
Not sure yet, they got the Big fish, not sure they want to go after the minnows
LamontCranston69 2513 reads

But not to say if they do get the client list, LE may use it to shame guys and scare guys for wanting to see escorts.

I think they will get enough publicity from those 2 for to make the point. . (Sadly)

 But it would not be a bad idea to look up a good defense attorney and maybe a divorce lawyer to and have that info handy.  

It's really all a wait and see game

Oh if anyone has the idea of having a fund raiser of some kind for them, might not be a good idea either.  

It's is really sad, but I don't think there is much we can do but wish her luck and hope she gets out of this without any jail time.

Check out the patriot ledger online  

Read it for yourself

All from the same press release written by the Mass AG. Says the investigation began in September.

How concerned should a regular client be?

But not to say if they do get the client list, LE may use it to shame guys and scare guys for wanting to see escorts.

I think they will get enough publicity from those 2 for to make the point. . (Sadly)

 But it would not be a bad idea to look up a good defense attorney and maybe a divorce lawyer to and have that info handy.  

It's really all a wait and see game

Oh if anyone has the idea of having a fund raiser of some kind for them, might not be a good idea either.  

It's is really sad, but I don't think there is much we can do but wish her luck and hope she gets out of this without any jail time.

How many times did they mention some form of the word traffic / trafficking / ...?  

Based on my recollection of ads, I think this was all consensual adult behavior.  Also wondering: is it possible to traffic yourself? How will they make that label stick?

I do wish LE would use their resources to fight genuine trafficking. And change the laws to decriminalize the world's oldest profession.

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 12:25:31 PM

If you have a driver . They're trafficking you . End of story .

Posted By: impposter
How many times did they mention some form of the word traffic / trafficking / ...?  
 Based on my recollection of ads, I think this was all consensual adult behavior.  Also wondering: is it possible to traffic yourself? How will they make that label stick?  
 I do wish LE would use their resources to fight genuine trafficking. And change the laws to decriminalize the world's oldest profession.  

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 12:25:31 PM

Not so fast!

Posted By: kz1
If you have a driver . They're trafficking you . End of story .
This was mostly an incall operation! The guys were in traffic, not the gals!  No trafficking!
Posted By: impposter
How many times did they mention some form of the word traffic / trafficking / ...?    
  Based on my recollection of ads, I think this was all consensual adult behavior.  Also wondering: is it possible to traffic yourself? How will they make that label stick?  
  I do wish LE would use their resources to fight genuine trafficking. And change the laws to decriminalize the world's oldest profession.

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 8:33:12 PM

They get their headlines by screaming "trafficking". The arrests always make more of a flash than the conviction - for anything that a DA or Attorney General does. Smear people and let their Google history be enough punishment.

The scary thing for us guys is that there seems to be a practice of "demand reduction", meaning that they go after the johns. There's a group in Cambridge pushing it.

In the end, they want to simplify it into victims & predators. This will also affect young (but adult) women and women who are not US-natives more, since they can be more easily painted as victims of trafficking. Trafficking is very real, but nuance and sensible action to address real problems go out the window when you combine moralism, electoral politics and news ratings.

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 4:09:01 PM

ThemOle1082 reads

This article describes how LE turned writing a review into a felony...

Demand Abolition provided funding to the local prosecutor leading this case.  He has traveled to Boston several times in the last year.  

Demand Abolition wrote a press release when the bust in Seattle was announced.  They very much support ending demand and believe that adult, consensual prostitution contributes to what Ashton Kutcher described in WA DC with emotional testimony today as "modern slavery;" human trafficking.

It they haven't already, they will subpoena all communications, email accounts and phone/text records.  Personal identifying information will be used in future cases or, at the very least, to embarrass anyone involved as a predator.

This is still puritan Massachusetts . They'll hold your hand on the way to planned parenthood but they will not allow you to sell your body for sex anytime soon . ..... on the other hand , I wasthiclosetoseeing Madison this week .... hope I still can sometime .

 I do wish LE would use their resources to fight genuine trafficking. And change the laws to decriminalize the world's oldest profession.  

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 12:25:31 PM

I think this AG will squeeze as much as possible out of this. It's her favorite agenda item.

