Re: Is this it
danteposh See my TER Reviews 3030 reads

Similar, but my bag has flow switch and more girth in the nozzle head..

As usual, I tend to pick up fun and interesting toys, like this item here.. There is a historical background to this toy, and I am very happy that I now have my hands on this relic..

Do you know what it is?  What it's purpose is?  How it's used??  :)

Dante Posh

I love new toys! But is it just me, or is the photo not showing? Whomp:(

odd.. it shows on my screen not only in the post, but when I go directly to the URL.. So, it's definitely on my server..

Anyways, for those not sure what it is, it's called a JBL (Joy Beauty Life)  syringe/bag.. It's one of those lovely beauty quackery items that can bring on alot of fun for those that want to get a high enema.  It's 6 qts capacity and to administer, you have to sit on it.. think a whoopie cushion, but alot more vulgar!


-- Modified on 10/25/2012 3:33:46 PM

Similar, but my bag has flow switch and more girth in the nozzle head..

I will note - buyer beware on that site you listed..  While I am familiar with them and purchased from them at conventions (where you can see and get on the spot the products they sell) I took a chance and ordered from them this past August on-line for a video shoot that was to take place in September and I had a horrible experience.

Lump sum - bad/no communication and when I did get my order, it was not fulfilled fully.  While waiting for them to contact me about the refund of my money (which they ended up doing), I ended up going through another vendor called Medical Toys (who heard about my plight via social media and who I have many positive experiences with) to get the rest of my order.  I will note, they had the JBL and it was informed to me (and I confirmed via  a google) that the bag is available via Krystra, who I believe was the original manufacturer of the bag..

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