the majority of men like this DO NOT post, therefore giving way to threads insinuating that there aren't many true gentlemen out there.

There are, and for my sake, thank GOD they don't review!!!

Magnum and I have back channeled several times.Although I haven't
met him in person yet,I consider him a friend and have always appreciated his advice and candor.In private he is the same as he presents himself on these boards.Honest and a real gentleman.

If you don't like his reviews or posts then don't read them. Just don't be a jealous coward,hiding behind some alias.
Speaking of aliases,I have used them on the national board a couple times for personal reasons.Dappa is full of s#*+.You have to log in your regular user name and password.You then choose your alias which appears below your user name.Click that on and away you go.I don't see how you are any safer from hackers.
Maybe Thirsty could clarify this, but I also think the moderator knows who you are.

Thanks Smitty, I appreciate your kind words. I'm finding that there are more gentlemen in the community that think the way we do than I had thought.

And, I appreciate your friendship and support.....

You are and always will be a proper gentleman in my book :) Looking forward to meeting in person one day :)

Love, Hugs, and Kisses,

Mel :)

Hi Lilly, Hi Mel, Thank you to both of you. If Amber does find a place to throw a social, I hope to see you both there.


-- Modified on 4/6/2003 4:24:46 AM

Aphrodisia7821 reads

My pleasure as always and I will be there happily with my lovely date, Dappa!  (you haven't written me yet, D)


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