2Bornot2B1565 reads

This whole thing is very sad, but it does serve as a reminder about the risks you take when you give out personal info.  When you put something into an an email and send it out you can never really be sure where it's going to wind up.  IMHO, situations like this are a warning about how careful you need to be with your personal info.  Screening is good and is necessary but I don't think that it overrides the need for caution with your personal info, so stick to references and other methods that protect both parties   Agencies are a big source of risk as they can and do get caught -- look at Atlanta for other recent examples.   Who knows what info they keep and if your personal info (name, employer, real contact info, CC, etc...) winds up in the wrong hands, then you have reason to be worried.   Conversely if you struck to normal precautionary practices, I don't think there is too much to worry about.    

One last thing is that if anyone gets any unsolicited requests to meet from any of the parties involved I would be wary.

Stay safe

tanguay234 reads

Hate to ask, but does anyone know what happened to the two individuals caught up in this mess?  I assume there was a court date and that it ocurred.

This is sad but we must all remember that this fun little hobby is frowned upon as a general rule. I have personally implemented some new rules around offering verification as well as screening.  

When a potential new friend wants to grace me with their presence and they are verifying via employment I have an alternative email account not connected to the hobby at all. I suggest using this as it reduces the connection to the hobby. Also as a provider I regularly go thru and delete email correspondence As a general rule. Text messages are also deleted regularly. In addition as of the past month or two. The only verification I offer regarding hobby friends is a simplistic.  If I am familiar with you the lady gets a response of "No issues or concerns"

On the provider side I would like to say that all of the independent ladies I have met take our friends confidentiality into consideration. In fact It is common practice that we idea exchange on ways we might improve. Please rest assured that as providers our concern for your privacy is paramount.

I am guessing you are using a different PC, Phone or Tablet for these emails?

if you use the same PC for both hobby and alternative email account, you do know that when you send an email out it will send along the IP address you are using, so if you use the same IP address for your hobbying email.

They will be connected, in the cyber world and LE will find it, A good hacker can find it to.

Just thought you should know.


Thank you and yes I do in fact have this area covered. As with any good provider I have multiple devices none of which are connected.

Jules ; with due respect, your comment "People frown on this little hobby". Huh ??  The State Police does not kick down doors put people in cuffs remove them from their homes at dawn,spend valuable resources on things that are "frowned upon " . They do that to suspected lawbreakers with strong evidence of their Violations .If you have not seen the charges, Money laundering, is included in this instance and that is a federal charge. Them guys don't mess around!!

Posted By: Lovely_Jules
This is sad but we must all remember that this fun little hobby is frowned upon as a general rule. I have personally implemented some new rules around offering verification as well as screening.  
 When a potential new friend wants to grace me with their presence and they are verifying via employment I have an alternative email account not connected to the hobby at all. I suggest using this as it reduces the connection to the hobby. Also as a provider I regularly go thru and delete email correspondence As a general rule. Text messages are also deleted regularly. In addition as of the past month or two. The only verification I offer regarding hobby friends is a simplistic.  If I am familiar with you the lady gets a response of "No issues or concerns"  
 On the provider side I would like to say that all of the independent ladies I have met take our friends confidentiality into consideration. In fact It is common practice that we idea exchange on ways we might improve. Please rest assured that as providers our concern for your privacy is paramount.

I as well delete personal info after verification and use a platform that is specifically designed for us providers that has all sorts of privacy safety features as well as being able to be remotely erased. I like the idea of having a separate email only for any sort of work verification. Ty for that bit. We all need to always no matter what be safe. You never know. Very sad!!!

exit91313 reads

It's  awful. I felt that every girl i ever met that worked for her liked her.. was not threatened at all.

I agree.. we can hope that the penalty is not terrible.
I'm curious. If you saw a contact.. here or somewhere else... fir a girl that used to work for her... would you call her or are all of those girls out too? Personally I have mixed feelings but it looks like the goal was the owners only...

They called it "servitude". They really undermine the process when they call girls willing and on their own accord as being in servitude. There really are girls in servitude, I seriously, seriously doubt Chloe was in that category.

Oliver_Closeoff943 reads

I've met several of the girls including Chloe, and they all liked her and said her and Red were nice to work for.
This whole human trafficking... What a load of Shit, all the girls I met, were there because they wanted to be there and enjoyed what they were doing.
Fucking LE should spend there time on real criminals.

the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation.
"she is a victim of human trafficking"

They label it a victim that doesnt make her one.
being that the girls were working for her...they call her the trafficer  
Its all logistics
the girls who get arrested on their own its a slap on the hand
anyone profiting from their sex act is the one who gets jail time.

i too wish they would focus on real trafficing but honestly the laws will not change anytime soon

we all need to take a pause reset and relax  
wishing them both the best...

