
$1500 to get your booty whipped
Lisa In Portsmouth 3931 reads

Im changing careers

Vicki Nicole5038 reads

OK as some of you know one of my best friends is a porn star named Kendra Jade. She can be seen regularly on Howard Stern show and also on MTV and VH-1 specials. Kendra lives in Los Angeles but is originally from Massachusetts. However Kendra never comes to Boston because she never gets any serious interest from guys here.

(BTW Kendra does NOT take appointments in LA at all) and although you could try booking directly thru kendra at her email, Kendra also RARELY reads much less respond to emails unless it's a email address she recognizes, although she said she might have me start sorting thru her email accounts and respond to guys who are interested in her.

She does occasionally work for a well known national agency, but as they are rumored to be "under investigation" she's laying low as far as they go for a lil while. Besides, they never book her in Boston anyway for some reason.

I do get a lot of emails from guys inquiring about Kendra so eventually Kendra gave me permission to try my hand at direct booking for her although I don't have much experience in that except for booking myself, lol. She's just doing ME a favor though cause I'm interested in management and booking etc... I just don't know if I want to seriously do it or not cause I have no experience in it. She always lets me test my business crap on her, She rocks.

Anyway, I get a lot of emails and inquiries from guys asking "does Kendra ever come to Boston?" and my answer is always NO. She goes to Eastern, MA alot, but that's just to visit family, not business related. I usually go up there to visit her but the last time she came to visit me in Boston was in 2001, she stayed at my place and we just went to a bunch of concerts and stuff.

Anyway I'm trying to get to my point, lol ,.......... I want to have Kendra come here to Boston for a week and I'm almost willing to fly her here myself and have her stay with me and if she got any appointments we could set her up with a incall location or let her take outcall appointments to hotels.

but I gotta know it would be worth it, is there any sort of demand for her in the Boston area at all?

I know that her rates ARE pretty steep ($1,500 an hour) and usually guys paying that much want to go thru a well known agency, but I'm curious to find out if this would be something worth me investing in.

Kendra also has NO reviews because she doesn't ALLOW them and she prefers to fly somewhat under the radar. I'm only posting this on these boards to see if there is any interest in her.

BTW, Kendra is experienced in DOMINATION and prefers those appointments, for those guys who are interested in BDSM.

How many guys in the Boston area would have a serious interest in seeing Kendra if she was in Boston?

I'm posting this in several locations so sorry if you guys see this post a lot.

If you want to see current pictures of Kendra you can go to my website I have pictures of her in my PHOTOS: friends and family section.

-- Modified on 12/17/2003 6:58:02 AM

ProvGuy5335 reads

This would be a VERY foolish "favor" for you to do for Kendra. You see this as doing a favor for Kendra, but it could backfire big time on you and here is why. If you were ever busted on a charge of prostitution(just you), you would be charged with a misdemeanor in the state of MA. For a first offense, go to court and most likely pay a fine around $500 plus attorney fees.
IF however, you "book appointments" for another provider, and get busted, this si now "procuring for the purposes of prostitution" which in MA is a FELONY. COuld result in a fine of at least $5000 PLUS 6 months jail time. Provide a place for Kendra to work from? Another FELONY! Providing a place for the purpose of prostitution. And the kicker? Kendra is charged with a misdemeanor of "unlawful engagement for the purpose of prostitution." Is it fair/ No. But THAT is the law. Whenever you cross the line from "provider" to "manager"; the law in effect looks upon you as a "pimp." Doesnt matter if you are her friend, spouse, parent, whatever. The reason for the felony charge goes back many years as far as the law is concerned and is meant to punish the pimps engaged in "slavery" in terms of transporting women across state lines (or within a state) for the purpose of engaging iin prostitution. Unfortunately for YOU, the law put syou in this same catergory. BE CAREFUL!!! This is a good way for you to be set up.

Vicki Nicole7420 reads

Thank you for that information, i didn't know alot of that. I do want to clarify a few points:

1.) who said anything about prostitution? Dominatrix work is not against the law I don't think. I could be wrong. Kendra does primarily domination as that is her preference.

2.) I'm not doing Kendra a favor, she's doing ME one. I want to get some experience in bookings.

3.) I'm not providing her a place to work from. I said she would be staying with me. She stayed with me last time she came to boston. No appointments would be taken at my place. If she took any appointments it would be either outcall or she'd have a seperate incall location.

-- Modified on 12/17/2003 7:29:59 AM

bono5443 reads

I would definitely be interested in seeing her.  Let us know.

I'm with you Lisa.  If anybody is interested, I will whip their booty for $1200 and do a really fine job.  Further, I believe in UNDERPRICING  --- I will not be undersold. I'll whip your ass and you willl enjoy it.   MY name is HarryLime,  Come on down!

There is a small albeit interesting discussion on the porn star board relative to the cost of spending time with a porn star.  I personally find it, at least for me, difficult to justify a rate of more than 3 times what a great travelling or local girl receives.  I know that there is something different about spending time with someone you can see on video but it just, in my opinion, add up to $1500 per hour.

I may be very much in the minority on this one but I would not spend that much money for an hour session.

With all of that said, Kendra appears to be very appealing and I wish you and her well with the trip.

Vicki Nicole4337 reads

LOL actually you aren't in the minority, most people think porn star rates are crazy high

from what i understand the ones who have the highest rates don't want a large quantity of guys so that make their rates exorbitantly high so that only the extremely wealthy or their BIGGEST fans will see them.

