
LMAO at this one!~ eomteeth_smile
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 234 reads


When I read the Boston Ad pages there seem to be so many women available, more than I could possibly ever see.  Are there enough hobbyists around to keep all these girls busy?  I'm sure there will be a wide range of answers with some girls saying they are fully booked and some who say things are slow.  

Any comment from the ladies?  Is there any guy who thinks there is a shortage of ladies?  Would be interesting to know.

No provider is going to travel all the way to a city and lose money. If you see the same ladies coming back again and again, then they are making good money.

Now with all the shit that just happened, I think some guys are going to lay low and just see ladies they trust.
It's going to take some time for things to go back to normal around here.

But I could be wrong and I hope I am  wrong bout that last statement.

-- Modified on 2/16/2017 11:51:46 PM

SeasonedAdvice695 reads

In short a "good" provider will always be in demand! For ladies whom operate by the basic principle of this being a service business demand will always be steady. What exactly does that mean?

Keeping your photos fresh, proper advertising and being a decent person to those who select to spend time with you are all critical. Also you should be someone  who really enjoys this hobby and the aspect of exploring and being explored sexually. I have found these principles keep me busy at a steady rate with not only current but new friends. In addition slow is relative. What one lady considers "slow" may be seen as busy by another. I track my demand and have adjusted within reason my professional schedule accordingly.  

All in all ladies must always remember this is a Service sector. Treat others with respect and remember that there are many choices so if a fella is selecting to spend his time with you. Do your best to make him comfortable and has an enjoyable experience.

So true. And once established a provider can be sought after based on her reviews and not if they all read "10, 10." If they are consistent over time and realistic. Where ever there are business travelers there is consistent business year round along with ones regular fan base. Having a "niche" doesn't hurt either. And that can be age bracket, breast size or amount of body hair. The list goes on.

Lamont Cranston,   I travel to NE from time to time.  Your photo is beautiful.  I am wondering if you travel to casinos . MYbe we can meet if I request with plenty of advance notice?

You might get a big surprise.
For today is the day that Lamont comes out to play.
It would not be a Teddy bear picnic.



Lamont is a guy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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