I would say, anyone who worked there for the moment is out of bounds til there is a reset.
you have to be careful which means staying far away from this issue.
can we now just stop talking about it...?

Saw one of the ladies last year. No signs of any abuse. Really shocked to learn what happened to Chloe. Bliss!

...that it's bullshit and are probably collectively puking at the press release.

We're entering into an interesting era of civil disobedience in the US. I can smell it. Not far down the road it may be culturally viable to stand up to this crap.

Looks like Jill got out just in time ..hmmmmmm

Posted By: LamontCranston69
Check out the patriot ledger online  
 Read it for yourself

But when they want you there going to get you. Chloe took 40% from the girls that's why they are considered victims

40% is standard agency cut, from what I've heard. I have heard some agencies are 50/50......eeeeek.

... that Chloe took.  it has to do with the law, as inane as it is.  The "victims," I am fairly certain, were all over 18 years old, so none were minors, and while I don't know the details of the situation, I suspect that there was no coercion on the part of Chloe.  Thus, "victims" is really just a phrase that the State Attorney General is using to justify the raid.

Typically, the largest penalty is not due to "trafficking," but to tax evasion.

Posted By: dasicorp
But when they want you there going to get you. Chloe took 40% from the girls that's why they are considered victims

The point to my percentage was what she made had nothing to do with the allegations your charges . Of course there was no traffic and involve.  She was involved in pandering .  I think the money laundering charges going to be the biggest burning tire around her neck.

Posted By: gentlemanGuy
... that Chloe took.  it has to do with the law, as inane as it is.  The "victims," I am fairly certain, were all over 18 years old, so none were minors, and while I don't know the details of the situation, I suspect that there was no coercion on the part of Chloe.  Thus, "victims" is really just a phrase that the State Attorney General is using to justify the raid.  
 Typically, the largest penalty is not due to "trafficking," but to tax evasion.
Posted By: dasicorp
But when they want you there going to get you. Chloe took 40% from the girls that's why they are considered victims

Decided it was not worth coming back into this legal environment.

They said on of her girls turned her in... nothing to do with screening.. if thats true

Exactly the girls dime her out because she was a tyrant IMHO. I have said this for years regarding RSG and Jill she treated them like shit.  

Posted By: josulli
They said on of her girls turned her in... nothing to do with screening.. if thats true

"IMHO "? ,,don't u mean The girls were a "HO "?! Lol !

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 10:17:50 PM

First off Comming from a former RSG Jill is a legend and was nothing but great to her girls.  
If you tuned to channel 5abc -ONE "Victim" came forward, so get your facts straight before pointing  
fingers calling people tyrants. A RAT turned her in.

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 10:48:44 PM

Oh I have my facts straight. She pissed off many girl and one rolled over on her.. Jill split just in time .. hmmmm?? Please !!!

Posted By: BianCaBellaxx
First off Comming from a former RSG Jill is a legend and was nothing but great to her girls.  
 If you tuned to channel 5abc -ONE victim came forward, so get your facts straight before pointing  
 fingers calling people tyrants. A RAT turned her in.  
 -- Modified on 2/14/2017 10:02:45 PM

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 10:08:39 PM

That's just crazy LOL bringing Jill into this..*sighs*

-- Modified on 2/14/2017 10:55:05 PM

Posted By: dasicorp
Exactly the girls dime her out because she was a tyrant IMHO. I have said this for years regarding RSG and Jill she treated them like shit.  
Posted By: josulli
They said on of her girls turned her in... nothing to do with screening.. if thats true

It wasn't the "girls" I said girl.. One.. channel five said a girl walked into the police station in September.. one.. not all of the girls like you imply..  

Every girl I talked to that worked for her always was very positive about her.. she could get testy.. but was never abusive..

I said she "pissed off many girls and ONE rolled over" she was a bitch to many of the girls. I'm sure when you have that many girls working they can suck but if you don't think they play head games your fucked  up. And yes Jill treated girls like shit and I am sure she knew all about this and that's why she bounced. This shit isn't a secret and I'm sure Chloe will roll if given the chance to see daylight. IMHO

Posted By: josulli
Posted By: dasicorp
Exactly the girls dime her out because she was a tyrant IMHO. I have said this for years regarding RSG and Jill she treated them like shit.  
Posted By: josulli
They said on of her girls turned her in... nothing to do with screening.. if thats true
 It wasn't the "girls" I said girl.. One.. channel five said a girl walked into the police station in September.. one.. not all of the girls like you imply..  
 Every girl I talked to that worked for her always was very positive about her.. she could get testy.. but was never abusive..

rjames123492 reads

nope. She treated the girls like shit. Im not surprised at all. You cant treat girls who are making you thousands like total shit bags. Obvi not everyone will just take your shit...She deserved it. Jill was great to her girls thats why no one ratted on her, period!

