Re: I enjoy relieving stress when able!
godofredus666 42 Reviews 2971 reads

Caitlyn - too bad you are in San Francisco and I am in Chicago.  You are the type of woman I would like to get to know, both physically and intellectually.  And I understand exactly what you mean about trust.  But maybe sometime our stars will cross in a good direction.

In what context do you enjoy it and why?

I do not mind slapping any willing subject in the face when agreed upon limits prior to play!

Me, I am looking for a sub who enjoys receiving a slap.  Slap not a punch.

I have only done this a few times with guys I TRULY trust and have seen many times etc...

I usually love it especially with choking at the dame time while I am being fucked too

but again I would NEVER do these things with just any guy..... I would have to have a extensive ongoing experiences with this person.... the trust has to be there.... the connection etc

Caitlyn - too bad you are in San Francisco and I am in Chicago.  You are the type of woman I would like to get to know, both physically and intellectually.  And I understand exactly what you mean about trust.  But maybe sometime our stars will cross in a good direction.

Who knows lol

maybe some day you will find a reason to come here lol

I am flattered by your compliment :)

I have not been to Chicago since I was 18 lol

now if I had a REALLY great reason to come back lol

if you ever want to chat in the meantime sir, you are welcome to email me :)

the good slut

BobB633141 reads

Interesting question because the first submissive feelings towards a woman that I recall involved a school teacher who did this. She would stand up, call a boy by name and tell them to come up and get their face slapped. When they got there she would take a good swing and give them one hard slap across one cheek before sending them back to their seats with one cheek slightly redder than the other.

If you are thinking that this looked like great fun to me and something I would enjoy, then you don't understand how masochism works. I remember being mesmerized by the ritual but if it sexually aroused me at the time I have no memory of it. She was a very beautiful woman but having her call my name to come forward was probably the most terrifying thought that had ever entered my mind at that young age.

I don't know how these things work but some time during the next school year another teacher made a joking reference to spanking on the bare bottom and it was like some dark force seized me and wouldn't let go. It felt like some voice was telling me that I was sadly mistaken if I thought I had escaped the previous year's torment without getting slapped by that dreadful teacher. I was to report back to her for not one but many slaps on some other bared cheeks. The very idea was ten times more dreadful than my original fears but there were extremely pleasant side effects in the imagining of it and I couldn't resist them. So my first submissive fantasy was born.

As for whether a submissive client would "enjoy" this or not, I don't think that is necessarily the right question to ask. I would most definitely give you permission to slap my face and knowing you were willing to do it would definitely enhance my submissive feelings towards you. I think it would probably work best if you had an actual reason to do it, like not listening closely enough to something you said (the very best reason, for me, I think). As to actually taking pleasure in the physical act, the only time I've ever felt pleasure in pain in real time was when I felt the other's person's pleasure in giving it. So for me it would really boil down to whether YOU enjoy it or not.

and in the context it was delivered, it was fairly traumatic as childhood traumas go, so I don't think I would want to relive it, though I'm very open to pain being inflicted on other areas, notably the back.

Nevertheless, I have one close UTR favorite who has on occasion asked me to slap her face while in the throes of sexual union as she says this helps her to get off, or at least increases the pleasure for her.  The strange thing is that this act interests her as she was repeatedly abused in this manner by various family members when she was a preteen, so you'd think that she would avoid the trauma, but there you are.

I don't particulaly care to do this with her, but I go along with it for her sake.

The interesection of pain, pleasure, and psychology is a bizzare one, that's for sure.

BobB632232 reads

Posted By: mrfisher

so you'd think that she would avoid the trauma, but there you are.
I have often wondered about this myself. With pain-avoidance being the "normal" reaction why is it that  some people (myself included) become addicted to reliving painful memories. I have been thinking more and more lately that this isn't purely a psychological problem but that it also has a physical component - like a short-circuit resulting in sending signals down the wrong path. I was watching a news item about a new way of dealing with post-traumatic stress which involves a shot in the neck with a drug that was previously used to treat menopause in women (if my memory serves me right) which tended to confirm my theory. If there was such a "cure", for these things I wonder how many would take it. After a while you get addicted to the orgasms associated with and it would be hard to conceive of life without them.

Nevertheless, I think it's very gentlemanly of you to allow a woman to slap your face to help get her off.

So, I'm not sure if the gentlemanly mantle fits in that case.

I suppose if a gal needed to slap my face to get herself off, and I really, really liked her, I'd give it a shot, but as it stands right now, I don't think that would be doing anything to lift my libido.  But who knows?  I didn't think whipping my back with a crop would do much for me, but then I gave that a shot and found I liked it.

Live and learn.

Nevertheless, it is what it is.  Interestingly, and coincidentally, I saw said gal yesterday, and she neither asked for nor did I inquire about the face slapping, so maybe she is done with that, which if so, I will be quite relieved and grateful.

We all have our kinks, and sometimes we grow out of them.

As for the pain avoidance, I think that it is the dopamines that mascohists get hooked on.  These self generated  substances seek to soften the pain, and act like a narcotic, thus hooking us on pain.  There is probably a psychological compenent to the desire for pain also (As in the case of my friend above.), and the two combined can create the need for some pretty intense pain sessions, much to the delight of Sadists everywhere.

God doesn't shut a door without opening a window.

When someone wants right in my face, little slaps on the fleshy part of my cheek while holding the other side of my head, it is about the only time I find it interesting and engaging.  It still smarts, is still confrontational, but I can be there in that situation with a person.

Big slaps, the no holding the head, the baseball swing arm face slaps are dangerous, you can get hit in the eye, on the ear, get your head whip lashed, there is just so much that can go wrong.

the only time I really did it, the guys did small slaps not big hard ones.... I really like the face slapping in combo with the choking while I am on top... I really get GUSHINGLY wet! lol

As the famous dommes I have seen here could tell explain: Slapping can be exciting but has to be done just right.  A dom(me) sitting across a sub and staring in his/her eyes and getting serviced and staring in the eyes and slapping if the sub's perfomrance is not being done exactly right can make the situation exciting if: 1) The slaps are done in a safe manner.  The sub's head must be secured in place by hand or thigh so that there is no neck movement or neck strain and the slap(s) need to be on the fleshy part of the cheek.  2) The dom(me) must know how hard they should be to bring the right kind of sensation to get attention but not be too much . 3) The dom(me) must know how the sub will react and how he/she feels about slapping.  Will the experience be enhanced or made unpleasant. 4) like everything else during a session, the timing must be right, too early and it breaks the flow, to late in the process and it is just silly.

....sometimes I really enjoy just being used, humiliated, told what to do in whatever order and face slapping really helps doesn't it?! lol
I'm usually more dominant so the force & aggression behind it turns me on. Aggressive but not angry (nothing leaving anything bruised, swollen or bleeding) .....I think I like it in the context of giving a bj the most.... certain roleplay scenarios.

I enjoy being on either end, whether dishing out punishment or being on the receiving end due to my own error in following directions/responding appropriately, etc.  I enjoy the variety of emotional/physical responses brought about by me slapping a sub (crying/ shrinking away) and I appreciate the correction when I have to take it.  I also enjoy the pain & humiliation.  My mother always said one of the most disrespectful things you could do to someone was to slap them in the face.  Hmmm, maybe ;)

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