Personally, I'm gonna see if Kendra will make a deal for the guys in Boston for the week she is in town, like maybe if I can get 10 guys to agree to see her that week, maybe she will, I dunno, this girl gets paid over $10,000 for a overnight so I'm not sure if I can pursuade her, lol, but maybe she will for the chance to hang out and have fun with me, I'm actually thinking of having her come in March, when Britney Spears has her concerts so we can go to those concerts during that time

anyway, the point is
I understand

I forwarded Kendra all of your feedback and she called me a hour ago (4 in the morning, homegirl needs to get better hours)
and wanted me to post her response.
She is performing in Indiana this week and She doesn't have her laptop with her so she could only see partials of the email forwards I sent her thru her CELL PHONE, lol

Before I post her response I should mention that Kendra is not going INDEPENDANT at all, she's just letting me test my business skills out on her as a favor to ME.
I asked HER to let me do some booking for her, and she always lets me do this kinds of stuff cause I get curious as to how it works. So my original postings on this board were done on my own accord and NOT at her request.

I just wanted to mention that,

personally I'm extremely sensitive and I don't want to hurt anyones feelings, so i edited the post, didn't change anything, Just removed a few paragraphs.
Besides it was rather lengthy and all the extra info wasn't needed.

ok here is kendra's response, keep in mind that my dictation skills are a lil rusty:

"I choose to see the gentlemen who have a strong urge to see ME specifically, not someone who is looking for any PornStar Experience. The people who really want to see ME are willing to pay my rate and I enjoy spending time with those type of gentlemen fans of mine.

Also it is important to note that I refuse to see anyone a second time who writes a review because I like to keep this private.

If someone wants to know whether I do this, that or the other thing then they need to pay my rate and come see me.

I'm a very private girl who does have a private life outside of my "extra" work and I live a normal life and don't want everyone reading about it.

I do know for a fact that I have seen quite a few people from TER and TBD who have respected my wishes and NOT posted reviews on the boards and in return I have seen them time and time again.
I appreciate the advice and feedback but I am quite happy with my rate and it works for me
oh and by the way if you ever decide to take the chance and see me I'm sure you wont be disappointed.

Anyway so anyone who wants to book Kendra for Boston thru me, I can give you a password to a private website with more information.

-- Modified on 12/18/2003 7:41:01 AM

bono5643 reads

Vicky, I would love to see her in Boston...when do you think that you'd be able to get her to fly in?

Vicki Nicole3591 reads

well I'm thinking April for a week or two.
Specifically the week that Britney Spears has two concerts in the area. Anyone who reads the DIARY on my website can tell you I'm A HUGE Britney Spears fanatic.

So that gives everyone a long time to save their pennies right?

So anyway I want Kendra to come that week,
the last time she was here to visit me in 2001, we went to a bunch of NYSYNC and OTOWN concerts with my lil sister and her lil sisters, and it was so much fun, lol

back then I didn't know about these boards or I would have set up some bookings for her then.

oh the dates of the Britney Spears concerts are:



bono4742 reads

I'll start saving now....

JustMeWriting5570 reads

For $1500, I am sure that unless you are an absolute devoted fanatic of hers you will very likely be disappointed.  No experience, IMHO, can possible be worth that kind of money.  I am sure that she has plenty of fans that keep her very happy and comfortable, but I could not think of anyone that I would ever pay that kind of money for.  Just my opinion.  But she is pretty hot.

Of course there is a big difference between the guys who pay $1500 and those who pay $500.  It is $1,000. Nothing wrong with being greedy, but let's not pretend it is anything else.


Oh PA>>lease!!!!! my goodness.. way to full of herself...Things must be slow in the Porn business if she had to come down the ladder....she makes herself look bad with all that nonsense I wont see this and I wont see that and you have to be pretty stupid to pay $1500 for a bleep..she should keep her trap shut and let this nice lady Vicki screen and organize..then she wouldnt have had to make her self look like a princess..hahahah a porn star???? The way she acts she thinks shes Pamela Anderson

Vicki Nicole6761 reads

Thanks for the compliment babe, so this brings up a good question,
is there any female worth $1,500 a hour in you guys mind.
For instance say pamela anderson or j.lo

What girl would be your ultimate fantasy hobbyist experience?
and what would you be willing to pay for that encounter?

JustMeWriting4494 reads

No one would be to me.  Because you know that whoever it is will never be as good as you imagine it to be.  I can have a much better time with a good, regular provider or even my wife than some porn star.

What I meant in a nicer way is...she is an amazing looking women..but the mystery is it puts alot of guys off contacting her including the ones she would like to see...your a great girl and everyone knows and respects you and your opinions here on the boards....If she is willing to have to do all the ground work with weeding out and verifying she cant go wrong but that post you put was such a made her look like she thinks shes royalty and way better then the guys on here that you are trying to attract..sorry for the rude words i have that rep and I need to shut up..

sorry I seem to have missed a few words in the post above...if she is willing to allow you to weed out and verify she would be better off.

Vicki Nicole3488 reads

No No, I actually agree the post sounded kind of demeaning to hobbyist even though I know that is not what she meant to do, but I should have mentioned that I got a letter from a person who posts on the Pornstar board and she was answering things directly related to him.

I shoulda edited out the details that were meant specifically for him cause taken out of the context of his letter, it looked kinda self absorbed.

But anyway thanks, I will stil be trying to do the screening and stuff, even though I think i need some pointers on public relations, lol

Vicki Nicole4171 reads

Hmmm I don't think it's a matter of greed although I'm sure most girls who are in this business will admit money does fit somewhere in there.

but specifically, I think in this case if it was about greed she would lower her rates to $800 and see the largest quantity of clients possible. She could make ALOT more money doing that but that's not something Kendra would enjoy so she doesn't.

Anyway here's another pic since you guys seem to enjoy them, lol

-- Modified on 12/18/2003 7:20:21 AM

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