Jill treated some girls like shit .... Chloe treated some girls like shit...Jill was smart enough to bounce Chloe not so much.

Posted By: rjames123
nope. She treated the girls like shit. Im not surprised at all. You cant treat girls who are making you thousands like total shit bags. Obvi not everyone will just take your shit...She deserved it. Jill was great to her girls thats why no one ratted on her, period!

Why are these people still trying to stop the oldest profession in the world? Why won't we just regulate it just like marijuana and get it over with? The region including our state is swimming in opioids and LE is concentrating on this.

Prostitution will never be legalized because the politicians could never explain to their spouses that they want ho's to be legal. They all smoke weed but will never admit to being with a girl.

Posted By: guyfromnh
Why are these people still trying to stop the oldest profession in the world? Why won't we just regulate it just like marijuana and get it over with? The region including our state is swimming in opioids and LE is concentrating on this.

I really think bringing it out of the shadows would actually make the girls safer. Lumping everybody in the "trafficking" category isn't accurate or realistic. I hate to see somebody get in legitimate trouble for something that legitimately voluntary. You don't want to downplay legitimate trafficking concerns--some of the stories are horrifying--but it's not just one size fits all, that's what I find frustrating.

Have you any Grey Poupon?

Posted By: LamontCranston69
Check out the patriot ledger online  
 Read it for yourself

This has nothing to do with her.

this was pure carelessness.
Buying hotels for the girls
3 4 girls using the same room
Checking in at 10 am
they hang out in the bar
They smoke out front
chloe bought all their rooms
she held these parties
Paid for their flights
Stayed in some questionable hotels
lots of traffic in and out of those rooms
Maids DO pay attention

they got her on Pandering
Trafficking across state lines which makes it federal
money laundering  
and yes some on e rolled

heres your did they find her they were either careless ie...too many girls in a room  
OR screening was poor
Howd they get Chloe... she was working that day and her girls knew where she was so they rolled on her\The hotels know what she looks like shes been around long enough...
Howd they get Red ...they have been watching these two since sept they knew where they were

None of this has any thing to do with Jill it was their own carelessness they got greedy and got sloppy
we forget this is NOT LEGAL!
you cant show up in the same hotel 4 weeks in a row seeing 6 clients a day and think no one knows what you are doing.
bull shit everyone knows  
Maids arent stupid!!

I have permission to tell you this  from Jill.
The reason she retired is  she has Breast cancer she has been battling it ever since.
She left to take care of herself
shes come a long way and she has a long road ahead
Please just leave her in the past as far as TER is Concerned Jill is retired...

Every one play safe and screen!

First off Chloe didn't buy there rooms she gave them a portion towards it. She also didn't put 3-4 girls in the same room. Girls always check in early at hotels Jill starting booking every morning st 10am . They stayed at the same hotels all the rest of you girls stay in. FYI they had her phone tapped so I think you should get your story straight. Because your all wrong.

Posted By: sweetnicole1
This has nothing to do with her.  
 this was pure carelessness.  
 Buying hotels for the girls  
 3 4 girls using the same room  
 Checking in at 10 am  
 they hang out in the bar  
 They smoke out front  
 chloe bought all their rooms  
 she held these parties  
 Paid for their flights  
 Stayed in some questionable hotels  
 lots of traffic in and out of those rooms  
 Maids DO pay attention  
 they got her on Pandering  
 Trafficking across state lines which makes it federal  
 money laundering  
 and yes some on e rolled  
 heres your did they find her they were either careless ie...too many girls in a room  
 OR screening was poor  
 Howd they get Chloe... she was working that day and her girls knew where she was so they rolled on her\The hotels know what she looks like shes been around long enough...  
 Howd they get Red ...they have been watching these two since sept they knew where they were  
 None of this has any thing to do with Jill it was their own carelessness they got greedy and got sloppy  
 we forget this is NOT LEGAL!  
 you cant show up in the same hotel 4 weeks in a row seeing 6 clients a day and think no one knows what you are doing.  
 bull shit everyone knows  
 Maids arent stupid!!  
 I have permission to tell you this  from Jill.  
 The reason she retired is  she has Breast cancer she has been battling it ever since.  
 She left to take care of herself  
 shes come a long way and she has a long road ahead  
 Please just leave her in the past as far as TER is Concerned Jill is retired...  
 Every one play safe and screen!

rjames123924 reads

Jill was kind to her girls Chloe was terrible thats why she was turned in.

starquarterback1083 reads

Do you still feel safe with older organizations on here like BI and AD? or does this scare you from lobbying with any of them?

