
looks like her pimp has changed the photos again EOM
LamontCranston69 613 reads


Hello Hobbyist,

There is what appears to be a young lady on BP that goes by the name Brazilian Barbie who frequently advertise to be in the downtown area.And please note that I never bad mouth another young provider but she has stolen my pictures. I called her to nicely ask her to take the pictures down and her pimp asked me for 2500$ to take them down as he cursed me out and threatened me. Just be aware. The link is below ..some pictures are me as some other pictures are someone else's.

Monika G.

That IS the stolen pic.
I also called and her pimp was very aggressive


The one that does not show up on any of her webpages ????

If so, it' seem only you and her know about it, if we have never seen it how are we to know about it

No matter if you know about her photos or not, it is stolen.
this was just a heads up...

Simply ask people to help you flag the ad and contact BP regarding the photos with actual proof that you are the proprietor of the photos and the original ads etc. Anything else is asine and asking for trouble. You just can't level with crazy.

Good luck,

you said you were calling from the police dept. and that they had inadvertently stolen photos they were using to conduct a sting, and would they kindly find some other photos to steal so that their sting operation is not compromised.

Could be interesting to see what ensues.

Now we are talking about the selfie in the bathroom, Now this is a photo that only yourself and Nicole know about, No else seems to know about it. I did a quick Google search if the photo and found it only leads to ads for this Brazilian Barbie.  

Now how can a photo not connect to you in any way on the internet, find it's way to this women and her pimp? Did yourself or Nicole get their PC hacked?  How do you think she got a hold of this mystery photo?  

Just something that makes you go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


The photo in question

Well it just strikes me as odd the photos does not lead to any of her old ads (
Now Nicole is saying that the photo came off an old ad, so we are to believe that some pimp saved the most generic  photo of her ad,  hung on to it for months to years. Now is using it, with most likely a other borrowed photos. Now this is not a game changing photo, the other photos are far more interesting.  

I don't think anyone would know it was her unless you were told it was her.  

Another thing since the photo is not on the internet and as we all know  once it's on the internet it stays there forever. How the hell did they find it? Did she spend the whole day looking thru Backpage ads, to see if her photos are being stolen.  

Now I have to wonder if the is a real problem or a ruse to drum up some business. (529 hits on the post)
Also why hasn't Monika answer any of these posts, why is Nicole answering them?
What interest she have in this ? Now if I am right besides Nicole took some of her photos, isn't she also her booker? Wouldn't more business help both of them financially? It is the Christmas season and things  
get slow.

Just my thoughts on it

i am not at all dishonest, and neither is Monika.
It doesnt matter that you cant find it...its her and NOT the girl who claims to be in the ad.
It IS stolen end of story

You think you are on top of everything and know everything well surprise dont!!!!
I am Monikas friend she answers her own calls books her own appt I dont financially benefit from her business.

But what really blows is an ass like you trying to turn an innocent post with info on stolen pics into Monika and I trying to drum up business.
We are good we dont need to resort to crazy fake posts.
It was a simple informative thread that YOU are trying to turn into something else.
Monika is a very nice girl, really sweet and honest you dont know her so shame on you for trying to blemish this girl.
Youre an ass Lamont a pompous ass...leave her alone you bully!

The only opinion that matter is yours. Heaven forbid if someone has a opinion other then your.  

If they do you get quite nasty with them. (see above post)

So I guess my last question in this matter is to you  

BULLY MUCH???????????????????

making up a story line as you are trying to do is NOT fact thats your own brand of make believe and not at all factual

but whatever...

not bullying just being honest. Do you understand the difference between real and your imagination?everyone is not out to twist things and decieve ppl

you are now being a pain in the ass.
I have no need to lie neither does Monika.
We are just giving a heads up.
She obviously used the pic before because its been stolen off an ad.
She doesnt owe you an explanation.
Give it a rest Sherlock...jeesh!!!!

Have your photographer (or you if you own the copyright to the images) send a DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement to Backpage. They generally respond very quickly (under 30 minutes), and will remove the offending images if you submit a properly worded notice of infringement.

I just simply said be aware ... if she stole my picture she probably is stealing other people's picture. I don't care if its one picture i don't care if its a half of picture. I don't care if it's just a lip pic. lmao

It wasn't hers. I simply just was letting hobbyist know. I am not posting with other motives.  


I just simply said be aware ... if she stole my picture she probably is stealing other people's picture. I don't care if its one picture i don't care if its a half of picture. I don't care if it's just a lip pic. lmao  
It wasn't hers. I simply just was letting hobbyist know. I am not posting with other motives.  

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