I feel like the fun just went out of the fun.. this is depressing..  
Doesn't matter who is an authority on what or what happened one way or the other.. this situation is a real bummer..

This whole thing really pisses me off and I feel terrible for Chloe and Red. They did nothing more than provide a service. This activity is legal in many countries and it should be in this country when it is between consenting adults. It is not exploitative when it is between consenting adults. Women don't need to be protected from a consensual act and a consensual act is not an egregious crime. It is not trafficking when the women are there by their own free will.  If it comes down to it this is one jury I hope I'm picked for.  All this being said it is probably smart to lay low for a while. And please all agencies scrub your books and protect yourselves and your clients.

SeasonedAdvice1393 reads

To be or not to be that is the question.  

I have been at this fun little "hobby" for a year or two or three or well you get my drift. I like so many started and had no clue. I first sought out an "agency" and it was a disaster. i quickly learned that it would be beneficial to simply band with another lady and learn the industry oh my own. We would share expenses and travel costs whenever possible. We learned the industry together and to this day have a wonderful relationship. Agencies and groups will always be a target. Perhaps the said agency was good to the ladies but the truth is many are not and this is a fact. Ladies who are new my advice to you is to be your own boss. Find other seasoned vets and learn from them. Network with hobby gents whom have seen a fair number of ladies and ask for feedback. Everything from what should I wear to what toys and gadgets do you enjoy. This is like any other biz. Do your homework, invest in your advertising and materials such as attire and goodies for your day to day operation and you will find it to be very rewarding,

. Also if using a hotel don't raise red flags. As we have heard early check ins, hanging in the lobby or outside. Dressing like you are getting ready to walk the Vegas strip is another no no. Stay off hotel staff radar and don't stay too many days in one place. Take your trash with you and discard it outside of the property. also when its housekeeping time keep your visitors to a minimum! This Hobby should be run like a business  and those who understand this and conduct themselves as such will be very successful. Maybe take some Time and hang out at a hotel or two. Watch professional business woman when they check in. What are they wearing, how many bags do they have, how is their hair styled and shoes. Are they overpacked?. Last but not least don't be greedy and have some other career to fall back on.  

Good luck and stay safe everyone

-- Modified on 2/15/2017 11:54:01 PM

Chloe ran her business knowing exactly what she was doing,the risks and rewards . She got caught for I'm sure a lot of different reasons but primarily because it's illegal. So be careful and know when to fold em.

Great advice and So True!! Maturity, decorum and sophistication will NEVER do you wrong!! People will Always get jealous of others and engaging in this hobby, things like loyalty and discretion will get you Very Very Far. This 'world' really has no place for drama (yet, there is plenty of it) steering clear of ugliness, envy and jealousy (like that which is aforementioned on this thread) will usually keep you free from entanglements LE and otherwise. There are wonderful people on this site who are adults and act accordingly but clearly there are others who could use some 'maturity', possibly a manners class or in short just some CLASS!!
Be Well Everyone & Be Careful!

It warms my heart when I meet a mature, responsible and considerate lady in this industry. I love the mentality of helping each other out. Between references and referrals or just conversations with clients, keeping things courteous and supportive for each other instead of jealousy and bashing each other or writing fake reviews for other providers etc. is so unnecessary. Karma is a bitch and in the big picture when people cut each other down, they're hurting themselves too. Sometimes small minded individuals dont see the big picture until it eventually bites them in the ass.  

I love referring quality providers to clients interested in more. Always happy to do that if she is a lady who holds up and has my respect.  

Such a shame when jealousy/insecurity turns people into malicious informants. Its sad when people live their life around their resentments. The quality of a life lived like that is torturous Im sure.

I did not see anything more recent than May 4.

No... just some idiot making a comment on a thread that no one wants to see ever again....

I know it is on everyone's frontal lobe but please with the new format here...ugh!

Thank you and back to playing amongst yourselfs.


Hope TER goes back to the old format of threads in chronological order of OP...not replies!

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